Binary Dynaquattro

Radically different tunings. R1 Balanced neutral , DQ Warm, Bassier , lush vocals


They are not close.
Dyna is way more refined & mature


The case doesn’t look like official pelikan case, it’s seems to be made by some other brand. Looks study and well built tho. Do you have any first impressions of dynaquattro for us?


I’ll be listening it tonight, it’s been a busy day at office so I am listening to my fav 90s albums on my ZMF Auteur


It is not a pelican case however it is a nice touch to include this case. Be careful while placing the IEMs inside and make sure they are not popping out as closing the lid when the IEMs are on top might put some pressure on them. It would’ve been perfect if the case has a bit more height.

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I really liked inclusion of such high quality case, however agreed that the volume of the case could’ve been bigger as I have to be mindful every time putting the iem in the case

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True that. I feel like Studio r case wins hands down.

But TBH, nothing feels more Practical than my Olina Case.

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What iems come with that case? Or if it aftermarket

Which IEMs are you referring to?

Seems like it is a Pelican case


Oh , that’s not real Pelican AFAIK.
But it’s. A really sturdy case
Like Mega 5 Est

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Unique Driver Configuration Done Well

Pros: - Very good bass quality

  • Very good female vocals
  • Wide Stage
  • Good modular cable
  • Excellent Carry Case

Cons: - Treble need refinement

  • Slightly pushed-back male vocals
  • Stubby and thick nozzle
  • Harder to drive

Specs And Driver Configuration

  • 3 DD + 1 Passive Diaphragm Driver Setup Per Side
  • 10mm DD (Bass) + 8mm DD (Mids) + 6.8mm DD (Treble) + 6mm passive radiator
  • Three-way crossover
  • Impedance: 23Ω@1kHz
  • Sensitivity: 111dB/Vrms

Before starting the review I want to thank Binary Acoustics for arranging a review tour of this iem in my country.

Accessories Package

As this is a review sample I only got the iem, cable, and carry case so I can comment on those only. The case provided is excellent it is Pelikan like case. It is sturdy and robust.

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The inner volume is perfect so putting iems iems in and out of the case is easy. One drawback of this style of case is its bulkiness, it is not pocket-friendly. It is more like a travel case you put your iems inside it and then put it in your bag.

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Just like the case, I am very much impressed by the cable provided as well. The cable is modular so you can switch out terminations easily.

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One thing I like about this modular cable is that it has threaded modular termination instead of friction-fit terminations. This will increase the durability and lifespan of the modular mechanism.

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The cable feels sturdy and robust but I can’t call it supple and soft. It has a slight memory tho. But it is still very good for the price.

Design, Fit, and Comfort

Dynaquattro’s design has an industrial look to it. It looks very professional and upmarket. It is not as flashy as other resin iems. It is perfect for people who want an iem that looks professional and less blingy. I personally like the design of this iem very much.

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The iem has a matte black translucent resin shell with a metal face plate. The build quality of this iem is excellent. It feels sturdy and robust. Dynaquattro strikes the perfect balance between weight and build quality. It does not feel heavy, yet it has a sense of robustness to it.

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The fit and comfort of this iem is decent. It has a fat and stubby nozzle, so getting a perfect fit is slightly challenging. So, I recommend you to tip roll a bit. I got the best fit and comfort with Dunu S&S tips.

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The iem has molded in the shells as well, so the fit stability provided is also very good. The iems do not have any pressure build-up issues yet it offers a good amount of isolation.

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Dynaquattro needs power. I recommend using a source with good power so that you extract the fullest out of this iem. For my testing, I used Quedelix 5k in high gain out of balanced port and I had to push the volume dial. To check the scaling I then connected Topping NX7 to Quedelix 5k, the sound didn’t change much, just the bass got slightly more punchy and dynamic. So, you will be fine if you have a decent enough source.

