Well, praying for you that those lyra mini are good…
Good luck and Godspeed!
All puns aside… I’ve been looking for the pecker and can’t find it.
I’d probably go see a doctor then if I were you. ba-dum tish
TL:DR 41t is an insane value and a hard rec from me. Doesn’t really remind me of U4s. It’s special sauce is in layering and imaging in a 3-D EJ07 way without the midbass dip. I’d take 41t over U4s or EN07 in my current lineup anyday.
First I want to thank @GooberBM for allowing the opportunity to graph and demo a handful of sets. From the EA500, EN1000, Aurora and Rosefinch. With the final set being the Grand Slam and killer take away the Juzear 41t.
All sets were demo’d for at least 30-60 and then graphed. None of them were particularly offensive and had some pleasurable qualities especially considering their respective price ranges. The problem came when I demo’d and graphed the final set the 41t. Every other one simply was forgotten about which I’ll touch on further down.
I had been asked by @GooberBM how it compared to the U4s as there’s some similarities in graphing of them. Spend a good hour going back and forth on the two. To my ear and opinion the graph is where it stops outside of a similar tonality.
U4s does show more technicality as a whole and I’d hope to expect that from a kilobuck IEM vs a sub $200 set. Though the 41t is damn impressive for its price and by no means is no slouch. If asking nearly $1k more for the small incremental in technicality is what it cost the U4s would leave you disappointed.
Bass presentation between the two is mostly for me a matter of BA vs DD bass. There was a sense of more subbass on the 41t as seen in the chart. It felt more authoritative from the DD and hit deeper but with a slower decay. The U4s had faster decay and felt less congested on faster busier tracks as displayed in a lot of metal.
Treble was well presented on both. I’m not much into breaking down treble it’s either just a hit or miss. Just looking for over aggressive guitar or to much bite in it. Primarily if it’s fatiguing or has any awkward peeks that are overly noticeable on listen. Both sets passed with approval and could easily be listened to at moderate to lightly higher volumes.
Here’s where I mentioned in the first paragraph why the others weren’t touch afterwards trying 41t. This is what makes this set a stand out and it’s special sauce. It’s easier to qoute an exchange between @GooberBM and I in a chat group.
Which was followed up by this:
If you stuck around to read my ramblings it’s much appreciated. The 41t really left me floored and is a small train with muscle pulling the big boys and grinning at them in price brackets way above it. In the end by the time it was sent forward to @rattlingblanketwoman I spend hours on it. It’s an IEM that will definitely be bought in the near future. My hope is others find the same joy and special sauce in it that I did.
Thanks for sharing! I’m really excited about the 41t. As far as I can tell, they reached my home already!
I’m in a very forgiving/easily pleased mood already, my listening has been very low the last few days so I’ve been more than content when slapping in something like the xHBB and really impressed by the EA500, I won’t come to these after being on a Serial high! Although it will be interesting to revisit the Serial after giving these a fair shot.
EDIT: I’m wondering the Aurora will be a surprise hit for me. Before I ended up mostly favoring neutral-with-bass-boost, I was all about the diffuse-field pinna gain (NM2+, SSR, er2xr, etc) this might bring back a taste of that if it’s similar to those and well implemented. For now the EA500 satisfies what I remember fondly from that kind of tuning without pushing it too far for my current preferences.
Slamming write up, my friend, really nicely done
I’d be very interested in getting a little more of an extended listening session with the 41T In the near future to fortify your words because I must admit, when I had my short time with them, I didn’t get the chance to feel the sensation you had and I’m a bit envious
Guys try pure silver cable with 41T. It’s a interesting paring. My complaint was slight midbass bleed into mids and not enough micro-details. Pure silver cable fixed it all, may be even too much. Switched to A07 tips from the wide bore tips to more narrow to bring back some of the warmth. Overall it sounds cleaner now. Highs in fact sound more pronounced, This might be turn off for some.
This is the most noticeable difference I ever experienced cable rolling.
Juzear Flame hitting soon. Pricing is good. I was asked not to share yet.
This is a different series from 41t thats what i was told. Anyone see a graph?
C$ 1,366.73 | JUZEAR FLAME Presale link (Don’t order now)
Just as a heads up if you’re Penon shopping: their payment system looks compromised and your information may not be safe there
Now that I’m about to finish up my current semester of school and have some time on my hands to do something extra ridiculous. I’m going to start working on a project I’ve had in my head for a little bit but not enough brain power to spare for it. I’m going to build an:
Based on what I own, what I’ve heard, and picking the ear of a Blue-Ribbon panel (
) I’m going to try to do the work of building reasonable upgrade paths, from budget up through kilobuck+ levels, based on price, performance, sound signature, and possibly other factors.
More than just a “what I like” list. I want to make as definitive a “this is what you should buy” guide as possible, based on actual preferences that we have as real people. Pray for me everybody
I came to the exact same conclusion with XINHS 8 core pure silver (not with 41T though)
It really cleans up the overall sound and reduces midbass bleed while extending treble.
Paired with the right IEM these changes can be VERY noticeable and definitiely not in the realms of placebo
I plan on having fun. I dunno exactly how far I’ll get, but I am looking forward to it
Toxic Sewers >
It looks like a Tin Hifi product map lol: T1, T2, T3, …
Goober’s IEM Upgrade Matrix
(version 1.0)
Follow the link here, and I will also put it in my top post for easy records and access as it evolves over time. (Or not, because older posts are locked. So I guess bookmark this one if you wanna find it later ). I highly suggest checking this out on a monitor/laptop or a larger screen. This is not cell phone friendly.
But this is my record of what I suggest and recommend in most any situation, primarily considering price and driver type vs. tuning styles.
Hope this helps somebody out there