Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 1)

Thanks for the time you take to make a vid like that. I like the informative long format when done concisely.
Thumbs up for a deep-dive comparison/shootout between JQ White Knight vs MEST MK2 vs Clair/Oracle maybe Trio or EJ07???
Old school break out the white board. Lol :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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Thieaudio Legacy 2 - 1 Beryllium DD + 1 BA?


Looks like L2 and Prometheus both dropping around or on June 10th


A post was merged into an existing topic: IEM discussion thread




Was it wasted $$$?

No. DEVA was wasted money. This is pretty good for $129. Good entry level item for folks new to planar.
My Sundara which has no sub-bass…falls behind these because of that.

No sub bass = No :two_hearts:


Money well spent then to find out! Thanks Chris.

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No prob.
Saw other comment in other thread about DD v.s. BA for metal.
It’s almost a joke that it is a discussion. You like a good bassline or you like everything else.
BA at it’s FUCKING BEST…is trying to imitate a good DD and when it almost does folks say…
“It’s like a DD”<<<<<< They say that for a reason.
I don’t think a lot of reviewers listen to music all that much.

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Agreed, I havent heard any BA that surpasses DD bass. At best they might be around a good DD, but not even close to the top tier DDs.

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Sold my Lokahi because of this.
IEMS NEEEED a DD for bass.


There is no substitute :+1:
If I want to listen to lows being done to reference, that’s a DD. Also why folks always say " it sounds like a DD" and they mean that in high praise. Lots of good BA sets but…lets not get crazy and say a BA set playing Metal or rock or anything with authoritive low end is as good as…
U12t is a monitor set IMO for that exact reason


Shouldn’t a monitor set give a sense of realism?..mixing Bonzo without a DD would be like a baby playing with it’s audio food :grin:

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I completely agree. Why have a set that sort-of sounds-like a DD when you can just buy sets with an actual DD.

I sold mine as well because of this. I don’t think a set should be praised because it is a better imitator than all the rest of the imitators.

Hey Chris have you had a chance to listen to the Oriolus Traillii…would be fun a Susvara V’s the Bird…$12k :musical_score: off :+1:

I am working on that now. Probably during June I’ll have the Bird ODIN and UM Mason Fusang together.
6 months with no graph of the bird is long enough.

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