IEM discussion thread (Part 1)

It was very early on, and I also asked a couple of separate questions.

That is funny - I left mine at work for the weekend purposefully knowing I have MEST at home, so why should I be worried. Yet still I was really missing having those Erasmus at hand today when I had my mid day 40min off while my daughter had a nap and I wanted to chill out with music :slight_smile: they are truly addictive


Erasmus graphs like the Tri Starsea, a relatively obscure IEM not many people have heard.

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Thoughts on the final A4000?

Personally I didnā€™t like them much at all. If I had to remember back to details, Iā€™d say they sounded thin overall, and had no stand-out pros. Imaging was hyped (or soundstage?) but neither seemed exceptional to me.

Unless youā€™re going deep into the ear canal (Final E4000 or Etymotic ER2XR) itā€™s rare for a 6mm driver to do all it needs to for all ranges, especially the low end. (Sony released a couple of IEMs with micro drivers that worked fine at shallower insertion, but in general, somethingā€™s going to be lost.)

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Sound Demo of 3 of my favorite IEMs Penon Orb, TRI I3 Pro, Hifiman RE800.

The Orb is a unique IEM due to its BA and DD in tandem without crossover. The shell is absolutely gorgeous.
The I3 Pro is one of my long listening sets. Plenty of bass, still enough details up top, comfy fit. A job well done by TRI.
The RE800 is my go to bright set. Great for vocal, ambient, bass light tracks. I bought it on Amazon for around 117ā‚¬ out of curiosity and kept it. The original price was around 800ā‚¬ if Iā€™m correct?


I heard that the 3000 was better tonality wise with basically the same soundstage, for an IEM itā€™s still solid but back when it came out it basically had no competition lol
(my A3000 is my on the go set fairly enjoyable but most importantly non fatiguing and light af)

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When it had it a couple years back now (?!) the E4000 was my go to set to beat for quite a while. Iā€™m tempted to pick one up cheap enough to see if anythingā€™s changed.


I still have one. It is a curious IEM to try and have in oneā€™s collection. At first, it comes across as bright but detailed (sparkly), and It does (to my ears) have a large perceived soundstage, but that comes at the cost of naturalness, scoop in the upper mids makes it sound wonky, so tonality is not great. Itā€™s interesting how my brain adapts after listening for awhile and by then I canā€™t tell itā€™s not ā€œbalancedā€. I think there is a nice tinny driver lurking inside though, and with some eq it could sound good.

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so far with using my truthear zero which is pretty good IMO for a daily driverā€¦ my only issues are maybe i wish the crossover point of the driver was a little better (like 200 hz instead of 150), and that i feel that the 2 driver dynamic doesnā€™t make it any more technical than my moondrop chu (which i cant use for comparison because the cable easily brakes)ā€¦ also i kinda wish male vocals were more upfront. like maybe Iā€™m just asking for more of a personal mental thing than an FR or sound thing but i kinda wish that male vocals would pop out more, have more clarity compared to other parts, and maybe a little less spicy treble (i actually like the treble but i notice when Iā€™m just listening with nothing else to focus on i hear treble kinda takes my attentionā€¦ such when Iā€™m in a certain setting where my mental state is more focused)

I donā€™t think youā€™re wrong about how you feel. The crossover really keeps the mid-bass under control, which some people like for the clarity in the lower-mid. For me, I find that it hollows out the sound too much, so that the elevated treble really is more pronounced. The upper-mids are perceived to be very bright for me, but I would agree with you that itā€™s not MORE detailed, even with all that energy.

i kinda like the upper mid energy just when im on (legal and prescribed) ketamine sessions it can get too shouty and kinda ruin my vibeā€¦ maybe i buy something warmer for the rare timeā€™s id need that but i just kinda wish there was more of a presence for male vocal

The Hiby R3 pro powers up quickly, defaults to BT receiver if thatā€™s how it was last used, sounds great, and has SE and balanced output. Itā€™s the size of 2 Qudelix 5Ks and has local storage for music. Battery life is a champ.

I think my Q5K will be up for sale soon.

I attached a clip to the thin plastic case so itā€™s almost just as practical in that sense.


So do you pick it over the Q5K cause itā€™s a dap instead of a BT dac/amp? It looks to use the same dac chip and have the same power output so I wasnā€™t sure if there was another reason for the switch

Yes, I like to have a DAP so I donā€™t rely on my phone being charged. This is the best of both worlds because I can link it up to my phone to stream Amazon music for new discoveries, or use it independently for my usual library.


Early delivery of the Rosefinch to my workplace!

I hope it has good isolation, because the very first listening Iā€™ll do is driving an empty minibus back to work after the cross country meet!


Iā€™m looking forward to hearing your thoughts!!!

Good luck and Godspeed :slightly_smiling_face:

Are you able to drive a vehicle legally with earphones on in US? Doesnā€™t it seem quite dangerous?

I too am awaiting your thoughts - have a safe drive!

Itā€™s in the ā€œonly if you get caughtā€ category of bad behavior