đŸ”¶ Beyerdynamic DT880 600Ω

I see somebody recommend this one.

But what Dac Chipset is best for dt 880?

I should buy a Magni 3+

OlĂĄ! Seja bem vindo a Hifi Guides Forum!

Now, since you’re in Portugal some of the usual recommendations may not apply. Schiit and Geshelli Labs, for example, are made in the US, and getting them can be more expensive because of shipping and customs.

I’ll ping @nymz and @Tonytex_Teixeira as they’re both my Portuguese reference here in the forum, maybe they can help you with places to buy gear.

I’ll also send you a PM so we can talk in our language (also Brazilian here)


Obrigado Fabio!
My Pleasure to be part of This Forum Now!
So much knowledge and good information!
Im back to the music(Godam corrector) in this 2023 and I hope find so much information here with all nationalities.
Portugal i Have some Friends French too
Germany and Italy too in special Italy with a oldscholl radio DJ from Roma
in the time of Beastie Boys and lot of parties like no other
So Music is My Official Hobby and what I really spend my time for real
Im choosing and studyin my Final DAC / Headphone amplifier and soon I hope buy till final of February
Is so many options and variations of technical parts them I buried lol
Thank you @fabiokelm and @lrjshabaz for the initial contact

Hm I still have a g103p laying around that would be a good choice but for that one you’ll need a balanced DAC, so that makes the thing more complicated :sweat_smile: hit me up if you’re interested or need some recommendations in the cheapish DAC sector ^^

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Choosin Asgard 2
and jnog 2
STill searching for DAC CHIPSET information reference

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I have to say Mr ZeosPantera is correct I am sat hear mind blown, I know I am year or so late to the party but I am sooooo pleased with this combo. And I have stuck the switch on the back of the amp just incase i switch it in error !


@Andy_Page Woo Hoo!!!

Welcome to HiFi Guides!!
That’s a pretty neat setup you have. Sounds like you are really enjoying it!!

I’m considering on grabbing the DT880 600ohm for gaming and music, however I am treble sensitive but was wanting to pair them with the liquid spark. I know the LS will help to lessen the treble and make it easier on treble sensitive people, but does the DT880 600ohm still retain the detail, soundstage, imaging, etc. with the LS? I just don’t want to muddy the sound/ruin technicalities, and I have a tight budget currently. Any other recommendations for under $200 on an amp or amp/DAC are appreciated!

DT880 600ohm can be tricky for the treble sensitive. It has a sharp spike at 10K.
3 years ago it trigger some bad tinnitus for me, granted I was playing them too loud.
For me the only thing that helped was the Dekoni suede pads, however they do change the overall character of them a lot.

maybe check Zeos’ video on dekoni pads for the Beyer range. They greatly change the sound.
I couldn’t tell you off the top of my head if they affect treble though, I wasn’t focused on that with my pair.

@Roknar, what were you guys running yours off of amp wise? I have a Fulla E right now and I know that won’t even remotely manage to give the dt880 600 ohms what they need.

zen stack in my case. (with an fx audio mini tube preamp)
As to bringing out their potential I can’t say. Noticed today that Zeos ran the DT880 600 ohms on the drop version but in single ended, and he compared the balanced output to the emotiva, so
 I guess at the very least it must be close to the potential.

I like the sound but I can’t say I am blown away like some people, but that could be just me. It’s not like I have a ton of references to go on.

The fulla is a nice little combo, but def not for demanding headphones.
Asgard 3 and Darkvoice. Even with those amps, for me that 10K peak is rough

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I have been interested in the dark voice. How did the suede affect the imaging and separation? I’m watching Zeos’s video and it seems like it boosts the bass substantially, which may interfere with gaming (that would be my main use of the headphone) since I play competitive games. I know they are bass light stock, so maybe it wouldn’t be as much as I’m thinking

The increase in bass has some negative impact on imaging but even so they still image better than most. Ive used them for FPS(casual gamer) and theyre still on point. The pads give it a lushness that makes them morenenjoyable than in super dry stock form. Darkvoice is a fun amp. Good with the dt800 but even better with 6xx

I would stop you right there then. The DT880 is a great headphone but if you are treble sensitive they will hurt.

For gaming and music, I would recommend you check out the TYGR300; I’m fairly treble sensitive also and they give me no issues while being great for gaming and music. Fantastic imaging.

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Falenkor had this to say on the pads:

I wasn’t paying attention to imaging so much but the suedes really darkened the sound overall. I don’t remember it doing anything in that regard at least, though the darkening would give the impression of less resolution. I didn’t like it that much initially but I eventually stuck with it. They were the most comfortable, the leather pads got too hot for me.

On the other hand that same darkening would probably take the edge of that treble.


My brother in law has a pair and while I did enjoy the imaging and sound signature, it felt too damped/muffled for my liking. I don’t know why I felt that way, but I wasn’t catching/getting the soundstage that everyone raved about. I have a pair of modded SHP 9500s and love how open they sound.


Question for those with piles of gear. Has anybody tried adding the dbx goRack to the DT880s?
Wondering if that might help adding some body to the otherwise clean bass.