Frequency Response

I used dunu S&S tips for sound evaluation. Dynaquattro has a very balanced sound signature.

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The bass is one of the highlighting points of this iem. The bass profile is sub-bass over mid-bass. The bass glides smoothly from sub-bass to mid-bass. The bass region overall is very dynamic and punchy. The sub-bass hits deep and low. The sub-bass rumble and texture is also very good for the price. The mid-bass thumps and slam is also very good. The bass quantity is in no way bass head level but the quality of bass present is very commendable.


Mids are also very good on Dynaquattro. I find the lower mids to be slightly recessed, but to balance this out the upper mids are slightly boosted. The instruments sound natural enough. Male vocals have enough heft to sound natural but I find male vocals to be slightly pushed back. On the other hand, female vocals are very good, they feel open and extended. The mid-range push makes the female vocals extra sweet and extended. Dynaquattro favors female vocals over male vocals.


The treble is solid, but it could benefit from some refinement. I wanted the treble to be more smoother. There is a dip in the treble at around 9k. Then there is a peak in the air region to increase the sense of air and extension. But I wanted a little bit more air to increase the sense of detail retrieval. The treble is incisive enough with good detail retrieval. The treble region never gets too much.

Detail retrieval and Technical Performance

The detail retrieval and technical performance is good for the price. The macro and micro detail pickup is decent. The stage is wider than I expected with decent front and back depth. Instrument separation and layering is very good. Imaging performance is also very good.

Dynaquattro Vs Juzear 61t

In terms of styling 61t has more out there faceplate with vibrant colors, when compared to the more professional look of the dynaquattro. I am personally drawn towards the more blingy and out-there look of 61t.
I like the fit of 61t better. It is slightly comfortable in my ear canal. But 61t has slight pressure buildup when compared to dynaquattro. Due to this, isolation is slightly better on 61t.

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When it comes to accessories the build quality of Dynaquattro’s case is better but 61t’s case is more pocketable. In terms of cable, 61t’s cable is non-modular when compared to dynaquattro’s modular cable. But, in terms of quality, I like 61t’s cable, it is supple yet feels very robust.

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Now the main part is sound. Dynaquattro has a balanced sound signature on the other hand Juzear 61t has a warm laid-back kind of sound signature.

61t has more bass quantity. But, In terms of quality, I feel dynaquattro edges out 61t here, Sub bass feels more rumbly on dynaquattro. Mid-bass tump and sense of slam is also slightly better on dynaquattro. When comes to mids. 61t has warmer lower mids and slightly relaxed upper mids. 61t favours male vocals and dynaquattro favours female vocals. 61t presents a thicker presentation. In terms of treble, I straight up prefer 61t here. Treble is smoother on 61t and has better extension and sense of detail retrieval.

The macro detail retrieval performance is almost at the same level and in terms of micro detail performance 61t edges out dynaquattro by a very slight margin. The stage is wider on dynaquattro, the stage on dynaquattro feels holographic when compared to the 2-D feeling stage. Instrument separation is slightly better on dynaquattro as well. Layering and imaging performance is a toss-up between the two.


Binary tried something new with the dynaquattro. 3DD + 1 Passive Diaphragm. This is a fairly unique driver setup and pulling this kind of driver setup with this kind of sophistication is very commendable. If you are looking for an iem in 250 dollar price range I will recommend you to have a look at Dynaquattro.


Nice write-up, I am uploading my review soon here.


awaiting :smiley:

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I picked up my set yesterday with the Onix alpha what a great set still in love many months later.

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Shout-out to HiFiGo and @gadgetgod for providing me with this IEM for this review. I will not keep it after the review. All thoughts and opinions are mine and completely true to my findings and observations. No one paid or influenced me to write anything good or bad about the products.

