šŸ”¶ Fostex T50rp

Hi, did you test the AKG K-270/ K-271 Foam Net Pieces?
I am curious if they fit the T50 and how they change the sound.

Oh well, sorry, I completely forgot about these foam pieces (I wanted to order something from Thomann, but did not).

But @MazeFrame did it, see pics here.

Also, welcome to the forum!

Thank you for the link with pictures, i searched myself but could not find pictures.
They could be a little bigger i guess.

Found two different ones for AKG, a larger version for K240:

And a Version with a center cutout for K701:

There also is a Version for HD650 (DMS was mentioning it):

Anyone know about running these on an Objective2 ?
Got the Drop one going to 240V, 6.5x gain, specs say 613mW at 33ohms, 355mW at 150ohms. Got no power figures for 50ohms.
No idea if itā€™s Class A or not.

This is looking optimistic mind you - the He4xxā€™s (bigger opener planars) go more than loud enough on it for me, and I found this amp-headphone pairing tool:



Difference in peak SPL (basically loudness yes?) is small, while the damping factor is quite a bit bigger with the Fostexā€™s than the Hifimanā€™s, which I take to be ā€œhow much it manages to not change the tuningā€, and therefore a good thing.


Iā€™m not the only one who noticed that he has the MKIII not the MKII?

Like the one on SuperAudio best friends itā€™s a requested MKIII chassic with MKII internals and driver + mods. 1st owner liked sound of MKII moddy but looks of the MKIII :+1:

yes Zen Dac can power the T50, problem is why T50? These headphones didnā€™t age that well. For electronic I guess it is fine, but the issue is that out o place bass. It is not really a bass oriented headphone, but is like music is happening ā€¦ voice, cordsā€¦ whatever, and out of the blue the low bass makes a steps out of the melodic line. Itā€™s not huge, but it becomes annoying and you will find yourself reaching for headphones like HD600 or DT880 so much more that you will see no reason to even have T50.

I mean, nobody buys T50RPs without modding them. I did my own mods on mine and now theyā€™re perfect for me. Theyā€™re incredibly ā€œversatileā€ as they can just be treble murder (stock), U-shaped if you mess with the foam, dark with Shure 840 pads, etcā€¦ or obviously, if you ask Modhouse to mod em.

Edit: Perfect for me with everything. Electronic music, jazz, metal, female and male vocals, youtube videos, whatever.

Reach for the Dynamic driver HD600 with rolled sub bass? Why?
Bass notes do not just jump out as these are feedback devices/transducers and replay the input.

Thatā€™s just odd. There are also atleast a dozen versions of the T50 MKII and III some of which has many tuning profiles and my graph reflects my particular unit and other MKII do not graph like it.

Being planar it slams when it is supposed to and at no other time and unlike a DD it can recover without any Senn veil


maybe that is the issue. Planar are so fast compared to dynamics that is easy to brake melodic line, and sounds become kind of isolated. I noticed the same thing with Arya and frankly this makes me rethink my future upgrades to totally exclude planar. You picked up on HD 600 because reduced bass, but ignored the fact that DT880 has a more coherent sound, and that is my 2nd most use headphone for music, with Arya on 3rd and T50 4th. In fact they only time I use Arya is on new gear out of curiosity, and T50 not even that lately. It is easy to go: ā€œOh this headphone just a little better/worse here and thereā€ but when it comes to actual use time with options on the table, the bad investment becomes apparent. n aside HyperX, I still preferred those to T50, with all that cheap sound

You might be one of those rare bass-sensitive people like my father. :man_shrugging:

Kinda like buying a Harley. You know you 'aint leavin there with a stock machine! :sunglasses:

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Anyone here tried putting modeling clay into these? Because Iā€™ve had trouble finding anything on what it actually does apart from a vague ā€œreduce mechanical motionā€ and that tells me nothing about effects on detail, imaging, or tone.

Okay this is sounding salty. But I was dissapointed by how putting in cotton made them sound really thin and hollow (compared to just using Dekoni sheepskin pads), and feel reluctant to unscrew them again, even though I already got some Newplast clay to try out.

Iā€™m thinking about entry level planars. Does someone have both T50RP and HE400SE? Can someone compare them?

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T50RP are excellent, but unless you are planning to mod them or send them in to be modded, get the HE400SE. The T50RP are excellent, but have sort of a vale over the sound, the ear pads are extremely uncomfortable (must replace) and they are only single ended out of the box so you could never expand the to balance unless you mod them. The HE400SE are clear and neutral, almost to the point of being boring in my book, I need a bit more base and warmth, but that is what your getting, no need to mod, and balanced.

There are now plenty of other choices out there for beginner plannars that I would say are better choices.

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Huh, never saw T50RPs as having a ā€œveilā€ over their soundā€¦ Anyway, Hifiman 5XXs are also well-regarded (no mods required either).

But, is it really a good thing? Lol. If you have time to ā€œmodā€ headphones, and by ā€œmodā€ I mean, just buying another pair of pads or messing with the foam a little bit for example, the versatility of T50RPs can really impress you. Itā€™s like buying 3 or 4 headphones at once, really.


Have you ever listened to any of the T50RP mods? Its like opening your eyes for the first time and seeing clearly. I went from stock to the Mayflower Mod and it was like waking up. In the mean time I send my headset in to be Argons, but I still have my Hifiman.


which version would you recommend for pc gaming and so that I could hear myself talk? I figure the T20s?

Unfortunately, I donā€™t think there is a company in EU that does the modsā€¦