xDuoo TA-26 Tube Rolling Questions!

Tried finding 6n5p tubes, i can’t really find any, there ain’t many options. Is there other names for it?

US-type 6AS7G or soviet type 6N13S

What do you recommend?

edit: that article has lists of tubes and sound signatures.

Do you know an article where people did tube rolling for the 6sn7 tubes? On the TA-26?

that article has a list of tubes they use for both sockets.

i have not tried this tube, but it is highly regarded for the power tube socket on the ta-26(not specifically the 26, just in general). might give you a point of basis to search off of to see if the tube is right for you.

edit: your collection of 6sn7 tubes will work on the pre-amp(front tube). if you dont have one you like, it is the cheaper socket to roll with more options available as a lot of amps use that tube as a pre-amp(lots of hybrids and full otl’s)

I bought these, are these okay?

they should be. most tubes are good. avoid most chinese tubes and you are usually good. chinese tubes are cheap, but in my experience, not the best.

ultimately, you can spend a lot of money on tubes if you go down the rabbit hole. there are many, many tubes, for each socket typically. though as time progresses, the options begin to dwindle as tubes 100% have a shelf limit and filaments burn up. getting any NoS tubes now, rather then later, that you are interested in, is a good idea imo.

edit: rca tends to almost always be a solid choice. some of the highest quality from back in the day.

The Sino one i bought is Chinese is it okay? Or is it going to be badly made and sound really bad? I bought a pair, I think it’s going to be pretty good since it is offered in multiple websites. It’s on Tube Depot and the tube store!

i wouldnt worry. tube depot doesnt sell crap.

There is a review for it lol
Well it’s not a review nevermind lol

you should be fine. even if there isnt much of a difference, it gives you a backup for if the tube dies down the road. having a spare never hurts as just like a lightbulb, you never know when that filament might break.

edit: and the tube world loves NoS tubes. that includes many current production models that come with NoS tubes you may or may not be able to find easily.

Should i switch the stock tube with the Sino right away or wait till the stock tube to go bad?

i would personally switch. because i like trying out new toys lol. try it out, just cause he didnt hear a difference, doesnt mean there isnt one. if it sounds the same, pack it back up for a rainy day. or use it and pack up the stock one.

edit: one thing i will say. get some foam. foam is cheap. poke holes where the pins are and use it as a cover on the pins. will help slow down corrosion over time if you plan on keeping things for 20+ years. if you dont think you will, dont worry about it. someone else’s problem lol.

I will probably switch it to the Sino and leave it

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id probably do the same. i dont have any stock tubes in any of my tube or hybrid amps, and i got about a half dozen of them.

edit: but this is a very subjective hobby. one mans tastes are another mans horrors. so i try to guide people i help versus telling them do this.

I also got these from what the tube rolling page you shared me

those are both good tubes. i have those ones and can attest to them.

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I am probably going to use the RCA and Sino together first, since i got a pair of the RCA

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You should buy the tube i posted in the beginning of my post, i am using it on my Lyr3 and it sound so amazing, it’s worth checking out! FR!

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