šŸ”¶ ZiiGaat Doscinco

Been listening to these since I got on Sunday (listening to them now actually), just havenā€™t had time to put words on paper as work has been keeping me insanely busy. Iā€™d like to give some more cohesive impressions, but if you like bass these are SO worth it. Even though the bass presence is absolutely, it is after all the main event here, the mids and trebles sit extremely nicely in within the mix. Vocals are never overshadowed or lacking, everything is just well balanced, and it all scales extremely well with the volume. Staging and separation are also great, nothing to complain about in these departments. Yes the set is definitely on the warmer side, but thatā€™s to be expected with the big bass, and I like how ā€˜comfyā€™ yet hard hitting the sound profile / tuning is. As an owner of the IKKO OH10S and the Thieaudio HYPE 2, I do not regret purchasing these to add some variety to my fun & bass collection, and Iā€™d buy them again in a heartbeat if I had to.

Oh yeah, the included ear tips were all too small for me and I have currently settled on the Spinfit W1, they are an awesome pairing with these.

Ask me any specific questions that you guys might have about these. Even though Iā€™m not super technical I love my music and Iā€™ll try to reply to the best of my ability.


how do they compare to hype2?


Holy crap, these are amazing!! My initial impression is similar to a Tea2 with just a bit more depth to the bass.

Thanks for the hard rec @thoohil


Iā€™ll do a proper side by side listen as soon as I get some time, but they obviously have more bass in quantity, accuracy, and slam. The HYPE 2 is a little more ā€˜neutralā€™ and I would say have a little bit of a larger soundstage / have more openess, but the difference isnā€™t huge. HYPE 2 definitely has that signature Thieaudio flatness to the mids, while the treble has more, I suppose ā€˜airā€™ would be the best word. I would describe the Doscinco as the more ā€˜funā€™ sounding of the two, and thatā€™s saying a lot because I find the HYPE 2 to be a really entertaining IEM. Both a very smooth and easy to listen to, and I enjoy owning both and just switching them up, tons of fun and thatā€™s really what is the most important to me when it comes to IEMs.


Arenā€™t they though?! Such a good set, they are so much fun to listen too :grin:


Yes true ear blasters


Spot on :sunglasses::muscle:

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I did like Tea2 except for the bad bass quality. Is it any better on Doscinco?


I think thereā€™s a loooot of people waiting for them to arrive (myself included! :grin:


Damn now Iā€™m torn between Doscinco or Cincotres


I like the Doscinco a lot, and think the bass is really good. It has slam and scales well too.

I am surprised the bass quality was your complaint on the Tea2. Maybe the quantity relative to the treble, since it was V shaped compared the OG Tea.


I am tempted to buy the Cincotres too.

I have the Cinno, which is basically a low pinna version of the original tea. It isnā€™t quite the same sound quality, but it is a very good vocal set.


Itā€™s a toss-up so far, leaning towards Cincotres for now but Iā€™m waiting for a bit before I buy it since I wanna try quintet first


Itā€™s a toss up for me as well,HBB was saying how nice the slam was on the Cin,like you saidā€¦will just keep on waiting to hear what peeps say. Not jumping into anything too quickly these days


Thatā€™s absolutely the same reason Iā€™m 50/50 rn, I exclusively go off of HBB for all my bass needs lol

Iā€™d jump quickly but diving right into Project M has me locked in, told myself if I spend above 300 on something again Iā€™m locked till 11.11 so there goes any other iem


The Project is a pricey 1+1 . I havenā€™t heard one from them yet.


Yeah they are, I will admit I was between doscinco/cinco but then I saw how pretty it was and by the time I was conscious again, it just said my email just said thanks for your order.

So weā€™ll see how that purchase goes lol. Iā€™m really maxing out on irresponsibility


Read this last night and it was the straw that broke the camelā€™s back, ordered them straight afterwards. Have woken up this morning with no regrets. Thanks so much for sharing your experience, canā€™t wait for them to arrive!


Iā€™m glad to hear it, and youā€™re very welcome :grin:. Iā€™m positively sure that you will enjoy the heck out of them.


Just got em. Yep they slam like nothing Iā€™ve ever heard! And plenty of sub-bass too! :metal::metal:

Listening to this on them is such a treat!

Edit: one problem though is they will make all your other IEMs sound like they donā€™t have bass anymore so watch out! Buy at your own risk!!

Bass here also hits so nicely!! :grin:

Edit2: and wow the isolation is actually very good so yep these just became my new gym IEMs :relieved: