Your Top 5 IEMs right now that you are using?

This one is on my IEM wish list after seeing the glowing review by Akros. :+1:

  1. Penon Quattro
  2. QDC FITEAR SuperiorEX
  3. 7hz Aurora
  4. 7hz FIVE
  1. Mega5est 7th anniversary
  2. Supermix 4
  3. Studio 4
  4. CKLVX D41
  5. EA1000

Mega5est gets the most time. Supermix 4 is second


anyone with shozy B2 ?

Please tell me where you got that cable for the Kato. :pray::pray::pray:

With no excact order, most used last weeks:

  • 634ears LOAK2-TX02 Black Persimmon
  • CFA Fathom
  • CFA Cascara
  • Alpha Omega Omega


I have had a bit of a shakeup, but this has been a great summer for IEMs.

This is my top 4

  • ZiiGaat Doscinco - I think the Doscinco or Cincotres should be in every collection, depending on your tuning preferences.
  • Aful Explorer - I know these are too dark for some, but I think they are the best value on the market right now. If you find tips that give some treble, these are really special, and the timber is very natural.
  • Mangird Xenns Tea 2 - this is basically a darker Doscinco
  • Mangird Tea - The OG is special, and it is hard to explain without just saying it is nearly tuned flat, it still has good bass that digs deep and the stage and imaging is better than anything I currently own.

I only picked 4 for now, but I assume that both the FatFreq x HBB Deuce and Ziigaat x Jays Audio Estrella are going to be in the mix over the next month or two.

Honorable mentions ( all under $100 )

  • Artti R1 - an $80 3DD that is my favorite warm set
  • Tripowin Kailua - these must be on clearance, they have been $29 for nearly two months. They are very good at everything, have solid bass, and were a bargain at $80. The R1 might be better at rock, but the Kailua is an all arounder.
  • Letshuoer s08 - If you get one planar this is my first pick, the OG P1 Max is the second. They flatter treble offsets the brightness that planars bring, and it makes them way less sibilant than the Timeless or S12 tuning.

I also need a category for top flatheads ( Riku was right )

  • Rikubuds Grand Rider 1 - warm neutral with great stage
  • Rikubuds Grand Berserker 2 - a dark L-shaped.
  • Qian39 - possibly the best value in audio, small shell, with some extra bass, scales well for $15
  • Yincrow X6 - warm bass boosted around $12

I enjoy nearly all of the Faaeal flatheads too Iris Ancestor might be my favorite, but you can’t go wrong with any of them.

This list will also have some shake up with an upcoming Riku order, but I am trying to decide which gen3 models I want, and it is really am I ordering 2 or 3.


My current top 5 personal audio gear:

  • Tansio Mirai X - audiofoolery and bass (replaced all my cheaper, technical leaning IEMs. Earbuds replaced the ones with more relaxed tuning* :wink: )
  • Sony WF-1000XM5 - convenience outside and a good reason to learn PEQ
  • Rikubuds Grand Alter Saber 3 - warmish neutral you can listen fatigue free for hours (and it still delivers very satisfying amount of detail without overdoing things - see Serratus)
  • TGXEar Red Serratus - fun and engaging (just too much at times)
  • Faaeal Rosemary / Iris 2.0 - my personal contenders to “I want something cheap and I’m out of here” recs.

*I went through +10 different IEMs in less than a year, sold last 2 few days ago. There is still this one backup Shozy P20; Dunu Alpha 3, Fiio FF3S, beater Engine 4 and a few cheap flatheads.


I have a FiiO KA11 and with a couple cheap sets, Iris Ancestor and the KBear Stellar ( I bought a 5 pack of those for $20 ). They are also my go anywhere buds.

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Still loving my TSMR X. Really fun, solid set. I definitely see some Rikubuds in my near future, just want to hear a few of them before deciding, to get the right tuning.


It’s been a while and my top 5 has changed quite a bit:

  1. Cadenza4: neutral with bass boost - clean, works great with SS20 tips
  2. Azul: neutral - smooth
  3. Hi-Fri Aphex: V shape - fun
  4. QKZ x HBB: my new favorite budget set
  5. Creative Aurvana Ace2: TWS set for TWS needs
  1. 7hz Aurora
  2. QDC FitEar Superior EX
  3. Tago t3-02
  4. Penon Serial
  5. Shanling ME600


Bit of an update

  1. Mext
  2. Explorer
  3. S08
  4. Variations
  5. Pilgrim

It’s mostly been the first three, Variations I pick up every now and then but rarely
Pilgrim is mostly ignored since it’s 4.4mm and my desktop and M300 only take 3.5mm along with being too lazy to whip out ifi go blu everytime


3.5mm crew :muscle:


4.4mm takes too much commitment for me lmao


Chord Mojo keeps me in 3.5mm gang too.


My top 5 right now:-

Nostalgia Audio Camelot
Ice Labs Prismatica
AFUL Cantor
Alpha Omega Ra
I/O Volare

Special mention to Eminent Ears Ruby.

These are always on rotation for me <3

  1. DUNU Glacier :1st_place_medal: :white_check_mark:
  2. Estrella :notes: :ok_hand:
  3. IE600 :purple_heart:
  4. DTE900 :man_cartwheeling:
  5. EA1000 :hear_with_hearing_aid:

Wow, nice to see Estrella punching above it’s weight class there :eyes:


I know your primarily metal but if you had to pick one for electronic music, good mid bass punch for techno and sub bass, what you choosin