Gizaudio IEM Discussion Lounge (Ranking, Impressions, News)

8k resonance/insertion depth refers to how far the IEM is inserted into the 711 coupler. Your resonance peak seems to be at ~10 kHz, which is deeper than the usual 8 kHz goal that most reviewers try to follow and that will change the treble. Example:

Try to fit a bit shallower and match the resonance at 8 kHz, and the treble will align more with the Timmy graph. Also, 711 couplers and mics will vary quite a bit, you can’t ignore those variables or assume it’s QC.


Fairly certain I inserted the same depth as I always do, but I can re-measure it again later :+1:

IIRC i had pointed the 8k resonance peak variance some time back on YT

I am surprised with the bass deviation.

Chap is there anyway to get you to try and measure a couple more IEMs that Gizaudio also has measured. This way if you also align those new measurements to 8k (ideally both of you using the same tips and normalised at 500hz (solely for best practice as it is irrelevant when comparing the same IEM)), we can get some greater understanding of if your coupler consistently shows less bass than Gizaudio (you may also want to apply the 5128 EQ compensation that @Timmy-Gizaudio was explaining the other day to help comparisons - though as this is a Crin-centric project maybe that’s not your preference). Whilst not perfect this will help to shine some light on whether this is likely to be QC (though I am sure any manufacturer would say this is still within the standard 3db error deviation).

Dont be

Below 200 and over 4Khz same deviation from Giz rig

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This this this - is exactly what we are looking for.

Realistically if the 5128 EQ project allows compensation to IEF rig, do they publish the distribution data from the individual squigs to that target? That way we could plot a comparative graph of individual squigs to know if say @Timmy-Gizaudio is more bassy, etc… Again not the perfect way to do it but we all know I am lazy.


Not sure in total but…
My target adjusted to crin
My target and Giz mic adjusted

Adjust/ compensation of my target looks diff because the adjust to comply with crins is diff for my and Timmys mic

Uncompensated above (IEF comp below)

My graph on Timmy’s tool (IEF comp’d)


For the bass driver that stands in the Canpur CP622B, air (ventilation channel) is needed, which they designed very well, I also noticed this when testing the same driver, and did the same. Probably the engineers who designed the Subtronic Storm use a different driver or did not make a ventilation channel for the driver.
That’s why the bass in the CP622B is so clean and powerful.


Exactly, this is just showing the variances in tolerances of the 711 couplers.

Moondrop EVO: First Impression/ Rant

Yes, that whole thing is the carrying case.
You can remove the charging brick from the case but there’s no lid for the charging brick itself.

Edit: You CAN store the IEMs, but it does feel kinda loose and a bit scary.

I’ll test the sound and other performance later after charging them up.

Moondrop please care more about product design. You have FiiO as a prime example of how to make a product like this. The EVO’s design has zero excuse to be this poorly done.


Good lord and this company is about to make a phone, wonder what the ergonomics of that will be like :man_shrugging:t2:



Looks like a planned obsolescence, they force you to take your IEMs all the time from the pin.

Plus the carrying case is not user friendly as you need to zip and unzip everytime.

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I was wondering about this when I first saw these drop. It makes no sense why they would not create a recess for the iems. Fiio does this very well as you called out. I had the UTWS13 for just under two years before they broke on me. I now have the iFi Go Pods and there is just too much space for IEMs. When carrying it around you can hear you can hear the IEMs bobbling all over the place.

Still, what Moondrop did with these makes them essentially unusable for me



I think they literally repurposed the Blessing 3 case as well. Feels like cutting corners. I’m also snapshotting this review (not mine) because the previous one got deleted from the Linsoul site lol.


Isn’t this how the IEMs are supposed to be stored? It’s still dumb but at least looked usable.


My monkey brain was overwhelmed by disappointment, so I completely missed trying it this way.
I guess you can store it like this.


Okay so I looked at this more and realized the IEM nozzle should be facing up. They charge with the inside of the hook facing up

Edit: I should have read all the comments before posting…


Yeah, I was a dummy dumb dumb