Gizaudio IEM Discussion Lounge (Ranking, Impressions, News)



They better be 10/10s or I’m coming to Japan to…
give you a big fat hug ofc


First Impression: Ziigaat Cincotres

I ran through my whole test playlist once for this impression and I gotta say…not much is wrong.
Cincotres is a meatier sounding harman with some small sacrifices, but I think the benefit gained is worth it.

Compare to conventional harman-inspired sets, female vocals on the Cincotres are a bit dirtier and the overall instrumental separation and spaciousness is not as good, but male vocals are significantly more satisfying, and the bass is fuller and more engaging.

So far, Cincotres is simply a fun set. It plays 90% of my tracks satisfyingly. There are also no obvious red flags in the tuning, just smaller nitpicks.

I’ll test more and A/B for the full review, but so far so good. I’ll say at worst it’s worth the money.



Look forward to the review*.

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This is quite interesting.

Would have liked to see some more extension in the upper treble on DaVinci given it has a dedicated supertweeter :smiling_face: well I’m sure it’ll be fine


The V1 of DaVinci had all the extensions in the world to the point where it was stabbing my ears, so I tuned it down lol.


Just to clarify, I’m only talking about 15-20kHz, where instead of continuing linearly it drops at 15kHz :stuck_out_tongue: or are we on the same page and that’s what you tuned down?

I tuned treble after 8K down in general, but yes, the 15-20Khz was reduced the most.

In a future collab, I’m thinking of doing a proper U-shape IEM that will focus on sub-bass and air.

DaVinci was aiming to be neutral-warm with a supernatural bass decay. Too much treble and it turns into a V-shape, which wasn’t the goal.


First Impression: ZiiGaat Doscinco

Same deal with the Cincotres impression, I listened to my test playlist entirely once.

The Doscinco sounds much smoother than the Cincotres. The Cincotres has a fun and contrasty sound to it that makes it very engaging, whereas the Docinco sounds more cohesive.

Tuning wise I prefer Doscinco. The forward vocals with the clean bass boost is something I’ve been known to enjoy so Doscinco fits the bill just right. My only issue with Doscinco is the lack of incisiveness in each note. Each note feels blunted, especially when compared with Cincotres. I’d rank the Doscinco easily one grade down from Cincotres in tech performance.

Timbre wise the Cincotres sounds more correct as well, despite the overall vocal tonality being better on Doscinco.

For bass, I felt Doscinco and Cincotres both do a decent job in their own way.

So far, I like Doscinco, but not enough where I’d spend $270 (at least in this first impression). Cincotres would be my easy reccomendation between the two.

Like always, this is just first impressions so I’ll test more for the full review.


I was feeling the Doscinco but I feel like after these impressions, Cincotres with iFi Xbass (1x or 2x) would be the better choice.

Any news on DaVinci? Price settled? Pre-order bonuses? When will pre-orders start?

baskingshark at H**d-fi was kinda meh-ish about DaVinci. That said, my opinion of audio equipment and baskingshark’s opinion do not often align. I take that as a promising sign I would like the DaVinci. :wink:


I heard mid to late May just yesterday from Hifigo.

Seems Elysian Pilgrim, Kinera Rentless, and Aful Explorer will likely all be released first. I could be wrong.


Price is $299
Pre-order hopefully around mid-May :slightly_smiling_face:


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None of my collabs ever do lol
Maybe in future one if appropriate


Can I get this* as a poster signed?


A winner is you!


I have a pair of Davincis coming in around the beginning of May, Hopefully. I’ll make sure to share my impressions honestly and efficiently :saluting_face: