šŸ”¶ HarmonicDyne Helios

science bro

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Seems like you missed the Elex in your profile there buddy guy, or am I blind?

Wow i guess i did :flushed: fixed

Can someone tell me what kind of pad will bring the treble down and the bass up?

Hereā€™s a guide ZMF produced regarding pads. The information can apply to non ZMF headphones as well.


Yeah I use that as my guide for everything basically.

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You can also just try all the pads you have. Donā€™t worry about mounting them properly. Just hold them while you put them on so you can A/B easily.

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The treble that high? maybe try a different amp?

No i like the treble but i wanted to try changing things up a little. I got all these pads with it but i dont know which ones to use and its hard to get the damn things on

You say you donā€™t mean to offend people but then you post the way you doā€¦

This has become more of a you wanting to prove yourself right and to be able to tell people ā€œI told you soā€ than it is helping other people.

Well. That is a heck of a statement there Acid. What makes you think that?

Iā€™m no fool. If the headphones arent that great iā€™m not gonna say they are just to be vindicated. and besides. i dont really care what people think that much. I care the usual amount. But believe it or not, I actually have some depth to my character. Iā€™m not that petty. And honesty is a big deal to me.

My enthusiasm for these headphones comes from the fact of how good they sound. Yeah. iā€™ll go against everyone if i feel its the truth.


Just the way youā€™ve interacted in this thread, particularity your responses to Riceguru.

It comes off dismissive and confrontational and making sweeping statements that they are better than xx and capitalizing your point. Thatā€™s your opinion - and they may very well be, but remember a lot of people will be reading these posts potentially spending money on this.

There are ways to get your point across, whilst being tactful and respectful, generally, In my opinion at least, this isnā€™t it.

Well excuse me if ive been confrontational or disrespectful. Of course i dont intend to be so. You know sometimes i have a dry sense of humor. But ive been very positive about these headphones and a lot of people have been very skeptical or downright negative. Maybe ive found myself in a position of having to defend them too much. Especially after listening to them. they really do sound fantastic. Since ive gotten them ive been listening only to them. just dont want to take them off lol.

Still willing to wager dt 990 being better. Still want a pair to travel around with and plan to buy it later when it comes out of ā€œprototypeā€ stage

Ive been listening to the Helios with the fenestrated leather (pleather?) oval bigger hole pads and i think the sound has improved. Treble has gone down a little and the music has a bigger sound to it.

Did it come with any really good velours? Pretty sure my issue would end up being the size of the ear cups as I have really large ears. How are the size of the cups Ant? I actually struggle with this issue on the Sundaras being to small

Thatā€™s the thing though - you donā€™t have to defend them the whole time or keep reminding people. The thread knows this well. If/when more objective opinions have been formed and they align with yours, the negativity (which I can concede there was) will have been vindicated and people reading this will see it.

Anyhow, glad it worked out for you.

The cups are a little over 3 1/2 inches. The bigger oval pads are just under 3 inches long and 2 inches wide on the inside. The regular are about 2 1/2 inches all around on the inside. Quality seems good.

Not to bad beyers are right around that so would probably be a perfect fit for meā€¦ Think I will keep a very close eye on head-fi and ebay for these especially if someone offers some form of return so I can audition firstā€¦ honestly tempted to just buy the damn things at this point