Anime discussion thread

I can’t find any anime that can hold my attention for more than 5 minutes. Usually less. If I really try to get into it, maybe 10 minutes before I can’t stand it. Character voices that sound like children doesn’t appeal to me.

I don’t understand why so many people seem to get off on anime the way they brag about anime characters all the time.

I’m told anime music is incredible too, but I’ve yet felt that either. The music was my primary interest.

Could it be all of the anime on Prime is bad? That must be the case. It’s the only way I know how to try to watch anime.

I don’t need to be one of the cool kids I guess.

Look up the series that has these composers:

Hiroyuki Sawano
Yuki Kajiura
Yuki Hayashi
Yasuharu Takanashi
Kevin penkin
Shiro Sagisu

I everyone could be cool, no one would be cool ¯_(ツ)_/¯

But seriously, you sound like you try too hard to enjoy them. If you are not in the mood/mindset it’s hard to enjoy stuff, so just try something different. No shame in not enjoying particular things, some others do enjoy.

its called taste we all have it and its all different. maybe… your just not into it and thats 100% all ok. not everyone has to like it lol. and for the record I don’t like anime music either for the most part



Well, looks like I will have to finally break down and read this series then. Been putting it off due to general negative impressions I had based on comments, but must be quality enough for this trailer/show so might as well.

I am lukewarm on the 3S of the Breaker, but hopefully it will get hype for some animation to be done finally!

Also for the fantasy lovers/Kirito fanbois, I think Berserk of Gluttony would make for a good generic fantasy with some twists if it was animated too.

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Yes, let’s go!!! I’m in tears…:sob:

I’ll second this, assuming they don’t fall into the trap of dropping too much material from the light novels.
Also, The Eminence in Shadow later this year.

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I really enjoyed the read tbf, every wait for a new chap was worth it 100%. Personally for me the ending just did not hold up well to the rest of it and felt very abrupt but it is what it is. The rest of it I really enjoyed.

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I wanted to be like the cool kids into this anime thing, but I still prefer looney tunes by a big margin. I’m just not cool kid material.

You just havent found the right one, everyone has a preference. What do you like outside of comedy?

Saying you like looney toons better than anime is like saying you like the beatles better than american music…

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Yea at this point i use anime as basically a full substitute for 90+percent of my entertainment. Really good stories and to me I see it as a 1 to 1 of live action work, but even more creative due to the added art aspect. Im a weeb, just not a collector weeb… although the collection of hardback vinland saga calls to me…:sob::sob::sob:

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its 99% for me lol. (that 1% is for some marvel stuff, but havent seen any in years now…)

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I wont speak much on it, but yea. Just give me a good story… and your not missing much, phase 4 is lackluster. Most of Disney is just not as good as 10-20 years ago. WB puts out bad stuff too so I’m not just flaming a single company. I am just thankful that I had a parent with taste that allowed me to get into anime in the Pokémon heyday of the 90s, so glad I’ve got something left atm LOL!

I forgot @Rikudou_Goku did you have a chance to check out The Northman? Was some strong Vinland Saga vibes and pretty good imo.

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Yeah, last one I saw was Avengers Endgame.

I also skipped the last of the new Disney star wars movies…


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Look at this effin Chad here! :slight_smile: Yea I think Rouge One was ok, but yea that has been a disaster as well. I remember being so hype LOL.

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Nope, I actually havent seen Vinland Saga lol. (not too much of a seasonal weeb.)

I saw Rogue One, but in cinema with friends. I have zero interest in the new Star Wars stuff, they should just let the series end the legend that it was.
(kinda feel the same for Dragon Ball Super as well…)

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I think you missed the sarcasm.

Agreed with the Wars man, its dead they killed it etc. etc.

Now for Anime:
Hyped up for Overlord 4
Hyped for the last 3 or so arcs of Demon Slayer
Hyped up for the end of Attack on Titan
Hyped for Vinland Saga continuation(although some may not like the direction)
Hype for Chainsaw Man
And please give me more Spy X Family, My Hero, and GS.

Also, make the Breaker 1 and 2 plz and thank you LOL.


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