šŸ”¶ Grado SR60e / SR80e

Sadly no. They sound about the same as the earzonk pads, so a leaner and clearer sound. Also I find the misodiko pads less comfortable than the geekria pads since they have a larger diameter, so they press on my temples. They are definitely an option, but it all come down to comfort and sound preference.


I gotcha. No worries. Appreciate your pad swapping and shearing. Iā€™ve gotten more out of my Grados because of it. :slight_smile:

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Iā€™m going to properly break in the misodiko pads and see if the comfort improves. Thus gas happened with all the other pads so these should be the same (hopfuly). As they stand right now, they are more cushiony than the earzonk pads but like I said, they press in my temples a bit. Sound wise the seem to be about the same as the earzonk as well. The bass is less than the geekria pads (particularly sub bass) and the treble is greater, but still not to much. There is a difference between the earzonk and misodiko pads, but I have yet to identify it it. Maybe a change in the mids, but Iā€™m not sure.

If youā€™re curious, give the misodiko pads a try. They fit well, seem well made, are fairly comfy, and sound at least as good as the other options. Plus they are still around $10 like the other two.

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I think Iā€™m ready to give my final thoughts on the misodiko pads. They are probably going to be the most comfortable option for most, but for me they press on my temples and I donā€™t think break in is going to change that.

Sound wise, I think the misodiko pads are basically just slightly inferior earzonk pads. The upper mids are a touch more shouty and the highs seem a touch less clear, but the bass is a touch more. Overall these are still good, but I prefer the other options.

So my (hopfuly) final rankings for pads for the SR80e are the Geekria hole punch pads and Earzonk L style pads tied for first. They each do somthing different that I feel justifies getting them both. Behind them are the Misodiko L bowl pads. They are good but I donā€™t like them as much as the others. YMMV.

I think Iā€™m going to stick with the earzonk pads since I can get an even better version of the geekria sound from my Hemps.


Just got the ā€œSodialā€ G cush replacement ear pads from China after 2 and a half months (thanks covid) :slight_smile:

Comfort 5
Sound 5
Wow factor 5

My Grado SR60e on my Loxjie P20 listening to good old Dire Straits is eargasmā€¦

Thanks to everybody suggesting this mod!

Next task is to try it with my KPH30i :slight_smile:

Just thought Iā€™d give everyone a quick warning.


Treble murder. Just pure treble murder. And thatā€™s coming from a NOT treble sensitive person. The bass also suffers and I couldnā€™t stand them long enough to analyze the mids. They are also made very poorly (you can see the places where they glued the layers of foam together) and they are scratchy and uncomfortable.

To clarify, these are not the same as the geekria pads I talked about in my last post. Those are like a hole punched S-cush while these are the L-cush style.

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Damn, there are so many of them. Iā€™m probably going to get a pair of Gradoā€™s next month and Iā€™d like to get a headband and some cushions, where I live the only stuff I can easily get are the geekriaā€™s. Have you tried the g cushion variant from Greekria? I was thinking of getting the one (or both) of the following ones:



And the geekria headband for the gradoā€™s.

I have shipibo alum rodblock and gimbal and shipibo leather headband on mine. Not sure if you can get those but they feel awesome. The wood cups are from wabi sabi custom.



Not without customs having a say about it. That would be a very costly exercise Iā€™m afraid.

While I have not tried them, I would guess those first ones you linked are not the best. They are G-cush dive but have what looks to be a rather small ear hole. They arenā€™t that expensive if you want to try them, but Iā€™m guessing they wonā€™t be worth it.

The second pair you linked I have tried and actually liked. They sound about the same as my favored earzonk L-cush pads but maybe a bit more upper mids (shouty region) and slightly less clear treble. Sound wise I can recommend and they are a nice soft foam thatā€™s not scratchy, but they pressed on my temples, so I canā€™t promise the best comfort.

For a headband, you can get a beyer headband and it should fit over the stock crappy vinyl one. @11_Clouds posted pics a while back.

As for the geekria headband, if you mean the fabric one with that snaps, Iā€™m pretty sure itā€™s too big. I have one, but donā€™t know where it is and no longer have a stock vinyl headband to test.

Shipibo is an option if you are willing to spend a bit more, but that could turn into a lot more if you break a rod block trying to install it, I would just stick to the bayers headband.


I was thinking these:

But the Beyerdynamicā€™s are actually cheaper so Iā€™ll probably go for those :stuck_out_tongue:.

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Can concur, I really like the Beyer headband here

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thank youā€¦ i almost bought these

Close call. Those pads make even the more bassy and less bright Hemps sound like treble murder.

Honestly, those pads sound like what I thought Grados sounded like from all the haterā€™s descriptions.

Just to clarify, this is the headband originally for the DT-770, DT-880 and DT-990?

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Yes I bought directly from them

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Just picked up a set of 80eā€™s, not bad. They wonā€™t be replacing my HD660s, but they are interesting. Will probably play around with modding them in the future.


Ok I just got the Vever G cushions for my 60ā€™s, I actually really like these, Bridge of Sighs, Mrs. Robinson, super wide clear and great center image, damn


They arenā€™t really uncomfortable but the bit of metal irritates me

If your willing to risk breaking a rod block, this is a great and cheap replacement headband.