Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 1)

I have heard it. The names in Japan are sometimes different. Think it’s the Maven or Maverick over here.
I won’t go by memory but $200 seems a good price if anyone else can help you with SQ opinion

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Did you listen to the NEW arrangements? Idk why but they seem lifeless compared to the 2012 version (the one you posted). That one is truly spectacular.

What do you recommend for classical under 50? Blon 03 sounds surpringsily good after some eq on the midbass. Music sounds lively and wide.

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Lightning in a bottle. They have never really duplicated that hit (05s and 01 some like though)

I’m just getting back into my classic collection.


Yes and I do agree with you on prefering the 2012 versions! :slight_smile:



Nice player!

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I have a bit of right ear hearing loss ( Pro Audio Concert and Car SPL background catching up to me) so a thought that right now I use a Xduoo MT-604 amp and love the Left/Right Volume controls.
I also can use the plugin for the Hiby R6 2020 for balance so fixed two ways.

But here is a question for you fine people:

If I buy the new Topping A90 Discreet and use the MT-604 as a preamp am I killing the point of the A90 SQ?

Love the sound of the Xduoo not sure how much difference I will hear with the A90 as I have not heard just the glowing reviews or just skip the MT-604 all together and go strait A90?

Cheers J.

He should definitely try the hd650. Those puppies are still the best vocal mids set I have heard I think period. For over ears I rock a Focal Elex and it is just behind in vocals, but better replay overall… except for the slightly metallic timbre to my ear. HD650 is romantic. I recc listening to Upstairs at Eric’s for the full effect.


Looks like I am buying a 650 :notes: :beers:


It came out in the 90s and has stuck around for a reason. Sometimes you just find some gold. Hope you dig it when you get to listen man! :smiley:

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Just waiting for mine (in form of 6xx) to arrive today. I am vocal head so expectations are really high!

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TRN ST5 good with technicalities?

@hawaiibadboy the Salnotes Zero has ABSOLUTELY NO BUSINESS sounding this good wow. I just got it to get my friend into audio because it’s so cheap and I just tried it out to see if the set is working…
…and my god… Not gonna say it’s better than my Monarch because it isn’t, but with the great fit (much smaller shell) and the tuning and the soundstage, I can’t help but wonder why the Monarch costs so much. Just blown away. It’s 20 fucking dollars. T-W-E-N-T-Y


Yes. Kinda harsh for me but it’s not smooth or blunted.

I know right?
This hobby was KZ and other random garbage just months ago.
That fiasco with DQ6s and CRN opened some chat boxes and now the game has leveled up.
Good times for budget rid3rs and the hobby as a whole


Good stuff never gets out dated…unless it’s a DAP
Saying that, my fave DAP is Calyx Audio M and that is 10+ years old i think?
This hobby hustle would not work if everybody just stayed satisfied. Lotta folks are compulsive/impulsive buyers w/ addictive personalities.


Good lord, I would copy what I wrote at nymz thread - my HD6xx arrived and during first 1,5h session:

I just had a meltdown that I probably never had in my whole audio experience… Full body goosebumps, I needed to cover my face, my colleagues asked me if I feel ok…
I am looking for lamp amp - if this can get any better this is a keeper.

This would be cheesy as hell, sorry for that, but Adrianne Lenker at 2:20-2:40. 3:50-4:10 sang straight to my soul…


If you still have that Feliks tube amp the. Give the 650s a run on it. They are suppose to be great on OTL tube amps.

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How on earth are colleagues and open-back headphones coexisting?
I find most closed backs leak too much.