Pros: Sounds huge ( The scope of the sound is very big as well as the projection of every instrument )
Impressive way of doing soundstage ( In both height and width )
Excellent Low-End delivery
Very safe for long listening sessions

Cons: Resolution & Details are not upfront
Needs quality amplification to achieve its true potential

Introduction to the sound

The sound from these IEMs can be summed up in one word: HUGE . Everything feels HUGE. The soundstage is expansive and the bass is deep . If you’ve ever experienced tall drivers in planar headphones, you know how a larger driver can create a taller sound profile compared to smaller ones. This gives you that same feeling. The audio is powerful and confident , yet still feels controlled .

Why this IEM is important to me

What if I told you that the total surface area of the diaphragm could be significant? I used to be pretty amazed by how Single Dynamic Driver (DD) IEMs made a splash in the market, even if it was just a little. IEMs like the IE600, IE900, and Softears Twilight ( Which is way more expensive than this IEM and I am not trying to compare them even a bit ) impressed me with how great a single DD can sound. These companies have invested a ton of time and money into figuring out how to make a single DD produce a sound that can really wow you on the first listen. The small drivers in the IE600 and IE900 sounded so fantastic that it was hard to believe they were just tiny DDs. Why so much fascination with DD? It’s all about the timbre and the way everything sounds so balanced in the frequency response. Dynamic drivers have a much better timbre and tonality compared to Planar and BA drivers, which is why I prefer them. But here’s the thing: I always thought the diaphragm’s surface area wasn’t that important. This IEM has made me reconsider that belief.

Insider Information

This IEM houses 3 active drivers sized 10mm, 8mm, and 6.8mm with a 3-way crossover and one passive radiator of 6mm. The shells feel robust and heavy. The cable is pretty good with an interchangeable connection (4.4mm & 3.5mm). Let’s dive into the details of how this driver madness actually works out.

Note - This IEM requires a lot of power to show its full potential. I used it with Abigail Pro and it sounded muted in the overall FR. I switched to Dawn Pro and it got a bit of improvement there but it was still lacking the magic. Then I connected it to the Astell and Kern PA10 and it just sounded massively better on high gain. Then, at last, I plugged it into the JDS ATOM 2 and it stopped scaling from there.

Objective Analysis

Subbass ( Someone give this IEM a Crown )

  • The bass is not shy of showing off the huge elevation
  • It feels boomy and full of air thump
  • Amplitude is very high and extracts low-end from bass-shy songs
  • Deep Extension and distinction are properly executed
  • Attack and Decay is Slow & very vintage-sounding
  • Textural information was not that great
  • Resolution won’t wow you as well as microdetails

Bass ( Crown is not enough, it deserves more )

  • As authoritative as the sub-bass and beautifully compliments the sub-bass extension
  • Very well-balanced sounding (doesn’t overpower/underpower anything peripherally)
  • Feels thumpy, the fun element in this range is there in full quantity
  • Cohesive! The sub-bass to midbass to mids sound extremely coherent
  • Some effects on the vocals are observable (Lower Mids Feels just a tiny bit forward)
  • The air push is perfect, it feels like a diffused subwoofer
  • The combination of sub-bass and midbass in every kind of music is plenty
  • The amplitude is almost basshead level for me
  • Texturing is not as great as usual
  • Micro Detail and Resolution are OK for the price not too impressive

Lower midrange ( OK! Not everything is as good as the bass )

  • A tiny bit more forward than neutral
  • Warmth can be felt yet vocals are not lush sounding
  • The treble makes the lower midrange safe and texturally somewhat blunt
  • The timber is hint exaggerated towards richness in tonality rather than being lifelike
  • Zero Dryness/Roughness can be felt in the vocals
  • The space is intimate with the vocalists (which I like)
  • Very average in resolution
  • Textuxing is very average too

Upper Midrange ( Very Safe )

