šŸ”¶ 7HZ Timeless Planar

Thank you!

I just did back to back listening between the Tea, Sundara, and TYGR300R.

Sundara definitely outclasses the other two in just about everything, listening to the drum solo is incredible on them. While the Sundara doesnā€™t have a huge soundstage, itā€™s wide enough to really visualize it and the imaging is great.

Teas and TYGR were about on par with each other for imaging with the Tea being the most closed in feeling.

Not that this helps much as you donā€™t have any of these and I donā€™t have any of the headphones you referenced on hand, but Iā€™m guessing the 5xx is closer to the Sundara.

Something I absolutely love with IEMs is how intimate and immediate the music becomes through them.

Headphones are speakers strapped to your head but IEMs are closer to strapping electrodes onto your brain.

Music blooms from within and outward


I simplified the comments a little, but more people use EQ or bassboost for the lows, and tips for ā€œtame the highsā€. whatever.
Keep the Mele and sell the Timeless :slight_smile:

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Youā€™re saying that about the hd600?..intimate soundstage yes but one of the best HPā€™s of all time?..it really depends on what youā€™re looking forā€¦ horses for courses same with sets Iā€™m afraid :man_shrugging:t2:


Intimate stage and dogshit taco imaging.
Separation is quite solid though which is strange.

HD600&650 are so boring to listen to, really canā€™t stand them. I would and did take the Creative Aurvana SE over them.

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lol, I just wrote this out the 6XX in a different threadā€¦ Itā€™s a legendary headphone.


I agree, but I also think it comes down to the music you listen to. I donā€™t think the 6xx is great for EDM, Metal, most hip hop/rap, etc. Itā€™s excellent for vocal focused music though.


A dog will only shit what you feed himā€¦just saying like :wink:


You just won the internet today.


Contrarian position: I believe that a K702 has actually too much soundstage.

Thatā€™s something I would have to leave to someone else, as I havenā€™t heard them before.
DMS did compare them to the Sundara in his review, though he didnā€™t seem to touch on imaging comparison

Zeos did compare to the Sundaraā€¦ And while I usually agree with him, I donā€™t totally agree with him on how the 5XX sounds

Soundstageā€¦ Depends.

It matters less for POP than it is for classical-orchestral records.

Iā€™m just glad thereā€™s a closed-back planar that sounds good without amps. THICC mids on the go.


Thereā€™s always going to be sets that outclass others at everything. This is exactly why I personally feel there is no one perfect set earphones/headphones.

Couldnā€™t agree more about the 6XX being one of the very best headphones for vocals, especially on tubes. I prefer it for vocals even vs my VOCAL Clear MG which is known to be great for vocals as well.

In addition, I donā€™t really like this comparing headphones to IEMs thing weā€™re starting. I probably started it attempting to explaining the Timelessā€™ stage. My bad.


True, Headphones vs. IEMā€™s was something I was very interested in when I first got into the hobby.

Thereā€™s quite a few differences that are not comparable between the two, namely use case (One being limited to home use for the most part, the other much more versatile).

In terms of sound qualities, I think you can def compare the two though. For me personally, it goes Open back > IEM > Closed back. Thereā€™s certain things each does better at and each individual headphone/IEM makes all the difference of course, but thatā€™s my general preference.

Some wine sellers, in France, organize some wine degustation sessions. You pay, letā€™s say, 80ā‚¬ for a session ,and you get to taste different wines, differents flavors and all, and youā€™re guided by a professional seller to help you recognize it.

These sellers make this service available because many people feel they lack the experience/knowledge to judge au good/bad wine.

I wish the same thing come to mind for a sound seller: you come in his store with some friedns and/or aother audiophiles, and the sellers makes you test/taste different flavors of sound. That would just be so great to educate people about sound, and would be a good way to advertise for the seller. I donā€™t know why it has never been done (to my knowledge at least).


LOL this is the first time Iā€™ve been called a ā€œslam whoreā€. But yeah you got it right :rofl:




I not only thought youā€™d appreciate it, I thought it was the most suiting description of you I could come up with. :slight_smile: Iā€™m probably a slam bitch.


Just so you know about stage and imaging. I think Iā€™m part of the tribe that were very surprised by your feedback about these two.

As a planar headphone owner, I fell in love with its technicalities. I had really high hopes about the timeless, that it could be as good as my he400i on details, separation, stage and imaging. As I understand it, itā€™s something that is shared by almost all planar headphones.

When you said imaging was on hd600 level, I must admit my initial interior reaction was kind of ā€œno way, that canā€™t beā€. And I think many reactions here are because of the hours and the surprise.

That being said, as Iā€™m a civilised person, I refrained my feelings and tried to understand/listen more carefully. I must say I havenā€™t 5% of the experience you have. So whoā€™s right? You or my feelings? You have to be right. I trust you, your experience, the time you spent on listening these iem and the effort you put in comparing it to other stuff.

So in an attempt to chill a little, I just wanted to say thank you for your detailed feedback. I really appreciate it. It makes me hesitate about getting the timeless because I value imaging. So my wallet thanks you even more!


If you prioritize imaging. The tanchjim oxygen is probably the best you can get at sub 300 usdā€¦