Pretty sure the Discourse platform already is open source lol
Edit: I’m dumb you were talking about the tool. The tool is just a simple html site with some css I would assume, it could prob be improved easily with a bit of know how in php or javascript
tbh it would be useful for say in the speakers settings you could say what your main use case for these speakers are or in subwoofer how big is your room etc.
I actually made an account on here a couple days ago because I knew the reddit thread was a bit outdated and I wanted some more advice than just a youtube review before I ended up purchasing something.
I feel like this is a really good suggestion, recommending quality products with maybe a paragraph blurb about sound/quality/build/etc.
Pretty sure both Z and DMS are extremely busy/overwhelmed and I wouldn’t expect that to change any time soon for either one. So by all means fantasize all you want. But if you actually want to change things you’ll have to act independently. If you want an improved HiFiGuides, create one. Then get M0N to bring it to Z’s attention. If Z likes it he can replace the existing Guides with the new and promote it. If you want a wiki, build it. Etc.
The advantage of doing something independent of HiFiGuides is that it wouldn’t need Z’s buy-in to go live.
(BTW: I volunteered our services re HiFiGuides on a thread that DMS and Z were actively responding to not too long ago but got no response: DMS on Linus tech tips
definitely, and if DMS and Z can’t/don’t want to there are certainly people out there who should take some sort of verification test or some on boarding and be allowed to make edits or changed. also have mods per usual, sort of how wikipedia does things.
i see what you’re saying but there is no reason this can’t happen on this hifi guides. i dont want to, also, divide the community up more than it actually is.
agreed. to some extent. i dont want people coming in and ruining the guide page but i dont see any problem with having verified users add products, sections, make changes, etc.
There are other forums that are better managed. I’m a member of one.
I still post here regularly because there are some pretty cool people, but If @M0N wasn’t around to organize some of this chaos, I’d probably no longer post.
I originally joined up for the guides portion of the site Zeos was hyping up for weeks, and wound up enjoying my time on the forums. Folks are extremely helpful here and show great passion for the hobby. The individual threads get clogged up quickly with chatter and we go way off topic but that’s what makes it fun.
Once in a while i look at the guides, i am sure they are an immense project to keep up with and truthfully i have purchased more items due to the deals thread and buying used through other forums and friends than anyplace else.
For the most part the site is self regulated, many of us are neophytes and a general air of politeness abounds. (Mon does a great job btw!) I don’t post often in the bigger sites because folks fight over their opinions more often than not and in general I am overwhelmed by the amount of knowledge and pressure to buy what is thrown out over very expensive items while budget and mid-fi gear is always relegated to the side as an afterthought for the working class folks and neophytes.
I came here to support Zeos and DMS in their endeavors, Instead i found a very nice group of people to share the hobby with. Personally I’m happy supporting Zeos and DMS in any way they want to share with me but i fear the initial intent of the site may have gone a bit ”off” for them.
Just an idea for the website (not the forum). Graphs don’t show much, so…
(Headphones image)
(Buy on amazon link/image) Graph: Link (rtings, diyaudioheaven, etc.) Sound demo: Link Soundstage: X/10 Imaging accuracy: X/10 Detail level: X/10
And what is already planned according to Zeos also, a link to the official forum thread of these headphones.
This + short one sentence “note” or summary highlighting the unique nature of each headphone. I miss the ones Z used on Reddit. They don’t have to be that colorful but I think there needs to be something like them.
also i would love if the speakers section would ask things like “intended use” so i can see if these are more TV or PC style speakers or desktop… as well as what your main usage is