đŸ”¶ 7HZ Timeless Planar

Agreed, I do not hear it quite as 3-blob ala HD650. It is not that egregious to me.

It IS closer to that than not though. Balanced should make things more defined and expanded so I will withhold ultimate judgment until then!


We’re also comparing apples to oranges. I have heard end-game stage and imaging and understand what that sounds like. Tribrids and MEST MKII.

I agree that Timeless does not have exactly the 3 blob imaging as the 6XX series does. I was trying to give the best example of a similar type of imaging (blurry/soft/undefined) that I could and that was the closest I could think of and something hopefully many might have experienced that are reading my impressions.

The TImeless imaging is similar to that blob style the 6XX has, it is just across the entire stage, not in three blobs but pushed back up against a glass like shield that does not allow anything forward because of the compressions characteristics of the planar driver.

Make sense?

Agreed. It’s difficult to explain audio and give examples of how things sound. It was the best example I could think of to express the Timeless’ imaging that most could understand. It is difficult because it is considerably different than most all other IEMs I’ve heard when it comes to imaging. I was confused at exactly what I was hearing at first.

The stage and everything within it is compressed on Timeless.

EDIT: After thinking about it, I probably shouldn’t even be participating in budget IEM conversations.


That makes complete sense to me.

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Which tips do you find more balance?

Included rubber tips calm the treble a smidge and allows for more of the mids and bass to come through.
I prefer the rubber tips.

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The stock tips seems to be the Acoustune AET07 and the AET08 btw.

(they are around 10 usd each)

KBEAR seems to have copies for half the price
Although I dont have them so I am unsure if on how good they are.

But the stock Timeless tips are indistinguishable from the Acoustune tips (which I have).


Below is my EQ for the Timeless.

I know this is heresy for some people here, but I am an unabashed basshead I admit. Why not also add 15dB to 22kHz? The Timeless can take it and it makes things more airy.

I do find elevating bass to have a significant effect on the perception of slam and bass density.


Looks good, but raising 22kHz that much is mostly pointless imho.


Absolutely not pointless. If I drag it down to -30, the air is sucked right out of the music.

Honestly, I can boost it all the way to +30dB and hear a gradual increase all the way up. It is pretty incredible.

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Do you think the timeless can be EQ’d very easily?

I think this is important. The imaging is flat as @Resolution has shown by description and visually. But it is very coherent. It transitions smoothly. No blobbing. Just utterly and completely flat and without depth.

For me, that’s fine. Especially given it’s other strengths.

Just my 2 cents.


Agreed. But that still all equals poor imaging, like it or not. The imaging is in addition soft, blurry and undefined within the stage all compressed together.

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Things get less fuzzy, unsurprisingly, if you add 30dB at 22kHz lol

It works because the Q value is pretty low (1.41). So it will affect a wider area.

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Absolutely. It does not present content all around you. Period. If that is important to you, skip these. This is a creepy whisper free set.

Personal preference note: coherency is more important than absolute capability for me a lot of the time. My comments come from that point of view. Put them in that context and it should make sense.


Ok, I actually found a great video to show off IEM imaging being much better near-head. Close your eyes and listen to the first 8 seconds of this video:

With headphones it should just sound like the sound is coming from in front of you.

With IEMs you can hear the slight pans from left to right before he starts going nuts and twirling around.

That’s what I mean when I say IEMs have superior near-head imaging. There’s just no question about that. Headphones don’t have the capability to display anything near your head other than with a blob.


Perfect example. Testing this right now with my TinHifi T2 plus.

I got my Timeless today and have listened so far to some of my ususal test files (with a cheap after market silver coated cable and fomies). And this gave me the impresion that it is my best IEM so far (I stall have it to compare it to my TRI I3). Especially I am stunned over the bass extension. Especially as I had an TinHiF P1 that was lacking in this regard to much for me.


Tip rolling. I just got cp100 plus (not regular) because of medical grade silicon.

These may be game changers. Like, the cp100 shape doesn’t usually work great for me (I like cp145) but these just fit instantly. Crazy.

Those of you struggling with IEM fit issues, give these a whirl.

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