Discussions, memes and sound impressions of @SE

Gletcher’s test of coherence continues. He handles this song like a champ. Speed ​​10/10. Coherence 10/10. I don’t know how they managed to make it so coherent and cohesive, but Gletcher sounds like one big DD! In most multi-driver IEMs, the coherence reaches 8/10 at most. Unbelievable…

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I don’t know if MK2 is better than MK3, but this Glacier song sounds spectacular, the bass is fast and hits you directly in the chest, the stage is amazing… If you hear this on Glacier, you won’t want to listen to anything else.


well balanced or well proportioned really doesn’t exist, nor mk2 is neutral, balanced or ideal and nor the mk3 is v shaped or weird sounding like he describing.

(up to 20 db difference after 600 hz from person to person)

Look at this beautiful and consistent art of mine, blacks are different ear canals and the red is iem x, the iem x would sound different to them, to the second guy the iem x is warm, soft, and low tech meanwhile the first or second dude would disagree and would call it even bright in some areas. first guy would call the midrange correct meanwhile the third guy would say the midrange is recessed so the iem is u shaped or v shaped. the real question is, is the iem x v shaped? u shaped or warm?
So how you gonna describe the sound you are hearing to others when you can’t straight up tell them the sound signature or describe the graph because we do hear the “graphs” differently ? using different songs as reference point or the music it self? that wouldn’t work either because all 3 would hear songs differently. person b hears bass differently than the person a or c, person b would claim the song is slightly brightly recorded (his hrtf is brighter than other 2) hence you need more bass to compensate to make things sound good, but the other dudes would disagree. its the same for other frequencies, listener a would claim the cymbals are slightly quite on the track that was recorded smoothly around 10k area (look at the spike he got on his hrtf) meanwhile the cymbals on the same track would sound much different to the other 2 listeners.
This really makes the generalizing of “sound signatures”, a “singular ideal target for everyone” or trying to describe how something sounds to others pointless tbh. its like describing shoe size 41 as ideal because it fits your feet well ignoring different feet sizes, or describing how socializing works or how to feel happy all the time to others with different brain chemistry that is genetics and pre determined and slightly different from one person to other person (think of introverts and extroverts, they feel and experience the world differently, so an extrovert trying to describe and convey how world feels based on his personal experience and brain chemistry to an introvert is pointless)

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This one MIGHT be my next target. I’m trying real hard not to go down the IEM rabbit hole too much because I have other goals I want to hit in my system as far as next step and if I keep going down this hole things are going to get complicated. But I am very intrigued by these and may cheat and get them!


I love how he used one of my fave Cure tracks to showcase the differences in this review, kudos for that! :notes: This one is also on my wish list and since I’ve gone the P8 route and I enjoy how it’s tuned, at least on the graph, it paints a good picture as it is similar but with a slight bass elevation and perhaps a bit more refined in the treble/air?

When I am ready to pull the trigger, and seeing what else is out there around that time, I look forward to getting my ears on the set to compare. Looking good though imho…and kudos to Dave for helping them tune it. :+1:

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Such a good looking IEM with a legit matching cable. I’m super curious how it sounds, will be on the lookout for a review. :eyes:

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I hope the review will make someone more capable and competent reviewer, because lately I have been reading nonsense. :smiling_face_with_tear:


:sweat_smile: :sweat_smile:


Glacier continues to amaze me. It’s a beast for resolution and unbeatable for natural sound. :notes: :white_check_mark: :1st_place_medal:

giphy (3)


I’m satisfied for single DD bliss with a very slightly modded EN1000, otherwise I might have pursued my interest in the Glacier by now. Seems like an awesome set in looks, build, and tuning.

If that’s the stock cable Dunu did a great job for matching the theme.

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How would this compare to say IER-Z1R or Crimson?

not lacking midbass to your ears?

Really trying to decide between this and Prestige LTD, i just cant do a midbass tuck set, Electronic/Metal/Classical Library

It has mid-bass and a lot of sub-bass. From the FR, it sounds like the sub-bass is more, but it is not like with cheaper IEMs, where with a similar FR, the mid-bass will be missingcut. At the same time, the mid-bass and sub-bass are in perfect sync and nothing is missing with metal music, and with electronic music you get a “terrible punch”.


I haven’t listened to the Prestige, but it certainly has a softer bass because it’s aiming for a bit more balance.

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