Goldplanar gl1000

Goldplanar has release a AMT headphone that looks like a Hedd clone for about a 1/2 of the price.

Goldplanar GL850


what?! i wonder how it sounds compared to it. but it is a AMT driver. very interestingā€¦

6999 yens is like 75$USDā€¦ donā€™t expect anything. :no_mouth:

Well if we are on that lol{"x_object_type"%3A"item"%2C"x_object_id"%3A609044546201}&scm=1007.20269.110938.1002003000000001

That cant be right. must be a mistake somewhere

Must be for the miniature version :laughing:

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And Audeze best look out?

These look suspiciously familiar. If these are rebranded Monolith M350ā€™s, youā€™re gonna want to stay away from these. Substantial roll off around 2K and it never peaks back up. It was the oddest and strangest thing Iā€™ve ever heard, but maybe Goldenplanar fixed the issue (pending a rebrand confirmation).

They are Monoprice M350. I am hoping Monoprice releases the ATM headphone as well. May be around $ 600. USD . Goldplanar price is a little over $900 , but price seems to change every week or so. May be someone with contacts with Monoprice could ask about the ATM headphones.:man_shrugging:

Lol, how many knockoffs can you make out in that page? I love the heavily pixellated SR1a; I can barely make out ā€œRAALā€ on the side of that ribbon monitor headphone. Looks legit! :joy:

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I would like to see them create one where they combine a mysphere driver with a raal driver and with an amt driver lol

Given the weight of the AMT drivers on the HEDDphone, Iā€™m going to need one of these for your Frankenstein cans:


that guy looks way too excited. lol


ā€œTo make the world listening betterā€

Sounds quality, though Iā€™m not certain theyā€™ll be able to clone an AMT driver well. :thinking:

Youā€™re not certain theyā€™ll make the clone AMT-ing well? :face_with_monocle:

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Yeah, Iā€™m gonna say probably not maybe.

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That reminds me of Zeos review of the abyss 1266 headphones. Actually some people in this forum may need those for the heavier cans

They actually arenā€™t that heavy to me lol, the only cans that I thought were legit heavy were the LCD 4

The LCD4 are 735g about 1.6 punds on your head. Abyss is 640 grams. Actually if i ever seen frankenstien cans its the abyss 1266 lol. something about them seems wrongā€¦

I never have any problems with my cans but i dont wear them as long as a lot of people do. maybe a few hours but never over 3 i think. The people experiencing problems with weight or discomfort are probably wearing them for much longer.

LCD-3 are apparently 540 grams (I suspect thatā€™s without the cable), and I found them to be unpleasantly heavy for long listening sessions.