Earbuds Discussion Thread


That $65 in including VAT. But after that introduction I will probably skip.

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Lrey’s newest flagship, Silvanus LE

For Audiophile Basshead. For sure you will love the clarity and sparkles while enjoying the slam of bass 👌 The sound quality is better than W03 pro that is recently known for being bassy with top notch clarity. Soundstage and imaging are precise and spacious. The shell is made from stabilized Turkish walnut that I believed helps the sound to be more cleaner. The driver is custom 32 ohm Tri-balanced Bass edition and the cable is 4core 7n copper.

limited edition…


FYI, price is apparently 250 USD. Will you be getting it?

That seems pretty fair…

Nah I’m good with Riku’s bass although that stabilized Turkish walnut looks dope :wood: :+1:

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Hey buddy do you have an opinion on Blox?.."TM11 deliver excellent clarity,detailed and natural sounding”…kinda interesting me :smiley:

Okay, some thoughts on the Caster 3 while I am still getting used to them:

  • These absolutely need a medium to full density foam; black foams basically drop out all of the bass range and make them bright-tilted. May appeal to some in that case, but I highly recommend the white or red (or similar density) foams on these
  • Overall signature IMO is warm-neutral. These are pretty easy to drive compared to most buds, but as per usual, source and power will scale like crazy. With the relaxed signature, they also love to keep you cranking up the volume as you listen and bob your head haha
  • Fit is a refined Gen3/RG39, all day comfort and very secure for buds. If you’ve worn Gen3/RG39 before, same thing but deeper insertion is possible (dependent on your earshape, YMMV, etc).
  • The midbass is punchy and among the best I’ve heard in a bud, texture competes with a lot of top-tier IEMs as well. With the right foams and insertion (and reasonably quiet environment), these do extend into the subbass region as well! Not a HUGE amount of output (these will not beat Saber 3 or, I imagine, Berserker 3 for subs) but it IS there, which is huge for a bud.
  • Mids are indeed where the music is with these, guitars and strings sing on these. Both Male and Female vocals are very well represented and sound tonally accurate to any of my reference gear.
  • Treble is indeed a bit dark in the mix, but it is present and never steps wrong. Trebleheads will be better served by other options, everyone else should be pleased as punch IMO.
  • Imaging is on point and the soundstage is actually pretty wide and has good verticality as well. Depth is accurate to what I hear from most of my reference gear. They’re really good layering while having that solid coherence you expect from a single DD.
  • While I think Hip-hop Heads and EDM Fiends would be better served by a bassier bud or IEM, these are great Jacks of All Trades and have earned a spot in my normal rotation. Kudos once again to @Rikudou_Goku on his works, I honestly don’t see where you go from here other than expanding the Gen 3 line with other qualified DDs as you find worthy successors.

Well fuck. I wanted “Grand Rider 1-style in a better shell” and if this it what it sounds like, I might as well start planning to give Uncle @Rikudou_Goku my money then…


It’s been a while since I had the GR1 on hand, but these strike me as “slightly less wide with better sub performance and fit” compared to the GR1. Riku could probably articulate the differences better than I could, or if we need an actual A/B, I could send them to someone that has the GR1 on hand…
I also hate to be an enabler, but I’m not NOT going to tell you to get a pair haha unless you want to be patient.

That would be me. I have the GR1 and the biggest reason I don’t use it more is the MX500 shell

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I couldn’t remember if you still had them or not. We will coordinate…

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I didn’t get one but someone on Discord has. Will share his brief impressions soon


Pic of the first Caster 3 in the world.
Not only the first Caster 3 but also the literal first Caster. :sparkler:


GR1 is pretty different from it though. Gr1 has more and airier treble that is less smooth and with less bass overall iirc.
(GR1 is discontinued though.)


I didn’t mean it had to be a 1:1 equivalent. Even if it’s not neutral-warm, as long as it’s not closer to bright and has the spirit of the timbre and staging of GR1, that would be a really good shout for me.

Plus, I’ll just get to demo Caster myself to see if it can take that spot



The Caster 3 is for sure anything but bright, the rest you’ll just have to tell us when they get there!


Oh yeah it is definitely not bright, it is aimed to be both relaxing enough for a sleep bud and still detailed enough for regular use.


Just received my first earbud, Qian39. Amazing how close the sound of this $15 earbud is to my $129 Thieaudio Ghost and my $200 6XX.
The sound is more of a open back sound than a IEM sound.


Welcome down the rabbit hole mate :slight_smile: enjoy your set!


Good, now next step will be Rikubuds gen 3. :wink: