šŸ”¶ Beyerdynamic DT1990

Is it just me or did the soundstage actually get smaller on the DT 1990 from the DT 990. Thatā€™s at least how I remember from trying them, but it might have been a powering issue, as I was still using the FX-Audio-X6 back then.

Soundstage sometimes is hard to perceive. The frequency response of each headphones play an important roll in how we percieve the soundstage.
Th dt1990 have a forward presentation, detail is shoved into your face. Vocals are more forward and not at as recessed. The dt990 push back vocals make the soundstage bigger. I felt the same about you when I had them.

Youā€™re right. It might just be tonality diffrence that makes it seem that way and not the drivers technical restricitons.

I went back to the 990 the other day after about a week of the 1990 and I felt the same way. The 990 sounded more open and not as narrow as the 1990, but the 1990 sounds alot more smoother and full, not as harsh then the 990.

Dt 990 is a fully open headphone the 1990 is just a semi open headphone thats why 990 is more open and has a bigger stage

You can increase the stage with dekoni elite velours

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Ya I know itā€™s like a semi open. Maybe saying open might not have been the right word but to the sound signature I meant. I have the Dekoni velour, suede, sheepskin. I do prefer the velours out of the 3, the other two sound a little more stuffy/warm, but thereā€™s a certain sound in the highs or mids that make them more intimate.

Yeah, I feel like itā€™s more of a DT 880 Upgrade anyway.
I mean the semi open style is probably a reson for the 1990ā€™s bass to go so low very well.

If you want soundstage while keeping it with beyer pads. Get the dt990 600ohm limited black edition or get the regular dt990 600ohm edition and buy the black velour pads. Pad model EDT 990 vb.

Yeah, now itā€™s either those or the HarmoicDyne Zeus for me.

How do the a pads compare to the dekoni elite velours?

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The elite velour smooth out the treble peak and adds a significant amount of low end. They turn the 1990 Pros into a fun>accuracy headphone. Like the B pads on steroids.


I definitely donā€™t get a significant bass raise from my dekoni velour. It pushes the treble back, increases soundstage and depth, and brings the bass more into the mix. Though changes are relatively close to stock from my hearing. Comfort however is better due to thicker softer memory foam


Dekoniā€™s pads are crazy confusing. I have the elite velours and want to like them but they kinda majorly shift the headphones towards basscannons as GMoeller pointed out. They are crazy comfy though.


Throwing in my two cents here, as maybe a reminder how subjective this thing can be: while I definitely agree these pads increase soundstage, and they areā€¦ theoretically comfortable to me insofar as they feel nice in my hands, and thereā€™s less material touching my ear when I wear them, but theyā€™re very much not comfortable over longer periods of wear than the A pads for me. They are a lot fatter so if you had any issue with the clamp prior to pad swapping, your head is going to feel like itā€™s being vice-gripped. Or such unfortunately was the case for me anyway.

Treble was a little weird also.

I ultimately prefer the A pads the most. Cable swapping and testing synergies with different sources is my preferred route for toying with the 1990 sound/experience.


Dekoni elite velour has more bass then the a pads but less bass then the b pads


Hi i need help because iā€™m confused as fck. I order new headphones and i have asus stx II sound card. I spent a lot of hours on pc gaming, watching videos etc.

As i read more and more about 1990 there is more and more mixed opinions about them. People say they have treble peak problem so some people recomend swap pads mainly for dekoni ones.

Problem is that everyone recomend and Sha!te on other pads. Some people say velure ones are best because they stay close to orginal some people say you should not change pads just do EQ. On the other hand there is reviewer ZEOS that recomend other pads.

These headphones are already max i can spend and geting pads is last stretch for me.

I want someone to tell me you donā€™t make music just play games and watch youtube so do this/buy this. Simple

I suggest trying them out first before swapping pads. As you said itā€™s the max youā€™re willing to spend at the moment.

Sometimes we have to take note that certain descriptions re: headphones will be amplified (no pun intended) than how they really are IRL.

They are incredible for gaming. If you are treble sensitiv give them a pass. I dont have any problems with the peak. You can also get the amiron wireless foam disc for 5 bucks and they will completely tame the treble. Give them a try if they appeal to you

Maybe consider getting an hifigrade dac/amp too.

I spent lot of hours on pc if you were to chose ones for good balance comfort and imaging which would you chose. Sorry but i canā€™t believe that stock pads are comfortable.

This is not directed at you. I believe there is limit to word subjective and i read this whole thread and i find it hard to believe when people say stock is more confortable than let say lether ones. In many threads it looks like whenever someone say that likes something there is next one going against it. Itā€™s almost like people want to have their take just for fun of it.

Elite velour are the most balnaced ones out of the dekoni range

The problem with the leather ones is heat it dont disapate good on leather compared to velour