Well they tried to photoshop lol
That dude’s locked in!
Not as locked in as this guy.
Finally made up my mind. Think I’ll take the risk of no warranty and go for the CAL!. Just for lols I’m gonna try the Superlux HD562 as well.
All in all it’ll cost 68$ for the CAL!, 25$ for the Superlux HD562.
562? Weird. I see that recommended as a monitoring can, meaning flat bass, not elevated at all, and you have to be OK with it sitting on-ear too. For bassy I’d say Superlux HD681 Evo or 662 Evo (681 is more sibilant but you can fix that with paper towel, 662 has better highs but some missing energy around 250 Hz even after modding).
Just thought I’d try them, not looking for anything in the 562s specifically.
Creative aurvana live is the best in that price range in my opinion
Oh god my mind is wavering between the CALs and B8, at this point I’m just gonna flip a coin.
Lol well if you want better build quality go for the b8 never heard it, but I love the bass on CALS one of the best headphones under $100 in terms of sound quality.
You also have the choice to save just a bit more money for a akg 371 they go for $100-150 which is a upgrade from both.
Awesome! The CAL has a really fun sound. Let us know how it goes and what you like about it!
Ah these cost 150$ for me. I’ll probably stick to the lower cost options for now, since I’m planning on buying a soldering iron and some other things to mod my Sony MH755s.
Will do! It’ll take 9-18 days to ship from Japan.
dude moded mh 755s might as well be end game right there lol
I liked them so much I bought 2 more lol. Might do 2 mmcx mod and 1 recabled.
It’ll probably take awhile for the mmcx plugs to come, but it’ll be worth it I hope. That’s if I don’t mess it up.
Mh 755s are great as well
They’re getting delivered today! Hope I don’t get a box filled with Japanese rocks instead.
Cooler master MH 751?
Went for the CAL!s instead