Nymzreviews.com official thread

Yeah: i’m afraid of the s12’s tuning, and Dioko has better mids and soundstage…

BUT I’m wary of the dioko’s fit: the timeless I could wear but I couldn’t really rearrange.

I guess the s12 is winning on this one, then.

Now let’s wait and see for the other planars :sweat_smile:

Smart. Wait a month of two :wink:

@nymz I really do feel yiur pain of losing data but, this came up listening this morning and on all things the Tea. I couldn’t resist dropping a link to it for you to hear. One of my favorite groups from this genre or type of music.


Fiio FH5 Frequency Response Graph

Also, look what the cat dragged in!

iFi Go Blu! Thanks a lot to @Rinderkappajoe for sending this in for a spin!


HD6xx arrived. I would thread lightly this time, since the last time my hot takes after 1h with HE-400i did not age well (I stopped using them after 2 weeks, sold 1 month later).
First impression is that they are more open back than anything. They are very comfortable and light. The plastic looks a bit cheap. They did not boil my ears after 1h of listening, so that’s a good sign. We have 30degC today, so it won’t be much hotter in here.
Also one impression - IEMs and buds are such terrific deals right now. This Sennheiser is believed as one of the better value for money in HP community, but man. You could expect much more in terms of technicalities from IEM at that price range.

The timbre for vocals is all there obviously, but I don’t necessarily feel like they blew either my IEMs or buds out from the water… The sound is bigger, meatier, but that was obvious. Generally mixed feelings, I expect that at the end of evaluation I would still be much prefering speakers for open listening at the office and IEMs and buds for discreet.


Edit: I just had a meltdown that I probably never had in my whole audio experience… Full body goosebumps, I needed to cover my face, my colleagues asked me if I feel ok…
I am looking for lamp amp - if this can get any better this is a keeper.

This would be cheesy as hell, sorry for that, but Adrianne Lenker at 2:20-2:40. 3:50-4:10 sang straight to my soul…


If you don’t have that at least once a week, you’re using the wrong sets :stuck_out_tongue:

Glad you enjoying it! And good luck with tube rolling… you gonna need it ahah :money_with_wings:


Don’t get me wrong, I really love MEST, chilling with it in the evening and I really can’t find a flaw in the way it represents music and the emotions it gives. I would never like those moments to stop honestly. But definitely I never had such intense feeling like that.

I have generally very big inertia, so I am very hard to move from my basic relaxed indifferent state (to make me happy or mad), so nice job Sennheiser!


Modhouse Argon Mk3 (Fostex T50RP Mk3)

Oh right, speaking of headphones… I almost forgot :sweat_smile:


Yes… you’re reviews are indeed off the hook :wink: Sorry for putting you on the spot man. Really appreciate you doing this :pray:

:joy: Favourite pizza? Just curious haha


Probably Pepperoni. Yes to Pineapple on pizza. No to other fruits.

Anything with bacon, ham, cheddar, olives and onions is winner too.


I laughed more than I should to this music, LOL

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Yo a good pepperoni pizza is :ok_hand: I’m totally indifferent to pineapple on pizza. Don’t know what the hate is about they taste fine to me :man_shrugging:… oops maybe I shouldn’t have said that :speak_no_evil:

I’m a feta+spinach+onion+bacon+chicken guy :yum: Maybe I should order one later :stuck_out_tongue:


Fixed that fot you :grin: Hate spinach

Damn I’m hungry and craving pizza now!! and yes, it’s my favourite food. That or a good handmade pasta



Glove up fam :boxing_glove::boxing_glove:

Dooo ittt

Pineapple, artichoke, clam, shrimps


Gotta cast a vote for Pepperoni, Pineapple and Jalapeno; Savory Sweet Heat!


That sounds… insanely good. Oh boy, wish I could grab pizza tonight.

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One of my favourite IEMs to this day. Gigabass but clean.


Definitely put them on tubes. When I tried my HD600 with the xDuoo TA-20 (I think) I was like holy fuck, I am NEVER selling those headphones. They are legit too good.

Funnily enough, even though tubes are technically adding distortion and objectively worse, the 600 seems more technical on tubes than it does on solid state amps lol

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