Gizaudio IEM Discussion Lounge (Ranking, Impressions, News)

Is that an unbadged DaVinci I see here or am I in need of more coffee this early in the AM? :face_with_monocle:


Moondrop design being beaten by KZ and TRN is one big joke…

Its shit, its giant (6.7 inches) and it is defective piece of junk.



Moondrop´s been making some very bad decisions lately…
this one will just hurt their rep more and for what? Short term profit?
Imagine if that dead sd card was the ONLY storage place for those files in it…



I’m glad I’m a simp for Variations and not Moondrop, this shit is wild lol

that guy losing his SDcard music being “it is what it is” is wild, I’d grab the rope if that was me. I gotta go back up my music


If that guy was me, I would have gone on a rampage on Moondrop.

Yeah, you definitely want multiple backups of important files!
(cough NAS cough)


he’s a nice guy, I got like 8k songs I’ve been curating since I was in middle school, if I lost em I’d go nuts lol

yeah I gotta get more space for my PC before I back em up

If you need a cheap solution, get a raspberry pi and hook it up to some hdds and run it as a nas.


I’ll look into it and see how it goes, penny pinchin until DaVinci releases so my trigger finger on purchase is hella disciplined right now

Should be a 100 usd setup.
Raspberry pi 4b 4gb ram version:

1TB external hdd:

You can run Navidrome on the Pi and Symfonium on your android phone (or android dap) with this setup, which lets you stream (or download) the music from the pi (acting as a NAS) to your phone. Centralising your data on the pi and use syncthing to get stuff from your PC to your pi.


Yep they’ve produced a couple of somewhat ok IEM’s in their time but since then…random stabs in the dark with DSP and dodgy app shenanigans or let’s roll out the the same ‘ol tunings…so with that management decided, let’s build a phone


Points taken. But, it looks like Moondrop is attempting to branch out and innovate. There will be mistakes made when risks are taken. Profits pay for R&D.

Poor QC is not a “risk” for a company. Just to be clear.

In what ways can poor qc not be construed as a risk? Especially when innovation hinges on the product actually working as described lmao.

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will read up on it and do it, sounds like a nice mini project for me to use my brain lol

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Another option could be to run MinimServer on the NAS and access it from apps like UAPP or Neutron

UI looks horrible and dunno if it has the download feature that navidrome has which is a biiiiig deal for me.

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I just added some graphs to the squiggy


do the Pilgrim and the Volare sound similar? They graph pretty close

They sound different.
Pilgrim is noticeably more top-heavy (brighter, snappier, less prominent bass)
Volare sounds more balanced out, treble is not as nuanced or snappy but smoother/ more natural sounding. Bass is not the star on Volare too, but it’s more filled in than on Pilgrim.

My guess is the balance of the upper mids and treble of each set is what’s making the biggest difference


Graphs lie …yes they do sure looks like the Volare would be the more energetic one eh!

My Pilgrim is almost here looking forward to hearing my first Elysium.

While I wait for a chance to hear the DaVinci