eh… I forgot lol. (this is where manual lenses suck since I cant see any info in the file itself.)
There are many specs of dust on your sensor and or your lens on the inside.
Do you have one of those blowing tools?
Thanks so much that’s great.
Really Appreciated
Just check the meta data, brother!
Oh wait, this lens doesn’t communicate with the camera at all?!
Yes I do have a blowing tool and i did clean it afterwards with it (and also using the cleaning function in the camera).
(the latest pic I posted is after I cleaned it.)
Yep does not seem to have any communication with the camera. Is this not how manual only lenses usually are?
Man, that is interesting… not all manual lenses are like that. A lot of them have contacts to at least tell the camera what aperture you’re at. The 85mm I have has that.
I guess that’s one way to get the costs down.
Ps. Those shots being at 6400 ISO is insane. I can’t believe how clean they are with such a high ISO.
Makes sense this is how they they keep the costs down for something this cheap while not affecting the actual image quality,
I do realize that for anything else than a macro lens I really do want auto focus though. Since I love using the DMF mode, which essentially uses auto focus first when you semi press the shutter button and then if you want to you can adjust the focus manually from there via the zoom/focus wheel on the lens.
(when you dont semi press the shutter button the wheel on the lens acts as a zoom wheel only and switches to focus wheel when semi pressed at least on the kit/zoom lens i got.)
Yeah I think they look great. I followed what this guy said.
To not give a shit about the ISO and just keep it on auto with maybe a range set to it, which I have done from 100 - 6400 ISO.
Basically ISO doesnt CREATE noise, it only makes it more obvious if there is any in the pic. Like volume and SNR in audio.
Yes, sir. I use that analogy when beginners ask me as well. It’s like static or distortion in audio when the signal is being pushed/boosted beyond it’s limits.
ISO is also the only one of the holy trinity (ISO, SS and Aperture) that does not affect the artistic parts of the image so Im fine with setting it to auto and just forgetting about it, makes it MUCH faster to take a pic.
I like that… so true. Modern cameras do so well with ISO that having it set high is not a problem most of the time.
ISO is definitely not the same as a nice grain structure on 35mm film but, it’s not always a bad thing.
However, be careful with over correcting the noise with high ISO images… they can turn into blotchy messes real fast.
Yeah for sure, I see it as a good thing to have it set to 6400 as the upper limit since it kinda tells me when there isnt enough lighting or im using a too fast SS. Aperture I believe should be one of the first you factors you want to set since it affects how the pic will come out (bokeh or not) so the only factor I need to really consider is external lighting and SS?
Yeah, to some degree. I limit my ISO when shooting at home to no more than 400, which is usually more than enough. In terms of SS, I try to never go below 1/60 unless I’m going for a specific look. When I’m shooting events and weddings and what not I’m a bit more flexible with this.
First pic with the macro lens and the second with the sony kit lens. Both with same F 5.6, 1/40 SS and 3200 ISO (and kit lens set to 40mm as well).
With macro.
It looks like the T stops are different between the two lenses, but overall, they’re really similar besides the magnification level, huh? Interesting.
I’m telling you, that Kit lens is sick.
The differences is mostly with the White balance? (its on auto and I guess with my random rgb led on the keyboard it aint exactly the best subject to A/B with…)
Yeah with some lighting that kit lens is great and definitely shouldnt be shitted on as much as I see online.
(low lighting is a different story though.)
Yeah, it could be the white balance but it also could be the actual T stop, not the F stop. But idk if that would make that big of a difference.
It’s interesting seeing that comparison honestly.
I have learned more about photography in the last week on this thread, than I knew in over 4 decades of taking photos.
When I was teenager, my uncle taught me how to develop film, he mostly did B&W to save money. I had a fairly nice Olympus compact with a telephoto in my early 20s, and mostly took photos of family and some while climbing.
I had a Sony digital camera back in the late 90s, early 00s. Digital lets you experiment more easily, because developing film was expensive. Today, I mostly just use my phone, and other than setting the focus location occasionally, I mostly don’t think about it.
Tbh i still dont really know what that is. I see that term a lot on lenses at like 100mm+ focal lengths and on flagship phones (never had one in my phones…).
Auto mode on phones like the Pixel lineup is damn good so If thats what you have I wouldnt bother either.