šŸ”¶ ZiiGaat Doscinco

Haha, same problem I have. Most of my sets became moot. Belive it or not since I got them (5th Feb) I listened to them almost exclusively just a few times I did short comparisons with other sets ending in: I ban thee back in the drawer!


Very nice!!! Yup, that is a problem with themā€¦ Once you enter the Doscinco to bass slam heaven, there is simply no coming back :laughing:

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Well, I cancelled my Doscinco orderā€¦ not because of buyerā€™s remorse, but because I saw there was a countdown for Choice Day coupon codes on AE, which has just gone live. I didnā€™t know if they would only be for Choice items, but it seems not - managed to bag Ā£25 off, so only Ā£185 after coupon and coins. So heads up everybody, if you were waiting for a discount, thereā€™s one available now :slight_smile:


But there is the 20% tax right? Still cheaper to buy directly from linsoul which will cost Ā£212.55.

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Thanks for mentioning this! Iā€™ve never been hit with any fees when ordering from AE before, beyond the VAT AE charges for orders under Ā£135, but now Iā€™ve looked into it it seems youā€™re right; you should and certainly could be asked to pay VAT, as well as other charges. There have been quite a few orders >Ā£135 in recent times I could have been asked to pay fees on, but never have.

No idea if Iā€™ve just been lucky, or if the small and light packages of IEMs are more likely to pass through customs unchecked, or if the AE stores are doing some dark arts and declaring them in unscrupulous ways without me realising - probably all of the above. But itā€™s definitely good to know in advance what could happen, as it means itā€™s good to be cautious ordering anything too expensive where the fees could really add up if you get stung.

Like ordering anything overseas, I guess itā€™s a gamble. One question, does the same not apply to Linsoul though? Iā€™ve never ordered from Linsoul but have ordered quite a few IEMs from Penon Audio which I assume is similar, each time paid Ā£8 for express shipping and then never have paid any taxes and fees. Still comes through Royal Mail so itā€™s not like itā€™s all handled by private courier. I would have thought that these nominal shipping fees the company takes wouldnā€™t exempt from VAT and customs fees.

(Sorry this isnā€™t exactly on-topic - itā€™s good to know though!)


Iā€™ve never been charged any tax/duties from AliExpress (Iā€™m in Canada).

Also, I received my Doscincoā€™s (also from AliExpress - no extra fees). Havenā€™t had a chance to do a real analytical listen but they are impressive IMO.


Also in Canada, and this is my experience with AliExpress as well, never had to pay taxes as they have a whole delivery network set up that gets around customs every single time.

The only issue that can arise with AliExpress is when you need to do a return or an exchange, as there is definitely a language barrier and a run around with the return process. Iā€™m literally going to the post office right now to return / exchange and defective and glitchy Shanling UA5 DAC that was purchased on AliExpress. Luckily the seller has been really great, he has been using a translator to communicate with me. I ended up making photo and picture diagrams to communicate the issue with him :joy:


Linsoul seems to work the same way as AliExpress and use their own, Chinese Dark Arts Silk Road courrier service. I literally had them ship me things the same way that AE and HiFiGo has in the past, and no fees for me here in Canada.


Definitely the best and most fail proof method of communication with them.


:rofl: yeah tell me about it. It worked at least, but this was my first time receiving a faulty item off AE and it was a birthday gift from my brother, itā€™s just been a massive headache.

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Good track for a brain massage with the Doscinco: https://youtu.be/el4xoeoB0GY?si=yq4nOL5t1NDFf-DE


More good tracks with doscinco :drooling_face:


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Edited cross-post from Head-FI: Quick update to say my Doscincos arrived today :slight_smile: Have put them in my ears briefly but am pretty busy over the next few days so will need a week or so to come back with full impressions. Initial thoughts:

  • The bass is certainly great - amazing for the price. Surprisingly however, Iā€™m not sure if itā€™s better than my Tansio Mirai X Anniversary, although I havenā€™t done any direct comparisons yet. So while likely a benchmark for the price, I wouldnā€™t assume these kill your preferred basshead set just yet.
  • Having had my brain burned in to Penon IEMs recently, I think Iā€™m glad I went for the Doscincos with their fuller sound signature rather than Cincotres. If anything I could currently do with bringing the lower mids forward even further, but that might change after I dePenonise my brain. These are definitely a set which prioritise bass over mids and treble, but neither mids nor treble are lacking which is a relief. The mids are very pleasantly smooth, which might well come from the Sonion BAs.
  • I definitely prefer these to my Canon IIā€™s when comparing stock tunings. Having been using my Canon IIā€™s with a Doscinco auto EQ profile for a while, however, I did a quick comparison of Doscinco vs Canon II EQā€™d to Doscinco and it was quite close. Bass is still better on the Doscinco and overall it sounds a little smoother and more cohesive, but the Canons are over 90% of the way there. So while the 2x DD tech definitely does bring an advantage, early impressions are that itā€™s not a revelatory difference vs a good single DD bass.

These are extremely early impressions and a lot could change as I take some proper time to compare sets across more of my library though! Most comparisons will be with the Canon II and the TSMR-X. Initial impression is that these are a top recommendation if you want a basshead set which is relatively warm and laidback under $300, but if you have a reasonable collection already with a basshead IEM or two, I wouldnā€™t assume your collection is desperately lacking without them.


Short and sweetā€¦for the moneyā€¦Doscinco :pinched_fingers:


I have both Cinco and Dos, Iā€™m definitely in camp Doscincoā€¦ more natural tuning, closer to the musicā€¦ Some sets you know are keepers, after rewards and that holiday discountā€¦210 bucks is silly good.


Listening to mine right now, so good, subwoofers in my ears :smirk:

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Regarding the Doscico vs. Cincotres choice. If I am a big fan of Harman and QDC tunings and my library is represented by:

Which of the two new Ziigaat IEMs would be a better fit for me?

I have dongles a plenty (RU-6, Moonriver 2Ti, L&P W1, etc.) to get the right synergy.

Aside: I am quite the Fender Jazz bass fan. :sunglasses: Bernard Edwards and Peter Hook being the exceptions. Lol!
No surprise I play a Fender Jazz.

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Cino is much more similar to harman (mid-bass dip, upper mids peak)

Dos would be closer to qdc although not as close as cino is to harman.

The weeb stuff you linked should be better wih the Cino tuning though (judging solely by graph).




One more question/request, how do the Ziigaat Twins compare/contrast to the Penon Serial?

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