šŸ”¶ 7HZ Timeless Planar

I not only thought youā€™d appreciate it, I thought it was the most suiting description of you I could come up with. :slight_smile: Iā€™m probably a slam bitch.


Just so you know about stage and imaging. I think Iā€™m part of the tribe that were very surprised by your feedback about these two.

As a planar headphone owner, I fell in love with its technicalities. I had really high hopes about the timeless, that it could be as good as my he400i on details, separation, stage and imaging. As I understand it, itā€™s something that is shared by almost all planar headphones.

When you said imaging was on hd600 level, I must admit my initial interior reaction was kind of ā€œno way, that canā€™t beā€. And I think many reactions here are because of the hours and the surprise.

That being said, as Iā€™m a civilised person, I refrained my feelings and tried to understand/listen more carefully. I must say I havenā€™t 5% of the experience you have. So whoā€™s right? You or my feelings? You have to be right. I trust you, your experience, the time you spent on listening these iem and the effort you put in comparing it to other stuff.

So in an attempt to chill a little, I just wanted to say thank you for your detailed feedback. I really appreciate it. It makes me hesitate about getting the timeless because I value imaging. So my wallet thanks you even more!


If you prioritize imaging. The tanchjim oxygen is probably the best you can get at sub 300 usdā€¦


I did not mean to make a stir. I just gave feedback to everyone as honest as I heard it.

Imaging is weird. I think what imaging is to me, might not mean the same thing to others. It is not simply being able to hear events happen to the left or the right. Thatā€™s just the stereo field. Youā€™ll always be able to hear things in the left or right ear with IEMs or headphones from a stereo recording. Imaging is being able to clearly define audio events and their precise location within the soundstage.

If you really value imaging and soundstage, the Mangird Tea or the Oxygen are better choices IMO. I am happy to give more suggestions in higher price brackets too, but when it comes to resolution, the Timeless wins.

The MEST MKII is the best soundstage, imaging and separation Iā€™ve heard in an IEM. Iā€™ll be honest, I am spoiled. :slight_smile: It also has the best resolution, detail and clarity as well with authoritative slam. It is a technical beast of which I have yet to find its match.


I donā€™t prioritise imaging, but I value it. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
And I actually think I tend to blend the concepts of imaging, resolution and instrument separation.

Anyway, Iā€™m far from this budget bracket for now: I still have many things to try while staying below 50 bucks so I can taste all the flavours an iem can be (full ba, v shaped, L shaped, w shaped,ā€¦). Once I feel I know and have experienced enough, Iā€™ll go up in the 300-ish bracket and will buy my personal endgame.

After that, Iā€™ll keep the knowledge, a good sound, and all the fun of learning. But I wonā€™t have kept many money, thatā€™s for sureā€¦

Here is a very good explanation to describe imaging (and the way I define it).


I overall prefer Mele to Timeless. For $50 itā€™s totally insane. I have two of them.

Exactly. We agree. It isnā€™t that you can hear things left or right in the soundstage (thatā€™s simply stereo), but how precisely positioned those audio events are within the soundstage that defines how good or how poor the imaging is. Imaging is really impressive when the events not only are pinpoint accurate, take place either from the left or right of you but also can be positioned with depth and layering.

That is what I consider good imaging and separation capabilities.


Shhhh, donā€™t reveal our secrets. Order will keep flooding and I wonā€™t get a gold or blue pairā€¦

It sucks guys, move along 8)


ROFL! I know, I am looking forward to getting blue. lol

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Yeah, this is why imaging is the nr 1 priority for a gaming transducer.

Since you want to be able to tell you are getting shot at from 10 oā€™clock instead of simply left.

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Yeahā€¦ Pretty sure its clogged til christmas by now. We should offer one to Riku, so he can do a review and clog it until easter lol

Luckily positional audio in games is getting better, but it was not that long ago that only a few games would even send precise enough audio data to do that. Now most shooters are pretty good to excellent and it is getting better in other games.

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I might have an in at Linsoul with my lady friends I keep bribing with my photos. Heyā€¦ you want this cool photo for your Instagram? You got some a dat blue Mele for me? :wink:


Damn, weā€™re addicts lol. Mest? Sure, but give me three of those cheap ones to pimp around :joy:

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We areā€¦ admitting is the first step to recovery (or a new purchase)ā€¦

I got an upgrade today. My tabs:


What is that clearly transcends the Timeless over the Mele ?

First post here. And I have a lot to say on the timeless. I can talk more than Resolution. Donā€™t challenge me on that! I am another Dunu Zen slam whore. I donā€™t EQ.

I am not sure I have heard any planar tuned like the timeless, and it is glorious. But I want to comment on a couple of things: 1) Slam. 2) Imaging 3) Screechy (as opposed to shouty)

  1. Itā€™s not the zen, but its other qualities do a good job attempting to compensate. Point being, itā€™s still quite enjoyable.

  2. Imaging is not a priority for me. But on a better imaging headphone, the first 30 seconds of thriller has the door, steps, thunder and wolves kind of surrounding you. The steps are walking a circle around behind you. The wolves are at varying distances and locations. On this, itā€™s very left to right stereo.

  3. I am sensitive to too much energy in the 1-2k. Usually this comes across as shouty vocals. But S&M Master of Puppets is almost a cacophony of screeching. Believe it or not, this is not a deal breaker for me. The zen is a bit shouty, and my brain does adapt. Itā€™s more like obscene prickly detail too much all at once. Answer? Turn the volume down. :wink:

Way easier to list the things I donā€™t like than the things I do. This IEM is ridiculously good for the price.

Note: I had the Audeze Euclid, and it didnā€™t impress me much. I felt it was an overpriced side grade to the Zen. The timeless is worth having.

Anyone have the graph of the Euclid to compare to the Timeless and Zen?

My 2 cents for now. Only got them today and time will tell how they do.





Ha! Thatā€™s a great welcome!

You make me want to hear a mest. Have you by chance heard the ie900? (Should probably take this to another thread?)