IEM discussion thread (Part 1)

Hey, does anyone know how I can increase input volume without clipping? Tried increasing mic input volume but I keep getting clipping messages and jagged measures.

Have you tried turning this up?
Uploading: Screenshot_20230206-172850062 (1).jpg…
Have you tried turning your Macbook output volume up?

Ya. It’s either not loud enough or too loud clipping and then jagged graphs :confused:

Username is VIVIDICI_111. Highest level in measurements is 111 dB SPL.

Coincidence? I THINK NOT!

Conspiracy GIFs | Tenor


Funny enough I randomly made that username so it’s even more of a coincidence LOL

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U12T REVIEW Hot take coming through:

Full write up in my thread, but basically the same as the video:


Timmy’s Galileo finally dropped, and it’s $100. That’s not the best or the worst price. So that’s a good start


I was almost going to pull the trigger. But still haven’t forgiven LETSHUOER for the Kida Lava Fiasco and the horrible driver flex.

Then I asked myself do I need another Bass boosted IF Neutral Sound for 5x the Hola price.

Wallet got put away Q answered.


Oh dang lets gooo. Gonna grab them and let ya’ll know how they sound :))


Thanks. I’ll take “not worrying about testing this out” very much


Quick question: How is not liking a particular IEM a “hot take?” I generally hear that phrase used to describe a controversial opinion. Unless you’re saying the hot take is not liking an IEM that’s relatively popular…:thinking:

I always thought a “hot take” was “unrehearsed”, so kind of a strong first impression that could be tempered or change completely later?

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See? This is why I was asking because it didn’t seem to make sense given what I thought a hot take to be. I know that when I used to post on reddit when folks said they were giving a hot take it was always some controversial (or at least what they thought was controversial) opinion meant to soubd edgy or provocative.

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I’m not even sure I’m right, it’s just how I’ve always read it. I agree it tends to be things that expect a strong response from whoever see it… my assumption was that because it wasn’t rehearsed it might accidentally be offensive from being unfiltered, or have obvious rebuttals they haven’t thought about it enough to realize themselves, and so on. Repercussions from things that would be absent in a “warm take”?

I could still be wrong too, just lending my interpretation!


Hot take to me is just something that’s generally not a popular opinion - “an opinion that is likely to cause controversy or is unpopular” Urban Dictionary: hot take

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I think the usage and meaning of “Hot take” have changed with the frequency of use; it used to be an off-the-cuff, immediate thought with close-to-zero regards for the consquences. Then, it became an opinion that went against the grain, meant to step on toes and make people reconsider notions. Now, it means “I’m saying something almost wholly inoffensive, but I’ll pretend that it’s a spicy opinion so only 30-45% of people will agree with it and make me seem like icon”.


LOL :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::rofl: This is definitely what it has become for me.

That said, @VIVIDICI_111 and @rattlingblanketwoman providing their explanations definitely gave me a context that made sense. I had no idea it ever meant the unrehearsed or off-the-cuff take. TIL! :+1::sunglasses:


I always thought of hot take as an opinion that went against the masses however as its popularity has increased its become a somewhat ironic version of itself. Having said that, I think its somewhat fitting in @VIVIDICI_111 's case since as far as I have been in the hobby (not that long) the U12t has been at worst considered “good but not great” so for him to say he really doesn’t like it would be pretty against the grain.


Yup wasn’t on purpose or anything, but just happened to go that way :slight_smile:


Has anyone here heard the Madoo Type 711? The driver config in these things is pretty crazy. I wish they were less expensive so a blind buy would be more feasible, but they have me intrigued regardless.