Bad Guy Good Audio Reviews (A Million views?) Part 3/4

Thank you so much guys! Yeah looks like OE, same design on the base as well.


Jay bought a Diva used thathad a bad imbalance.The set was under warranty
It was a time issue though since the warranty would expire semi-soon.
Jay shipped it to Elysian quick
It arrived but Lee didnā€™t pick it up.
He knew it was coming
said heā€™d grab it
But made excuses
Since it wasnā€™t picked up by Lee
It was sent back to Jay.
andā€¦it fell out of the warranty period so
Because the owner lying

If I recal, an attempt was made to get it fixed
since the warranty expired BECAUSE THE LAZY lyin owner
No dice.
Fuck you Mr Customer.

My dealings with him were a series of delays and excuses
It got so bad I reached out to Crin.
My set shipped within hours.
Heā€™s a mini Fatfreq before Fatfreq was Fatfreq (Bad habits)


If Jay issued the fault in the Warranty period that should be it.

I am a bit safe from these things. Retailers in my country are so good at handling these situations that they might send you a cake (Mostly Chocolate) if the claim takes longer than expected.


Dang, I wish we got cake service!




That looks like freaking art.


Is driver flex normal with the Grand Maestro? When using the black modules, thereā€™s a small crinkle sound on the left one when inserting the IEM, but the right one doesnā€™t have any.

Some people on Headfi have had it with GM but I didnā€™t with my set
EDIT: I think 1 person who had on one side only had a vent hole that was obstructed and after removing the material it was all good


Nice and speedy.
Feels good.
Full price cash paying customer here

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Thanks for the input. However, this issue only occurs when Iā€™m using the black modules, the blue modules donā€™t have this problem. Itā€™s not a big deal, but is this dangerous for the IEM? Iā€™ve been reading a lot, and some say itā€™s dangerous, while others say itā€™s not.

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Itā€™s bad
The diaphragm is made of a very very thin version of PETmylar like a coca cola plastic bottle but way thinner.
Anyone who says it makes no difference is talking too much.

That sound is the saran wrap thin plasic being twisted/torqued. If the surround suspension was working youā€™d barely hear it as that is a shock absorber.
The audible crunching is that thin plastic being collapsed in a non uniform manner.
Any creases created are going to impact the transducers efficiency

Itā€™s like running a razor across a full size speakers diaphragm and dustcap.
Nobody would do that.

Itā€™s poor design
Itā€™s bad for a sensitive material
Nobody would do that on purpose.


Iā€™m beginning to get the impression that some of these boutique manufacturers are really poor at customer management. My experience with Alpha Omega can nearly be considered to be heading in the direction of Elysian and Fatfreq. I emailed them twice about replacing my IEM cable but they didnā€™t reply. I then messaged Clement (the owner, who happens to be a friend. LOL) about the treble sounding harsh and wondering if he can take a look at it, maybe repair it. Happy to pay for the costs. No reply. And heā€™s a friend!

Maybe their heads are in the clouds planning their next IEM and they just canā€™t bother with the business side. Either way, no more Alpha Omega or Fatfreq for me.


Customer service declines the more these little companies get put on.
I have been watching for 11 years and no Chinese (Chi-Fi) companies have done this stuff without getting roasted or blackballed by Head Fi or reviewers.

Itā€™s a clearā€¦getting clearer by the day, a double standard.


When your heart :heart: matches your preferred tuning :+1:




Sonion 38D2XJ007Mi/8c Dual Bass Driver Subwoofer
Sonion 2354
EST Huayunxin HJS-7S
11mm BCD

mdat file for REW


@hawaiibadboy I watched your #1 earphone released in 2024, Your top set is Origin. From Legacy 3 Thie has a soft spot in my heart. And I agree that Origin might be the best get away from the hobby set without spending absolutely crazy, but My best set of 2024 is Arcadia.

Arcadia reminds me of the Ej07. Ej was my go to fav set for a long time. The more loud you go the better Ej becomesšŸ˜‰. Acadia sound is similar excellent bass, clear mids, and non fatiguing treble yet has great details. These new topology DD is really something.

Punch is Great, Audiophile basshead with treble extension, very well tuned :face_with_peeking_eye:. But Iā€™d say Arcadia was your best colab for 2024. Best 200 Iā€™ve spent this yr. This yr started with Doscinco & ended with Arcadia. Iā€™ve been listening to Arcadia for a week now and I just canā€™t put em down. :heart_eyes:


I think that set is a beast. Matches the drivers perfectly and my library.
I canā€™t hype my own collab too much unfortunately.


This color scheme is amazing :star_struck:


Thats why Iā€™ll do it Just like OG Olina.


Well then let me help. I think the Arcadia is the best set I have heard this year, and there were some great sets this year.

The idea that it even close to the EJ07 is nuts, when you look at the price tags.