Gizaudio IEM Discussion Lounge (Ranking, Impressions, News)

Thanks homie, I’m gonna start looking into it. I figure it’ll be a more fulfilling adventure into this hobby for me if I look into this.

Might even be cheaper since I’ll have a more precise grasp on what I enjoy


Looking forward to your impressions! :smiley:


Thanks, brother! Haven’t opened them yet, looking forward to seeing what you and Dunu have cooked up this time :ok_hand:


Supermix 4 > Nova

Supermix 4 sounds less thin overall in the low-mids to me + the upper-end details sound clearer.
Most importantly, it fits better than Nova.

If Nova is 4/ 5 stars, than Supermix4 is 4.5/ 5 stars


Excited to hear your impressions on DM !
When is that coming, you think?


I’m getting a pair in my self, looking forward to hearing what all the fuss is about.


If you like Harman-style tuning, you’d like this one.
It’s a slightly less thin take on harman, which is very welcomed.


I was always anti Harman, but @VIVIDICI_111 sent me a EPZ Q1 Pro, which is like, quintessential Harman with less bass and I really enjoy them. So, I’m looking forward to the SM4!


Just got the Galileo, I’ll be honest since I started buying more expensive sets I haven’t had a set that made my heart race under 350, Project M was that set.

Colour me surprised to hear it for Galileo, it’s so great, lived so long on the “I gotta get the cutting edge & maximizing price to performance” I forgot to look back and just get sets I was interested in.

Lesson learned early and I’m glad I did. This is a banger set


I still love mine as well, was my first set and is also currently the only IEMs I own (still uncomfortable for me to wear IEM’s, sadly…eardrum issue). When I do briefly switch to them for a listen and bask in their glory, I have found the S&S tips elevate them even more so than with the stock Letshuoer tips, which I used exclusively before.

This worked for me but I know everyone’s got unique ears/ear canals. Still, would recommend trying if anything to see if it also sounds as good to you (and others).

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Funnily enough I’m using just random tips on mine, these gray tips from my Phoenixcall lol, I did have Clarion tips but I put them on my Pilgrims, having a tough time finding the perfect tips for that set.

Meanwhile Galileo takes just about anything extraordinarily well, having a headache so I didn’t get the chance to try S&S on em. I’ll give em a whirl tho thanks brew


Little cross posting - The da Vincis are in hand and they look spectacular!


Not sure haha. I have a lot on my plate at the moment…

Tanchjim 4U


On that note, I think it’s time to start taking ISN seriously (Penon sub-brand)

They’re coming out with the H60 soon! (Price TBA)
Although I’m guessing around $320.

x2 “Isobaric” 8mm liquid silicone gel DDs
x2 Sonion BA for Mids
x2 Knowles BA for Highs

Graph looks pretty balanced


I’m glad I’m not that big a fan of their faceplates or I’d buy em right now lol


Watcha talkin’ bout man they are look gorgeous! Like porcelain water drops :star_struck:

But yeah the tuning is more important and it looks like a gentle V to me with perfect positioning and amount of pinna gain.


I dunno I’m weirdly picky about em, I can see those look nice but maybe I don’t like em from that angle.

I even prefer my slightly yellowed UP to the sparkling white brand new one lol

$349 is the MSRP


Understandable. H50 is still for sale and it’s $299.

I think they’re pretty excellent at any price once you dial them in with accessories (tips/cable)… which is common for any price range. ( AZLA SednaEarfit etc.) Not sure if it’s because they are all BA etc but they have more coherency that other under $1k multi driver IEMs I’ve tried outside the S8 which is more different than anything else and only when using Comply tips on s8… like I’d personally only use the AZLA tips on the SLT6.

At 1st, I thought the treble up switch was a waste but with a warm cable an tips that also bump the mids, it can actually become useful.

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