šŸ”¶ 7HZ Timeless Planar

I think I already didā€¦

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Iā€™m planning to order my timeless on hifigo. Do they offer delayed 14 day paypal payment?

I totally want help with that! Interestingly, whatever it is doing, I think I like it. I just havenā€™t worked out how to describe it to others.

I explained it earlier in the thread but we were also discussing stage an imaging in the EJ07 threadā€¦



Pfftttt, thatā€™s trademarked.


If you look at my Timeless stage illustration, I see the Timeless stage as being considerably far away from the listener, squeezed and everything occurring behind glass where no audio events are allowed to come forward and pop out at the listener.

Hybrids and Tribrids do this holographic stage (popping out of the stage all around your head with pinpoint accuracy) usually better than all single driver IEMs for whatever reason.

In addition, the imaging that occurs behind the glass feels/sounds blurry and completely undefined compared to IEMs that do imaging well. Itā€™s all very strange because the Timeless portray the music with such resolution but the imaging and positioning of audio events feels compressed/blurry/undefined behind that glass pushed out in front of the listener.

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When itā€™s worse, itā€™s much worse. Interestingly, I havenā€™t heard anything approach the master of puppets S&M version at all. That song is just obscenely intense on these IEMs. The other stuff that typically triggers it isnā€™t really a problem. (Sabotage by beastie boys is typical a problem for vocal, but not here. Timeless is actually better than the zen on that test)

So, I think the fedora cap in the FR is what is doing it. I have not had any other headphone with that kind of energy increase there. At the same time the 12k ish spike may be adding to it. Most headphones I have owned start roll off in the upper treble. Definitely donā€™t have spikes.

In other news, I ran another test I hadnā€™t done yet: Lord of the Rings Fellowship of the Ring Extended Edition. There are key points I listen to for a lot of headphones. It helps judge imaging, dynamic range, impact/slam, environmental controlā€¦ etc.

Short version: Timeless is not for movies. Sonically it is wonderful. But the imaging, soundstage and slam makes it feelā€¦ lacking? Galadrielā€™s voice loses some of its power. The ring drop on the floor and subsequent sauron eye when gandalf touches it is simply not visceral (these things can make me jump on the hp-2). Environmental noises are out there, but just arenā€™t ā€œaround youā€. You hear crickets, and the fire in the background easily, but itā€™s like they are everywhere somehow? The good news is sub-bass is very good. Anything that gets low enough that the frequency itself creates the effect is quite present. (in this respect, it may also beat the Zen. Sub bass is not this clean or present)

Anyway, not my choice for movies.


So sue me.


Beautiful! The EJ07m is how the hp-2 feels to me. But the Zen and the dusk donā€™t feel near ej07m to me either. Maybe more like you sitting on the singer in the variations.

A picture is worth a thousand words!


Dose eq impact the sound stage and imagine ?

It seems like EQ can improve seperation.

Short answer: Yes, it will degrade technicalities.



The stage is set.

You can sometimes effect things with dynamic sets changing the volume to find the sweet spot for transients, but because the Timeless is a planar driver and its driver surface area is what it is, it never seems to push more air making it any more dynamic.

EQ effects frequency response not technicalities.



I feel the Zen has a beautiful smooth wide stage but because it is a single DD, it does not have much depth like most hybrids/tribrids, yet still much better than Timelessā€™ stage and especially the undefined imaging.

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It actually canā€¦if the stock tuning is so bad it limits the potential of the driver.

Like say, if an iem has a massive bass boost, if you take it away with EQ, it will sound more detailed after.

Soundstage, you can add air through boosting the upper-treble (10k+) and that might make the soundstage bigger as well.

Imaging on the other hand, is hard to change with eq (except for some extreme cases).


Yep the EQ maniac has spoken.

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Letā€™s make this clear and bring this into proper context then. Youā€™re still altering only FR. It might make a subtle change in the way the stage is interpreted (maybe) but you will not be converting the shit flat 2D stage into something holographic.

I believe these guys are looking for an artificial way to convert the poor staging characteristics of the Timeless into something impressive and that will never happen with EQ. It will simply never happen ever.

Letā€™s be honest and not give false hope. :slight_smile:


Yes, if the driver isnt capable EQ wont help it either.

But in the case where the driver is capable and the stock tuning is the bottleneck, EQ can fix it. Also, after playing around with as much EQ as I have, I do actually believe a big part of the technicalites come from the tonality, not all of course, but it is still an aspect of it.


Regarding the poor imaging on the Timeless.

It can be caused by poor channel matching.

Which seems to be the case with mine (treble).

But to be clear, I have NOT listened to it beyond my first impressions and I wont until I am done with the Falcon, so this is pure speculation from my part right now.


Your unit seems to have treble differences :thinking: Try burning in the drivers?

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