šŸ”¶ 7HZ Timeless Planar

Its the channel matching and no ā€œburn inā€ will make zero changes to itā€¦


Iā€™m laughing non-stop. You guys on a roll today.

Does it produce sound, by now?

R.I.P. 2021 - 2021
C.O.D: Resolution bought it.

Youā€™re also funny today :rofl:


I have brain farts after work meeting so :crazy_face:

Because burn-in always fixes everything.

Timeless seems to be the IEM that everyone feels can be made into the best IEM EVAR for some reason.


Are we there yet?

I couldnā€™t say, sorry. The only tube amp I have any experience with is my Bottlehead Crack.

You got me there for a second lol. Had to google it

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Just receive my timelessā€¦stock cable suckā€¦I suggest cable rollingā€¦with monocopper imaging much betterā€¦bass slam like ddā€¦then I swap again with ea leonidas iiā€¦holographic soundā€¦depth and tall ā€¦all in placeā€¦and good imaging tooā€¦
My daily driver are shure se 846 and mest mk2 ciemā€¦absolutely can compete with these twoā€¦just upgrade cable and eartips ( sedna ligth for me)


Because belief in an alternate reality where Timeless has impressive stage and imaging surely is a reality.

Yep. I think I have to enact my new mentality and just leave the thread on a low point.

Iā€™ll let the positive thinkers believe/hope whatever they want about Timeless and take my realistic/pessimistic viewpoint elsewhere. Sorry Iā€™m just not as optimistic as some of you are.


Damn, 7mins too soon.

I like the new you. Now we just need your new you to not buy stuff and we golden.

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Working on it. :slight_smile:

I got you point here. Actually, i donā€™t care about imaging as much as ā€˜shoutyā€™ issue. I am a 2 or 3khz sensitive listener, this range easily gets me uncomfortable feeling much than every ranges else.
Thank you so much, i am going to order it =)


Are you serious? Iā€™ve already had some cables, will try them with Timeless when i get it.

This completely makes sense to me. So, if you love the resolution of the Timeless, the visceral nature of the Zen and donā€™t want stuff shrieking at you, harman(ish) tuning, that sounds Mesty. Is that mesty?

Is there anything that jumps to mind that combines those attributes and isnā€™t so much money?

My only concern with the mest is driver coherency through the cross overs. But I havenā€™t heard a higher end hybrid IEM. So I have no way to know if I will care. Whatever the dusk is doing is not desired.


Haha, yeah. That happens a lot with mention of the Crack. Got it as the obligatory pairing for my HD600s

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You can always EQ it. in fact it is one of the few headphones that hasnā€™t pissed me off when I EQ it so far. I donā€™t like running with EQ so I typically donā€™t, but you can fix it if you love it. Qudelix to the rescue.


I donā€™t really like to do EQ too. Anw, thank you for this helpful information :smiley:

Good decision for me to already order a better cable.

Got it. Listening right now.

DAC/AMP Ovidius B1, Single Ended.

So knowing I am not doing these justice power-wise or termination wiseā€¦

With stock tips it is clean but slightly bright. It does have that planar clarity of course. It really is a perfect blend of DD and BA. Not quite as fast as BA or as natural as DD, but arguably more effortless and controlled than either.

Bass is immense in size and super controlled too. Subbass is more impressive than bass and midbass.

That ā€œpluckyā€ character of planars is here, it is super taut like an extremely high strung guitar string. The sound is really transparent through the whole frequency response. This transparency, coupled with the fact of a large diaphragm, lends each note a delicious definition and thickness. I think the sound is really luxurious.

This song really showcases the strengths of Timeless. The pluck, bass texture and the delicious note thickness is on full display.

Imaging is not as bad as I feared. Or perhaps it is, but the other strengths of the Timeless do a lot to ameliorate the blow. One upside of this subpar imaging is a relaxed presentation in that nothing in particular stands out and demands attention.
Its like the diaphragm is too large for its own good in regards to pin-pointing the sources of each instrument.
The separation is still quite alright, but the shallow stage depth is working against it.

I canā€™t wait to try it balanced and with much more power.


You wonā€™t hear me say that theyā€™re mind blowing, but you wonā€™t hear me call it bad either. A little weird, but not bad. I will say I disagree with the people who think the imaging is just three blobs of left right, and center.

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