šŸ”¶ HarmonicDyne Helios

I would be willing to bet since I ordered mine through Drop, It will probably still be quite awhileā€¦ Ordered 2 months back but stillā€¦I do like what I am hearing about them thoughā€¦

I wouldnā€™t rule them out just because of different or cheaper design and what notā€¦ testing them yourself and doing a direct comparison is the best way as you never know how something compares until you sit down with itā€¦ I will say this does seem extremely over hyped but I will be keeping an eye on it to see if someone actually manages a good pros and cons between these two

If you want some other impressions check out the Drop forum site on these. lots of people have gotten theirs and their thoughts are posted:

It sounds like these are pretty okay for the price. If what I am hearing is true than I would probably classify them and good starter headphones. Maybe replacing some of the lower end stuff as a good choice to start down the ā€œaudiophileā€ route. I also am interested in hearing them for myself but the only way to do so is through buying them for me, which likely means I will either never hear them or will get them when I see them at 100 or less. Not saying that they arenā€™t worth their price at 130-200 which they probably are from what Iā€™m hearing. But chifi products have a way at lowering more in price after hype wears down so Iā€™ll wait for that. If that means that Iā€™ll never own them then thatā€™s fine too.

I donā€™t expect them to replace any of my 1000 dollar or even 2-300 dollar headphones but I I like exploring sounds and learning so if I get a chance then Iā€™ll get them. Again I feel Iā€™m more interested in modding them as a project as well. Something to take apart and mess with.

Itā€™s definitely interesting to see something to compete in the lower end open back market because the options in under 200 dollar open backs is pretty scarce. So if these even succeed in maybe bringing more people to appreciate ā€œaudiophileā€ headphones then thatā€™s I good thing.

But again we will see. Iā€™ll keep my eye out. I have way too many plans on purchases at the moment for these to have high priority lol. I mean 200 dollars for me at this point is 200 dollars towards an amp or other headphones lol. I think Iā€™m also trapping myself in the high end market now lol.

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This hobby can be quite costly, so I think it is wise advice to invest in high quality gear after you have figured out what you like. Otherwise, the incremental or side-grades or merry-go-round will ultimately cost way more than owning a setup that you truly love.


So costly itā€™s not even funny lol.

Im just gonna wait fo r all the used pairs on ebay or av exchange. to hit in a few months. im expecting a fair amount of disappointing buyers who hopped on it and set their expectations too high but even then I got too much on the buy list.

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True a used pair would likely be cheap. The only hope is that theyre well taken care of. Some people somehow manage to put a real number on lower end headphones which I donā€™t get because my 100 dollar headphones all the way through my 1000+ headphones are all kept in basically new condition. Maybe slightly worn pads but thatā€™s it. Iā€™ve seen 200 dollar headphones in rough shape that are only a few months old lol. Craziness.

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Well be prepared to wait quite while. Iā€™m sorry about the hype but you guys are gonna have wrap your heads around the fact that these headphones are the culmination of 2 companies getting together and pulling out all the stops. Not just in appearance but sound, into a budget headphone.

These headphones beat EVERYTHING in the 200$ range and below. Their gonna be the next 58x, or Sundara, or Elex in the way that they will be the best headphones at their price point and a LOT of people are gonna be buying.

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do you have anything to back that up aside form your own opinion? Iā€™ve come to accept this headphone probably sounded good form what Iā€™ve been reading since before this has been delivered to people. but I have literally seen like no one else really say a blanket statement saying its the best in its price category and straight up say its better than headphones way more expensive than it. Iā€™m sorry Iā€™m gonna have to trust a general consensus over that of an individual. Iā€™m not saying these are bad but that amount of initial hype was rather high and from what Iā€™ve been hearing and reading about them there are definitely gonna be those that are somewhat disappointing.


Reading the drop discussion is seems fairly mixed just as the reviews before release. Iā€™m not reading anything bad which is good. But some that really like and some that say theyā€™re okay. One even said youā€™re better with a 4xx.

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Goes to show how you canā€™t trust any ears with headphones other than your own really. I mean you see plenty of ā€œmehā€ reviews on 3000 dollar headphones so itā€™s all opinion and preference for sure. One mans gold as they say.


Going to do the same here and look towards picking up a copy later to audition on ebay or somethingā€¦ I donā€™t, for a second, believe itā€™ll be best in its price category, or come close to the Sundara for that matter. Sound is completely subjective and no spread sheet nor comparisons have been posted to prove that itā€™s this unbelievably good headphone for itā€™s price. The headphones are still in prototype early staging. Still one beautiful headphone though.

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so you wouldnā€™t say that it beats the sundara? and itā€™s generally better over anything 200 and down? quite promising

beating the 58x tho, if thatā€™s true that would be interesting. considering how AMAZING the 58x are

The only issue is you really canā€™t claim that any headphone is the best in its price range. Thereā€™s some more preferred than others but thatā€™s it. Thereā€™s plenty of people that hate the 58x, elex, or even sundara. So Iā€™d refrain from calling them best in their price range. For yourself maybe but everyone has their own preference. Whenever I do pick them up on sale I may love them or I may hate them. But Iā€™ll keep an open mind for sure.

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i wanna know if itā€™s better than the ksc 75. because i prefer those to the 58x and 4xx lol

Lol see my point proven. Any one person and pick any headphone and prefer it over another. Even if the one he prefers is a 15 dollar one over a 100-200 pair. I havenā€™t heard the ksc75 yet but i definitely have 100-200 dollar pairs where my kph30is beat them to me. But others will easily disagree.

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And yes one of those is the 4xx. The 4xx were a good starting point for me but I pretty quickly moved on from them.

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yeah, and itā€™s not like i donā€™t like the 58x. those are still one of my fav headphones ever. but dang the 75 just do something that i like lol. the kph30is tho, i gotta listen to them too lol. and yeah fuck the 4xx lol