For those in the same generation, yeah the driver size is what changes (8000 vs 6000), otherwise fairly similar
They aren’t as technically proficient as well, they are more of a budget option
The RF-7 III is a step up but more money as well
If you want the best of klipsch and more music oriented (not really home theater), stuff like their Klipschorn, La Scala, Forte, Heresy, or Cornwall are the places to go
what should i be looking for spec wise?
or kornscala’s! have you seen any of the mods out there combining them?
I have lol, but then modding
It’s moreso what model you should look for, as the specs won’t really tell you a ton
the models of klipsch pertain to room size more then anything. small room: rp4000/rp5000, small/medium room: rp5000/rp6000, large room: rp8000. there is a little more bass oomf with the larger woofers, but with a sub does not matter. if you wanted to go subless, pick the rp8000’s. otherwise model is more about room size if you have a sub. also the rp4000 randomly only come in black(klipsch being cheap on us)
I think the midrange on the 4000 and 5000 isn’t as good as the 6000 or 8000 imo
oh yeah? i have not personally heard all of them. going off of other testimony. the deepest notes is what most usually say. i would think the smaller drivers would do midrange even better, but i am not an engineer lol =)
thats why M0N rocks! telling us truths the rest will not!
I just think that you loose the impact and oomph of the mids with the smaller driver, that makes them a bit to upper treble focused (from when I demoed all of them a while ago at a dealer)
my local dealer only has rp6000 and 8000 for demo, asked about the 5000 sound and said wont notice a difference with a sub. liars!
lol the 6000 and 8000 little big for my space, was thinking about getting the smaller guys once upon a time.
got ya. the tweeter kinda takes over to much?
Somewhat, and I think they don’t come off as warmer or pleasing, besides the drop in bass
i c, as always thanks again for some insight =)
I think their best product of their new lineup had to be the rp600m, that thing is sweet for a bookshelf. I would own it if I didn’t have my BMR Philharmonitor speakers taking the fun speaker place
one single RP-8000F costs as much as a pair of RP-600M. am i doing this wrong going the floor standing route? lol
Kliisch all the way for your price range, current amplification, and low end desires. Buy the biggest ones you can afford you will be happy. I’m a klipsch fanboy and have a whole bunch of them. Also, they soundstage very nicely and have plenty of wiggle room for set-up so you won’t need a center channel either. Use current speakers for rear fill. Enjoy and good shopping!