Buy/Sell and Looking for Thread

Edit: Sold!


Excellent starter set!


Listing has been updated…

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The one type of pad I haven’t tried on my HD600. I found the Elite Velour took too much off the top, but very comfy. The original pads, I found too bright. But the Fenestrated were just right. How would you describe the difference between that and the Hybrid?

I haven’t listened to the HD600 but I agree about the Elite Velours: took a lot off the top and boosted the bass which drowned out the mids, the strength of the 6X0. So even though they are very comfy it messed up the sound profile too much for my liking.

The fenestrated sheepskin pads are also really comfy and did not alter the sound much, but during long listening sessions they definitely felt a little hot on my ears. For me, if a headphone isn’t comfortable for long periods of time, it doesn’t really matter what it sounds like.

The Elite Hybrids did everything I wanted: they were super comfortable for extended periods of time, and the only thing they really changed about the sound profile was they boosted the bass just a little bit without messing with anything else. Sounds amazing on tubes too.

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I received the LSA HP-2 on Monday. The timing of your inquiry couldn’t have been any better lol. They are heading your way tomorrow good sir!

Also I see that you just created an account here at HiFi Guides. Love for you too poke around and let us know how you like the HP-3’s once they arrive!!


WTB Singxer SA-1 amplifier, or good alternatives in SA-1 price range, please pm me, thank you.

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Thanks for this thread. I’m so much glad to know more about it.

Interested in an R2R or a tube dac in EU. Max ~750ish euros

Not my listing but perhaps this one?

there’s quite a number of listings on head-fi: there’s even an EU (Germany) option.

Thanks for the response but I think adding another preamp would be pointless since I already have an integrated amplifier. :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah, but the standalone DAC in the same lineup probably cost the same.

tor audio has 2 different tub dacs for less then 750 euros

What’s the lead time atm? Last I check it’s august

still august. good things come to those who wait :slightly_smiling_face:

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Have u tried any of their tube amps?

i have not yet. have heard good things. i already had a schiit lyr 3 when i found out about them. i do have a tub dac on august order though. maybe im old, but august lead time doesnt seem that bad for a product thats selling out demand. especially given world events atm and raw supplies being rare atm.

edit: the guy from tor audio hand builds every unit including the toroidal inductor(hence the name tor audio)

Yeah no I agree, I don’t mind the wait either have a SW51 on the way. But that’s almost half the price only so less of a financial commitment.

I want to hear more impressions about the Tor before getting one myself, eventually

Looking forward to your impressions for the tube DAC!

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Selling items below. Feel free to message me here or on reddit.

All prices are shipped and obo. Condition of products range from good to like new. Discount for buying multiple items together. Feel free to comment or pm with questions.



  • Monolith Liquid Platinum $400

  • Drop THX 789 - $225

  • Topping D50s w/aftermarket metal remote $190

  • Fiio BTR5 $100

  • TRN BT20 $15


  • Fiio FH3 $100
  • Thieaudio Legacy 3 (blue crystal, universal) $100
  • Tin P1 $100
  • Blon BL-03 $20
  • Tripowin Balanced 2pin add $10 to an iem