  • It is on the safer side of the tuning
  • Good Texturing can be observed here in terms of micro-details
  • Space and air in this region for vocals is very average
  • Zero Fatigue felt even after hours of listening
  • No Sibilance can be observed even at higher volumes
  • No sparkle and sizzle can be achieved due to the tuning choice, which I miss a bit
  • Exaggerated and enriched sense of the Timber characteristics
  • Separation is very average in this region
  • OK Details for the price at this frequency range

Treble ( The tradeoffs )

  • The lower treble on the other hand is a lot more detailed than the upper treble
  • The treble feels snappy enough & not overly speedy
  • I EQed the 10khz range and it is giving me a better trailing edge and micro-contrast
  • The presence range felt a bit missing
  • The is some lack of micro-details after 10Khz
  • The air extension is somewhat missing sometimes
  • Overall the transient nature is not there (In treble only)

Subjective Analysis

This IEM excels in subjective sound quality with excellent technicalities. It sounds like a more mature and refined IEM than most IEMs I tried at this price point.

Soundstage (BIG! BIGGER! BIGGEST? )

  • Soundstaging capabilities are very well utilised even though it is not very stretched
  • Reverberations are very enjoyable in the stage
  • It is not overly stretched to give a stereo separation benefit
  • Spherical and round in all directions which creates a holographic sense of positioning
  • Projection is excellent, the instruments felt larger and huge compared to most IEMs
  • The scope of the soundstage is huge & tall


  • Stereo imaging is very good, although it might not feel overly snappy
  • Pinpoint accuracy can’t be achieved in the stereo-width, but it does provide a very good 3D localized plane to place instruments which gives a holographic feeling of the soundstage
  • The depth perception is very good in comparison
  • Height is also excellent for the price, due to the vastness of the scope of sound
  • Doesn’t feel quick which is a preference of choice and suited for relaxed listening sessions


  • The details are provided in such a way that it is comfortable for more than 5 hours of listening
  • OK in detail, it won’t blow everything out of the water nor will it feel under-detailed even a bit
  • The overall resolution is a bit on the softer side due to the lack of presence of the region in the frequency amplitude graph


  • Excellent dynamics
  • The fluidity and speed (transient speed) are among the best of the best under $300


Hype 2 - These IEMs are different yet so similar. The bass is much better on Dynaquattro but the soundstage is more extended/stretched in Hype 2. Dynaquattro is a safe and very bassy IEM whereas Hype 2 is more neutral and treble is more extended/elevated. Details might be a bit better on Hype 2 but the overall scope of the sound, and the size of the sound are massively better on Dynaquattro.

61T - 61T is a lot more treble-focused and won’t give you the massive height. 61T is not as relaxed as Dynaquattro. 61T is a bit more detailed too. The Dynaquattro on the other hand is better in the bass delivery, timber is massively better, soundstage is properly done. Both are different and targeted towards different demographics, Dynaquattro is more low-end confident and relaxed listen, whereas 61T is more engaging and exciting.

DaVinci - These follow the same philosophy towards tuning. The vocals on the DaVinci are a bit better whereas the soundstage is more tall in Dynaquattro. The bass attack is much more impactful in Dynaquattro but the overall bass is more controlled in DaVinci. It’s like choosing two different chocolate flavoured ice-cream. Take DaVinci if vocals are more important to you & take Dynaquattro if low-end delivery is more important to you.

Targeted Demographic

This IEM is made for someone who prefers Excellent low-end, which doesn’t bleed into the vocals even a single bit, a smooth and relaxed treble representation, holds back a bit on the detail aggressiveness and gives you a tremendous amount of size to the music which sounds like a full-fledged headphone. I recommend this IEM with a big smile on my face.


great write up man thankyou, would you consider this a listen loud and good for like electronic music type set?


Loud Set yes , this one should be enjoyed with loud volume.

And I would recommend it for Electronic Music for longer listening sessions. As I said it is safe so glittery nature is a bit missing. So you have to choose, what you want. Sparkles or Longer listening sessions


perfect thank you, just trying to get a list together of stuff that suits my preferences, adding this to the list