šŸ”¶ Beyerdynamic DT1990

Yeah, now itā€™s either those or the HarmoicDyne Zeus for me.

How do the a pads compare to the dekoni elite velours?

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The elite velour smooth out the treble peak and adds a significant amount of low end. They turn the 1990 Pros into a fun>accuracy headphone. Like the B pads on steroids.


I definitely donā€™t get a significant bass raise from my dekoni velour. It pushes the treble back, increases soundstage and depth, and brings the bass more into the mix. Though changes are relatively close to stock from my hearing. Comfort however is better due to thicker softer memory foam


Dekoniā€™s pads are crazy confusing. I have the elite velours and want to like them but they kinda majorly shift the headphones towards basscannons as GMoeller pointed out. They are crazy comfy though.


Throwing in my two cents here, as maybe a reminder how subjective this thing can be: while I definitely agree these pads increase soundstage, and they areā€¦ theoretically comfortable to me insofar as they feel nice in my hands, and thereā€™s less material touching my ear when I wear them, but theyā€™re very much not comfortable over longer periods of wear than the A pads for me. They are a lot fatter so if you had any issue with the clamp prior to pad swapping, your head is going to feel like itā€™s being vice-gripped. Or such unfortunately was the case for me anyway.

Treble was a little weird also.

I ultimately prefer the A pads the most. Cable swapping and testing synergies with different sources is my preferred route for toying with the 1990 sound/experience.


Dekoni elite velour has more bass then the a pads but less bass then the b pads


Hi i need help because iā€™m confused as fck. I order new headphones and i have asus stx II sound card. I spent a lot of hours on pc gaming, watching videos etc.

As i read more and more about 1990 there is more and more mixed opinions about them. People say they have treble peak problem so some people recomend swap pads mainly for dekoni ones.

Problem is that everyone recomend and Sha!te on other pads. Some people say velure ones are best because they stay close to orginal some people say you should not change pads just do EQ. On the other hand there is reviewer ZEOS that recomend other pads.

These headphones are already max i can spend and geting pads is last stretch for me.

I want someone to tell me you donā€™t make music just play games and watch youtube so do this/buy this. Simple

I suggest trying them out first before swapping pads. As you said itā€™s the max youā€™re willing to spend at the moment.

Sometimes we have to take note that certain descriptions re: headphones will be amplified (no pun intended) than how they really are IRL.

They are incredible for gaming. If you are treble sensitiv give them a pass. I dont have any problems with the peak. You can also get the amiron wireless foam disc for 5 bucks and they will completely tame the treble. Give them a try if they appeal to you

Maybe consider getting an hifigrade dac/amp too.

I spent lot of hours on pc if you were to chose ones for good balance comfort and imaging which would you chose. Sorry but i canā€™t believe that stock pads are comfortable.

This is not directed at you. I believe there is limit to word subjective and i read this whole thread and i find it hard to believe when people say stock is more confortable than let say lether ones. In many threads it looks like whenever someone say that likes something there is next one going against it. Itā€™s almost like people want to have their take just for fun of it.

Elite velour are the most balnaced ones out of the dekoni range

The problem with the leather ones is heat it dont disapate good on leather compared to velour

Thank you i ordered velour ones. I read some more comments from people that had hybrid ones and velour and they said velour ones are best. I was still torn about elite fenestrated and choice suede ones but there were some really negative comments about them so velour looks like safe choice.

I listen on them now for about hour and some stuf is really way better than my previous audio technica ad900x. Only thing i kind a wish to solve is that head band is not as comfortable as audio technica one.
Is there some kind of pad for headband?

Yes there are a few solutions for the headband like the dekoni choice headband or dekoni nuggets but i dont know how good they are never needed headbands for my 1990 because its really confortable for me

I wouldt get fenstered or choice suede they just mess up the tuning they have to much bass

But what is worth looking at are the amiron wireless foam disc they tame the treble response and give it a few db more at the bass and increase the stage and holographic feel and that for just 5 bucks i think everyone with a 1990 should try these out

This is a measurement i did my self green line is elite velour with the amiron wireless foam disc red line is stock b pads


Thank you very much again.

Two Questions:

  1. I found oratory preset [Harman AE/OE Analytic Earpads - 10 Band Graphic EQ] . Should i still do it when i get dekoni pads and that amiron disk. (works on my Asus Xonar STX II soundacrd)
  2. That amiron disk i put inside dekoni pad or first disk then pad on it?

also i found this on ebay

You put it where the old disc is you pop of the pads then you pop of the ring thats holds the foam disc and replace it just get the foam disc anyway they work really great without the bad impact of software eq

I didnt like the oratory eq at all it sounded really bad to me

Has anyone tried out the DT1990 Proā€™s on tubes? Any recommendations for synergies?

Hi friends!!

This is my first ever post, but a long time lurker here! I just wanted to say Iā€™ve officially joined the DT 1990 Pro Fam as I just placed an order today.

Iā€™m not that much of an audiophile, but Iā€™ve been wanting to get a pair of endgame headphones for awhile now. After much research, Iā€™ve finally settled on the DT 1990 Pro because I wanted something that would be:

  • Superb build quality. Iā€™m not that delicate with my electronics lol, so I wanted something that was not only made of supreme material but built like a tank. I was tempted by other choices like Hifimanā€™s line but I was worried of the reputation that it had built in their build quality. Also, on a personal standpoint, the 1990 look pretty badass to me!

  • competitive FPS. I play a ton of WZ and I have heard nothing but praise for DT 1990 in the FPS genre.

  • Something that was known to be a great all-around pair of cans. Since Iā€™ll only own a single pair of headphones, it was important to me that it would be a great jack-of-all-trades pair (for multiple genres of music, gaming, etc.). I know people have made many posts of siblance and treble, etc. But Iā€™ve read so many posts about how the 1990 can be manipulated in several ways to adjust the sound (whether it be different pads or EQ settings).

I know to many, the DT 1990 Pro isnā€™t an ā€œendgameā€ pair, but to a non-audiophile like me, this is as TOTL as it gets for me! Just wanted to say thanks to you guys in this forum for helping me reach my decision :slight_smile:

P.S. Iā€™m pairing this badboy with a Schiit Stack (Heresy / Modi) so hopefully itā€™ll be more than enough power!


@Treehouse Welcome to the fun. Good start.

+1 for gaming, these things are great for Valorant.