🔶 HarmonicDyne x Zeos ERIS

So after proper burn in the harshness I was getting in the highs has gone away so they are no longer causing me fatigue. I also picked up an M15i amp for portable use and can say it works great with these cans. Anyways I’m happy with them and they offer a nice fun alternative to my other daily drivers the HD 800S.

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I have no issues with the treble. Never had in fact. I wasn’t happy with the soundstage of my Eris but I guess they needed more burn. I thought the soundstage was pretty narrow, even after they had hours of burn in. As of last night, they seemed to sound pretty close to my DT150s. The soundstage has opened up & vocal presentation has moved forward a bit, to be more natural sounding like the DT150s. I was thinking the problem was the Tripowin cable, but it’s not. The KK Cable has already shipped. Never can have too many cables though. If one craps out I’ll have a replacement ready to go.

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For those who ran them on multiple setups?
what were you favorites, i think i like the Zen stack the most (IFI zen DAC + Zen Can), but my it also sound pretty dang good on Hybrid (P20 with Russian tubes), felt too clean on my A90D

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I would expect that your A90D & my A70 Pro are pretty much the same sound signature if not exactly the same. It is very linear I guess you can call it. Have you tried EQ or tube buffers in front of it?
I have also used a Singxer SA-1 with the Eris. Nothing wrong with that combo.
What has made the most improved difference to my set up was getting a Geshelli J3. I chose Burson V7 classic opamps on the XLR output & V7 Vivid on the RCA output. However I have long cable runs in my current set up so I"ve really only used the XLR output in naked format, meaning nothing but XLR cable between the DAC & amp. When I used the RCA output I had an Xduoo MT603 plugged in & then an Orchard Audio line converter to XLR, so I haven’t heard the V7 Vivid in naked format.
Sorry I ramble. What was the question?


Having A/B’d mine very briefly at home (A70 pro / D70 pro OCTO stack at home, A90D at the office) I would say that they are extremely similar to the point of imagining differences.
Edit: this was just comparing the amps, I do not have Eris to test.

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No real question just was wondering amps folks enjoy the most with the Eris, personally i seem to enjoy the warmer / tubish amps

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Holo audio bliss makes them sing!!!

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Are you using an ESS DAC with the A90D? I can’t really stand the ESS sound myself. I have to put my Xduoo MT603 in the chain to make the 2 ESS DAC I have at all bearable.

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Ya i use it with the SMSL SU-9n, its a decent DAC (the sound color options are nifty) overall there are some headphone which really work well with this setup (like Hifiman edition XS) , but for the Eris not so much… I asked mainly to see if its a “me” thing to prefer the Eris on warmer setups or more the overall consensus

its why i have 3 separate setup Neutral (A90D + SMSL SU-9) / Warm (IFI Zen DAC + Can) / Tube hybrid (P20 with Russian rubes + Topping D10 Balanced)

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Would Eris isolate enough to be used on a flight?

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I’d say, no. Keep in mind It’s semi-open - while the sound leak isnt too bad, in a small space full of people and loud noises like a plane i’d say you are better off with something else

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To me there is little difference in outside noise reduction with my Eris on than with any of my open back headphones.

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Ive done it. I find it cuts just enough of the drone off to let me be happy. And the drone is loud enough to stop most from hearing what I am playing. I’d bring a backup earplug if you try it.

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Ill add it to the first post

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You’ll never please all the people all the time, but you can please some of the people some of the time :metal:


Haters hate.


The observation that Z makes about the public talking about music they are enjoying on them, rather than the qualities of the headphones is such a good point.


I listen to movies & TV more than anything, but my listening space has a window AC unit, so to cut down on that if I’m really focusing on the thing I’m watching I will put my DT150s on when it’s late & my girlfriend is asleep.

The part I don’t understand about the haters is what is motivating them to hate the Eris. Is it because they spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to build a headphone they sell for 3.3 times the price of the Eris? Is it that their DAC that they decided to use for their review of Eris is a gob a shait with an ES3038 or lower chip set in it?

What they’re describing the Eris sounds like would fit the discription of sound of the ESS DACs I’ve had in my chain, before I got a Geshelli J3. I have had a J2 & an E50 in the chain. I had to put a tube buffer in the chain to compensate, otherwise both had an unpleasant sound on some audio sources, equivalent I believe to poorly recorded, mixed & mastered sound, or just cheap equipment. They, J2 & E50, were not forgiving at all. There was clipping on lower registers. There was midrange & treble that sounded thin/edgy/brittle/bright. However this wasn’t always the sound. Some things sounded fantastic, but there were fewer of those instances, like 1 in 5 at best. Probably closer to 1 in 10.

Before my Eris were broken in well, they did sound odd, but I didn’t consider it to be unlistenable. It was fun right out of the box. It was just different, being not at all smooth & natural sounding as my DT150s are. It was I guess a scooped sound in the midrange & the bass was just huge, in a way that I think must be what the iFi bass boost must be like when it’s engaged. I don’t have anything from iFi except the Zen Blue V2 DAC, which doesn’t have that feature. I’ve heard it described a few times.

That sound signature however, has completely changed. I have passed the point of proper burn in on the Eris. To make a long story shorter, if it had higher levels of isolation like the DT150s, I would use it way more. Sound wise they are different but nothing seems wrong to me with either of them. They are now more similar in the midrange than drastically different as they were in the beginning.

The Eris are what made me pull out my DT150s which were just collecting dust so I could make a comparison. I had been listening to nothing but my Triangle Borea BR02 with JBL LSR310S up unitl that point. A more neighbor friendly set up than my big system. Still at theater like volume levels the window AC is far less noticeable as when I’ve got the Eris on. How odd.

I should pull my HD660S2 out & compare them to my Eris. They too have just been sitting on the shelf.

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Abyss posted a response to the Headphones Show Eris review, Lol