Which $200-$300~ IEM to get?

I am probably a bad person to ask then, while I do like collecting unique configs. I also like having multiple IEMs with the same driver, but different tunings since they bring something unique to the listening experience for me.

He did kinda do that… well with baseball.

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I know. Probably why I made the analogy. The move to baseball was stupid but playing badminton would be even worse. I do love playing badminton though. Meh, bad analogy. I tried.

It was dumb to make the Zen Pro shittier than the Zen! :sob:

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He did go back to Basketball after though!

Gonna get that Zen back again? :stuck_out_tongue:

Not sure. I bought the MEST MKII after I sold the Zen and that one purchase changed my entire outlook on the hobby. Although I absolutely love the slam and bass of the Zen, the MEST MKII is right on it’s heels in the slam department and does everything else better than the Zen. Like I said earlier in this thread. The Zen might be almost too much when it comes to slam while the MEST MKII is perfection.


I am hoping to get some less smoothed over treble out of the 3DT since for Metal especially EST treble works, but leaves something to be desired. And BA treble tends to kill me in Metal.

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You’re going to LOVE this set then. Exactly as described. Don’t forget it also kicks like a mule! Best set for metal in its price range.


So, u prefer 3DT to Teas?

No no no, that can’t be possible. This would mean only one thing…



This judgment is giving me anxiety… Am I witnessing the king of this bracket in the progress of being dethroned?

But then again, I keep reminding myself that I haven’t even received my incoming Teas yet so who knows if it will still be my IEM endgame in terms of the price bracket I can afford.

Anyways, just a voice of reason in case all riot and revolution break out among fellow IEM lovers :joy:


Apples and oranges. Normalized @ 1K hz:

@ 200hz:

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Have you tried Technics EAH-TZ700?

Yeah, I have to constantly remind myself that @Resolution judges not by 1vs1 between two IEMs but rather by tier levels. I assume that Teas and 3DT may go in hand in the same tier level but with with their respective sound signatures.

*Please breathe-in breathe-out along with meme man *

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I’m just curious to know if I can rec it to metal heads or not. The graph is enough for me to know that it might not go along with my library, but I might be totaly wrong.

The eclipse tech that is in the Zen is being used in the Falcon Pro as well.

Which is why I have a lot of expectations from it.


Wow. Please prepare for quite a few questions :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

I loved KZ DQ6 for metal - after EQing down its 5 kHz peak - and considered saving a while for UM 3DT as a natural upgrade but those treble peaks concern me. And many people playing around with damping filters, micropore tape, etc.

Have you by any chance had a listen of the DQ6 ? Are the 3DT, like DQ6, strong at reproducing kickdrums, separating heavily distorded electric guitars, nailing cymbals reproduction, and enhancing stereo effect ? And maybe better than DQ6 on mids fidelity ?

Do you need to keep treble in check by any mean on 3DT ?

Some metal bands or songs that highlight 3DT qualities in your opinion ?

Thanks in advance.

If my knockout image of Tyson knocking out his opponent wasn’t clear enough?

Too much pressure bro.

KZ is garbage IMO.

The 3DT is MEST MKII level of authority. Before the 3DT, The MEST MKII was by far the best IEM I have heard for metal because of all of your descriptions. The 3DT is right on the heels of the MEST MKII just without the stage and imaging. It might even slam harder than the MEST MKII because it is all DD but that’s difficult to measure. Treble is quite hot in 3DT but because it is handled with a dynamic, it doesn’t sound artificial as other drivers technologies. 3DT is very lively and dynamic.

Yes but as I just said, because the treble is handled with a dynamic, it sounds natural. It’s a lot hotter than the Tea.

I don’t really even want to compare the Tea and the 3DT. The Tea sounds quite dull and subdued vs the 3DT. A much better comparison is the 3DT to the MEST MKII.


this is war.


Hmm, sounds like the 3DTs deserve my attention. @Resolution could you give me a flavour of the artists/tracks in your library that you would reach for these to listen to?

For my latest impressions, I was manly listening to Darkwater - Human and Ariana Grande - Dangerous Woman.


Thank you very much for answering all that. As you may have understood I have many questions on this set but didn’t know who to ask :face_with_hand_over_mouth:
I doubt 3DT is on my 2021 budget but I will try to get them next year. In the meantime, I am very keen on reading more of your impressions.