Blon 03 hype thread

You could “demo” the mod by just removing the stock mesh and use it without a mesh.

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It’s totally worth a shot. :smiley: Just be careful with taking the original filters and put them on wax paper so you can put them back if you want.

And yeah, you can take the original off now. You just won’t have protection between your ear and the driver.

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Man I just got these in and they really surprised me. I always figured this wasn’t for me, but they were on sale and I was ordering something anyway so I though fuck it.
These things are warm. I don’t really own any warm headphones or IEMs so I never quite knew what that meant, but these made me understand what warmth is. Separation is basically what you’d expect from a cheaper IEM, and the treble doesn’t impress me at all. The fit is as terrible as people say, and then some. However I must say that I’ve seen worse cables (I’m looking at you Tin T2 and KZ ZST) so I wonder why they get as much hate as they do.

They will not be replacing other IEMs and they will not get as much usage as they probably deserve, but they will live in my box of IEMs forever as a benchmark and to listen to on a particularly cold and rainy day when no amount of blankets can warm me up enough :slight_smile: .

Remove the stock mesh filter on it. Really improves it.

(you arent using it anyway lol)

I was looking at the mod, but I don’t have 2-ply alcoholic wipes (or 1-ply for that matter, really who has that stuff lying around at home?) but I might remove the filter and not replace it with anything. Probably doing that on a second pair though :stuck_out_tongue: .

You can “demo” the mesh mod by just removing the mesh and going naked lol.

Otherwise the mesh mod I am talking about, is just replacing the stock mesh with another mesh from aliexpress that doesnt dampen the sound.

The one with the wipes is another mod.

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Echoing Rikudou here~

Yeah, you can just pop out a filter right now and test it. Just take a clothing pin and be gentle around the edge of the filter, and apply it to wax paper. A replacement filter is pretty much to protect the driver, so you can wait off.

Pretty much, detail shoots up and the upper-mids and highs get revealed–to the point of sharpness. Which, I like that. I prefer a little grit in the top end, so maybe you will as well.

I bought these filters in 4mm:


This is what I remember the mesh mod doing:
Faster and tighter bass resulting in a cleaner bass.
Some more lower-treble boost which helps with clarity.

Technicalities such as instrument separation, imaging, details and soundstage improves.


Bookmarked these. Really enjoying the blons with Spinfit CP100s. When I’m sure which cables I need I will place an order including a cable for the bl-03 and these filters!

Might get a second pair of bl-03s then, this sounds like they get less laid-back which is what I’m really digging about the 03s. Kinda sounds like they become like the FH3 with the filter swap

Nah, the 03 is still warmer and different.

If you like the stock cable ergonomics, this is a direct replacement. It’s a bit thin, but I prefer that as it’s lighter and doesn’t hang on your ears as hard. Oddly, the feel of the cable is very nice for the price range. Silver on silver looks sharp AF.

As for the sound change, I’d say vocals and cymbals get more present, but the bass actually settles down a bit. Less mid-bass thump so it doesn’t seem as active, but far better controlled.


I had a bit a a fit problem with my Blon’s 03 and foam tips. The foamtips where creeping slowly up to the iem due to the short and small connection. Instead of ordering spacers i cut from one the supplied sillicon tips the inner tube and made a spacer. For me it is working fine and the foamtips that i use stay now in place.

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You can try the radius deep mount tips. Solves the fit problem for me and they match extremely well with the 03’s sound.

I had to do the same thing with my spinfit cp100’s to get a consistent fit.

Received the Radius Deep Mount but wasn’t a succes on the Blon’s, i still prefer the homemade spacers with foam tips. But when i installed the Radius tips on my Legacy 4’s, for me this is a great succes !. Thanks !!


oh, guess different ears responds differently then. It worked aweome for me with the 03.

Well, glad it worked for your L4 at least. :sweat_smile:

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Ever since I got the Final E tips and the Salade SedanaEarfit, the blons have gone from a bad fit to the most comfortable IEms I have used so far. They are so lightweight and just fit precisely in my ear. Makes me wish there were higher tier IEMs with the same shell.


Same here and this is coming from a guy who uses Final E Tips as well. The fit has improved a lot for me and sound isolation has been levels of me telling people to not talk to me and sod off.

Going to give the Radius Deep Mount ear tips a try I ordered as well though, due to curiousity and I hope it can be comfortable to have it in your ears as well.


I regret selling mine. Those mids were amazing… :pensive:

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Blon could release Wall-E, Blon x Roblox and Alien inspired IEMs for the next 10 years and they’d still be legendary for the 03. A lot of people just leave the hobby and say “I’m out” because the midrange and timbre is so good. You lose your Blons or the driver blows, you’re not going to freak out like you would with a Trailli.

It’s the difference between good sound and “I’ll buy another one” instead of great sound and “so about that warranty…hello? Oriolus?.. もしもし、聞こえてる?”