šŸ”¶ 7HZ Timeless Planar

So, been going through your song list. I am not comparing to a leaner headphone in the bass. Just trying the tracks out. The bass on these is definitely very present. It sounds like the BGGAR target is a bit too much bass for you. I personally love it and find this list shows off what the timeless can do.

FYI, bass reducer eq on Qudelix cleans this right up. And I can completely understand where you are coming from, the bass moves to the background instead of being the feature of the songs.

What ifi product are you on?

FYI: Dunu Zen may be a ridiculously good target for you. Takes down the bass sonics a bit while kicking up the slam and texture. Lean and clean. It does roll off the upper treble.

Nor was I. As a kinda frame of reference for the bass I really enjoy, i was using my Dekoni Blue with Dekoni Platinum pads, just to get that frame of reference of what I really enjoy. I like nice, warm and full sound while being clean. Nothing too sterile, just not bloated or overly sharp. I like hearing everything on a more equal level where you donā€™t get one thing sounding like itā€™s overpowering everything else.

I tend not to use an EQ on anything but my truck stereo. Gotta drive about an hour just to get to work every day, and the music helps me deal with any road rage from all the morons on the road.

ifi Zen DAC v1

Thatā€™s a little too rich for my wallet right now. Hell, that might be more then I spent on my computer all together when I built it.

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Very well done!
Highly informative NON-Biased Review.
Thank you!


The dekoni blue has less bass? I was thinking about picking up a pair.

Me too. I experiment with stuff like this but it otherwise remains off.

For me it keeps me capable of dealing with young children. ;p

Yeah, I dove in head first. I love the Zen but I skipped so much fun stuff. Things like the timeless. Right now I have a mele incoming. Need to hear more variety.


I wouldnā€™t say that, more that itā€™s more plesant. Besides, they really respond to a pad swap. Want more bass, and something like ZMF oval sheepskin work great. Just be ready to feed them some powa.

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18 posts were merged into an existing topic: IEM discussion thread

So Iā€™ve had a pair of Timeless now for several days. I really dig this IEM. Itā€™s my first planar, and I am thoroughly enjoying the quality of the lows especially. I did some tip rolling, and settled on a wider open single flange from old UE earphones like the TF10. Also swapped out to a Dunu modular cable (so I could switch sources quickly). Between the cable and the more open tips, and running if off the L&P W2, itā€™s really showing some fantastic details and layering. The stage is a tad flat front-to-back, but that was expected reading up on the comments in here. But itā€™s not nearly as bad as I was afraid ofā€¦ I was cringing while waiting for delivery, thinking it would be totally nonexistent, but thatā€™s really not the case in my experience so far.


Was paying some attention to layering a day back, and i can also say its pretty good.
Here are couple good tracks to hear the layering.

Unlike technically inferior iems in which choir tends to sound as a single voice with echo/reverb like effect, you can really tell that its multiple voices with the timeless.


Hi there.

IMHO, IEMā€™s reviews and discussions can be misleading or pointless when there is no tracking or mention of the tips used. Besides graphs, technical comments and the fact that not two people have the same hearing, we are tuning gear differently and getting different results.
I think it would be great if people get use to indicate which tips are using when they talk about how an IEM sounds to them. It would be helpful

Thank you all


My timeless finally came in (yay!) and I got to say, as a consumer this storage case is complete overkill. I love it. As a machinistā€¦Iā€™m disappointed in the edges of the box when open. Theyā€™re all sharp when open, when closed you canā€™t feel them at all. I know Iā€™m just being nitpicky at this point but itā€™s a part of my job lol. First impressions to come.


Just a heads up, my right unit timeless mmcx connector has definitely gone bad. Since I ordered from amazon hifigo store, the easiest thing to do is return it as defective. Amazon handles the support for it and that is how they deal with it.

I even contacted hifigo and they told me to go through amazon.

I am now down 2 iems due to MMCX. Should I take a hint?


Sanding the edges of the box a bit was the second thing after unboxing.

Got Timeless for myself. Itā€™s extremely good for my taste. The presentation is beautiful with powerful punchy lower end, midrange is lovely with beautiful vocals, treble portion has a smooth tuning. I loved the included carry case with the set. Planning on buying another unit just for the sake of this carry case.(Current case is now being in control of my wife lol).


and tbh it serves its purpose with a proper tonality Planar feeling. Different than our regular BA and DD sets. Loving it.


My Timeless have been delivered to our PO box so should be able to pick it on Monday :smiley:


Thatā€™s great man, Hope you enjoy it!!


@gadgetgod and @Ohmboy welcome to the club! Enjoy it!


I prefer the GK10 to the Timeless all things considered.



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Bad news :frowning:
The gk10 has almost zero sub bass and harsh metallic highs.

Good News! EQ exist.

Also I donā€™t mind or really hear whatever is supposed to be bad about itā€™s treble, quite like it actually.