Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 1)

Oh and as my last 2 cents on the subject: There are some discussions of IEMs for Metal. The problem with metal sub-genres like Progressive Metal is that they need more specific technicalities and stuff than other genres. @Resolution has bought many options regarding that. I never did because I don’t listen to metal.

From memory, sets that he recs for metal, if not mistaken: FH3, UM 3DT, Dunu Zen, Mest Mk2.


FH3 —> NO,NO,NO… ZEN ----> YESSS, Mest and 3DT —>I didn’t listen to them but i think Mest is absolutely king for all genres,from what I read about them.

Maybe it’s some miscommunication. But throwing out ‘far fetched’ opinions and state them as facts sure makes it look like trolling. Saying ‘facts this’ and ‘facts that’ doesn’t prove anything at all nor does it make your statement ‘right’. :thinking: :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

And which is correct? Your opinion? I can also say that trolls with your opinion! You do not give facts, but comment on what I said.

I think UM 3DT will be pretty good for Metal.

I don’t know where did I read that, but in this forum.


Yes. But here in Bulgaria I have nowhere to buy them. I won’t be able to get them from the United States. I have not seen them anywhere else in the EU. Otherwise I know they are better than Tea for metal :slightly_smiling_face:

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It ships from china. You can avoid VAT with HifiGo


I think there are also few used sets on Ebay, HFI etc.

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Thanks. I think I will get a new set. Last time I decided not to take Zen, because the high mid frequencies bother me, the sound scene is also not good, and I do not like small soundstage:).

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Nice now I know what to buy on the next 11.11 sales :joy:

In before it’s full BA without vents and people go crazy.

Not fooling anyone. HBB says something is in the same ballpark as Teas with the same price, you better bet I’m buying that.


You and me have the same goals.

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Me coming in here about an hour ago like

Glad everybody is cool now. :raised_hands:


Wait a minute… I think I have a brief guess about the set you were teasing when I saw a video on YT…

Yeah I’m sorry, I kinda went along with it. Guess im bipolar today, sorry.



Gimmie a guess :notes:

@Resolution Moon stole a great and new tuning idea. Keep the tuner. Fire the Social Media dudes.
All of them
Just when KATO is getting notice the company sticks there face in to a site companies don’t do that.
Then go dark. Morons of the highest order. Even the loyalist fans cannot help if they don’t STFU

“ping us”

Nah, this ain’t head fi clown shoes

@nymz Bro, we all cool round here. You seen my earlier posts I edited.
I was talking stories nobody knows in the wrong spot at the wrong time.
Someday, somewhere…later :sunglasses:


Okay I’m sending it over PM to not spoil anyone :rofl:

And packaging/cable guys, while we are at it.

No need no half naked girls and barbed wire here.