šŸ”¶ Hifiman Edition XS

My package from electricxiami (ordered Nov 27) on Friday evening reached my closest post office. Unfortunately they do not deliver during the weekend, so Iā€™ll have to wait till Monday.

This is my first step into HifiAudio and I need to buy a DAC/Amp for them too.
I was thinking that it would be nice to have a DAP or a bluetooth receiver for moving around the house, but since reading they require so much power to be enjoyed properly, I got discouraged concerning that possibility. Is there anybody who is running them this way?

As for the desktop setup, for the time being, I am considering:

  1. Aoshida Dilvpoetry dac dt-1 as a DAC/Amp combo. It would basically be a blind buy, but the few reviews on YouTube seems all very positive.
  2. Topping E30 or Topping E50 + Topping L50 or Topping A50s.

I am not in a hurry to make a decision so feel free to intervene with suggestions.

Never having heard the 800S, I expected a soundstage like that to be the ultimate immersion experience gaming, competitiveness aside (Iā€™m with crinacle in this, if youā€™re buying 1k headphones to be better at games while the pros use garbage iems youā€™re just coping).

After getting the Xs, which is not an 800s experience yet, I have to say Iā€™ve mixed feelings. The soundstage is great for music, spatious enough without losing imaging, but for gaming? Well, the spatiouness does sound nice, but at the same time I found that more detailed and resolving headphones in fact subtract from immersion. The SFXs, music et cetera in most games arenā€™t top notch, and with these you can hear most of the shortfalls, itā€™s very distracting. Playing GTA IV while on a nostalgia trip after the Trilogy remaster, I must say I instantly switched back to the 6xx to smooth things over with the radio songs and voices. And considering that the 800s and Arya are claimed to be yet more resolving and detailed, well, you get the picture.

Sure, games with great sound production like previous battlefields and Hell Let Loose (played it yesterday on the Xs, marvelous) sound great, but for most others itā€™s a mixed bag.

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Mine arrived today from electricxiaomi, ordered on the 28th, shipped on the 9th. Happy with 10 days to Australia. My original tracking showed cancelled, I got a new tracking number from the seller, looks like it was upgraded as it came via courier and much quicker. I chose the free standard shipping.

Super comfortable, donā€™t have much experience with decent cans and donā€™t have a suitable dac/amp so Iā€™m unable to comment on sound quality.

The bass is way better than I was expecting based off previous comments(with no EQ).

Now to choose the right DAC/AMPā€¦


After some testing with EDM (my main genre), Iā€™m absoluetly stoaked with their Response/Speed & Bass impact (best way I can describe it). I can only compare them to the HD58X Jubilee, M50X & studio monitor speakers (KRK Rokits etc).

The soundstage & seperation is amazing. Theyā€™re just so clear with nothing overpowering or treading on anything else, theyā€™re amazing.

This is also without a DAC/AMP/Balanced input, can only imagine how theyā€™d sound with a proper setup.


@Pokrog Wich amp/dac do you raccomend to drive the Edition XS ? 300ā‚¬ budget.

Welcome to hifiguides!

just realized i totally glossed over the dac portion being factored into the budget on my original response. for that price i think you could land on a topping e30 and an smsl sp200 and be in a decent spot.

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I already own the Hiby FC3,i might just get an amp for now and use the FC3 as dac.The FC3 house the ES9281PRO and it sound quite neutral to my ears.What do you think?
Btw i also have the MT-602 and itā€™s a very nice cheap tube amp :slight_smile:

the fc3 could work and you could even use the mt-602 as a preamp between the dac and amp so you could carry that tubey goodness over to the sp200 and get close to the same sound but with more power.


true,the 602 as preamp will give some warmness to the sound especially on the bass.Iā€™m considering the SP200 and the Monolith THX AAA 887 now.Thank you for the suggestion.

if you get the 887 youā€™d need a balanced cable to get the power out of it but the sp200 single end jack has the same power as the balanced jack. not sure if that matters to you but i feel like itā€™s important to know. also the mt-602 could be your volume adjustment and you could turn the gain and volume up on whatever amp you use and gain more control.

This morning finally I received mine! The package from electricxiami was well done and there was no damage at all.
The fit is confortable for me, even if they are sligly big compared to my head. I keep them at the smallest size and they are reasonably stable (more stable than the Deva), yet the clamping force is really weak. The clamping force of the 400i 2020 was stronger.
That being said, it doesnā€™t seem they create any gap, so there should be no compromise in sound quality while being suitable for very long sessions.
I was a little bit worried about the cups being plastic, but I like them more than I thought. They are not uniformly black and they look and feel perfectly fine.

I still have to gear up for these, so the first thing I could do was to connect them to an old iPhone 6s plus (the last model still to have a headphones jack). I know that it is not representative of what they can do, but still they are lound and perform decently out ot if. I expected the low end to sound broken, like in the case of the 400i 2020, but that didnā€™t happen. I listened to the album ā€œMorricone 60ā€ and I was passing them back and forth to my girlfriend: she cried to ā€œJillā€™s Theme (2016)ā€. Theyā€™re both a keeper :wink:

Then I hooked them to the headphones-in of the amplifier of an old Yamaha 2.1 system connected to my PC, which is pretty laughable as a headphones amp. Still they performed less demandingly than the 400i 2020 (which needed more volume and the low end sounded broken).

I am looking forward to listen to what they are capable of. I have my eyes now on the S.M.S.L. SH-9, still doing some homeworks about dac/ampsā€¦


Is the XS the logical step up from the HE-400se if I wanted to skip Sundara, or would the Ananda have a more similar, but more refined and detailed, sound signature to the HE-400se?


theyā€™re close tuning wise but the XS seems a little more balanced in its presentation and much much better bass than the ananda and that deep sub bass mixed with the all around better timbre makes for a really natural presentation. ananda has some slighly inconsistent front imaging depth that the XS doesnā€™t have an issue with and overall soundstage on the XS in depth, width, and height is a lot more linear and seems really accurate. the XS has i would say more noticeable detail throughout the frequency response and the ananda has either some bleed problems or peaks somewhere that overpower other frequencies, though i could see that coming off as more detail in certain cases but definitely not all.


Much appreciate the detailed response!

I received my Aliexpress shipment today. Basically, the hype is justified. These are great. Lots of subbass, vocals are amazing. Soundstage is huge. Very happy after my initial listening.


I found an incredible offer on an used Topping L50 so I snatched it today.
I am looking forward to try the EDXS with it!


Comparing them to the 58X jubilee and the m50x is not a good thing at all.

No shit, thatā€™s why I stated I didnā€™t have any experience with decent gear.


Why not? Iā€™ve chosen the HD58X over of a number of more expensive headphones, including the DT1990 and LCD2C.

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Case in pointā€“I just started listening to some Dream Theater on my HE6Se and, wanting a thicker sound, I switched to my slightly modded and EQed HD58X. I am not disappointed.