IEM discussion thread (Part 1)

I am just thinking not only about situations when someone honks or not hearing about ambulance riding with sirens on - but generally about cutting off one of main awareness systems while driving

Oh I got you. Itā€™s generally pretty illegal, but you have to get caught. You know?

  1. itā€™s not illegal
  2. itā€™s no impractical. Deaf people drive safely.

I learned to drive in the UK so I am always checking my blind spots before any lane changes. Besides all the usual mirror checks. All emergency vehicles have flashing lights whenever the sirens are on. Canā€™t hear squat going on outside a minibus when the engineā€™s running anyway.

I know there are states and countries that it is indeed illegal, but it is just food for thought from my side. I myself feel very distracted when I have very loud music on even on car stereo :slight_smile:

Also deaf people have special aids providing extra feedback (lights, signals etc) while driving around the surroundings that.

Yeah, I was trying to generalize because I donā€™t know everywhere. It is illegal here in MA

Earbuds! :joy:

I thought they were fair questions, I answered them as far as applies to me. Of course itā€™s anecdotal, but for what itā€™s worth commuting a minimum of 50 minutes a day for the last 2 years Iā€™ve been driving with IEMs I havenā€™t had an accident of any kind. I do take extra visual care, and I feel like the result is better driving than the people Iā€™m sharing the road with most of the time.

Also anecdotal, but I know of a guy who drives perfectly with headphones on:
Otto Mann GIFs - Get the best GIF on GIPHY

I got to listen to the Rosefinch on the way back.

If youā€™ve read any of the things I find time to write, youā€™ll know that you probably donā€™t want my first impressionā€¦ maybe the second or third! My impressions are rarely the same over a few sessions as they were first listen. I could definitely not do Crinā€™s 5 second audition, accurately at least.

Important details about this first dip:

  • High volume
  • Stock tips

Take aways so far:

  • Consonant sibilance for me. I know from past times that some sets I hear this on arenā€™t this way for most other people. But the first tracks that came up:
    The Beachland Ballroom by Idles, Mykonos by Fleet Foxes, and Liberty Bell by Darkside all had the same issue - T, TS, CH and other sharp consonant sounds were cringey and interrupting.

  • Bassā€¦ there is a dark organicness that is appealing but so far:

    • Attack is very soft. Itā€™s not very well define, foggier/fuzzier than the QKZ.
    • It bleeds. I find it masking/muting lower mids like male vocals.
  • Treble is mixed. Parts of upper mids sound fantastic, elastically smooth, case in point in Liberty Bell from about 3:14

    • But at other times itā€™s more of a sharp spark that emerges a little uncomfortable from the fogginess. Perhaps mids are more recessed? It seems like not-that-well defined bass in large quantities, mids, and then the treble juts out rather than there being a slope or bridge to it. Talking about cymbals and the like.

I listened to quite a few more tracks, and the boomy undefined bass was a constant in tracks Iā€™m familiar with.

HOWEVER that is all with stock tips, and probably a louder than usual volume. Iā€™m about to be in my room a bit longer, and head home, and Iā€™ll be trying the same wide bore tips (Whizzer SS20) that work so well for the QKZ. Iā€™m worried that those tips wonā€™t fix treble sibilance for me - or at least, wonā€™t remedy it. Iā€™ll have to see. It might be that beyond being a very personal con for my ears, its dependent on volume.

At this stage (please make sure youā€™ve read the disclaimers so far, super likely to change) I would keep the QKZ over it, and the Rosefinch isnā€™t necessarily doing anything I wouldnā€™t expect from a ChiFi bass cannon tuning (bass too boomy, treble abrupt).


So interesting - I definitely appreciate your view on the sound. This hobby is truly so subjective, I feel like anatomy does play a huge part in this, as well as Library. I havenā€™t heard a single example of sibilance from the Rosefinch in the 3-4 hours of listening to them. I also find the bass attack to have more physicality compared to the QKZxHBB.

I think I have to go back and do a proper AB between them. Now granted, I changed out the cable and the tips almost immediately.


Well I wish I could say something had changed so far, but no not really.

The bass is still really indistinct. One big pulse regardless of whatā€™s making it. Itā€™s nearing a symmetrically slow attack and decay rather than having a clear leading edge like the QKZ.
I found this is true in the mids too - with songs by Andrew Bird, the plucked strings are softened, they donā€™t have the distinct start they should.

That being said, ironically I feel what I like best about these is aspects of the mids. Theyā€™re warm and smooth and have a certain naturalness to them. But itā€™s hard to appreciate them in the middle of a V shaped tuning.

Tracks that sounded overall fine would be The Hardest Cut by Spoon, and All Comes Crashing by Metric. In almost every other case (across genres) I was robbed of joy by the bass lacking detail, texture, and a defined start. Itā€™s to the point that I regretted there was no way to switch them on the way home, and I doubt theyā€™ll get much rotation time while I work tonight as Iā€™d rather listen to sets that ā€œhit the spotā€ better while I can.

For me whatā€™s special about the QKZ is that for the amount of bass it has, at the price it costs, itā€™s unheard of to have such good control and punchiness.

To me the Rosefinch isntā€™ doing anything new or unusual, it has a lot of bass, and itā€™s not well controlled, or defined.

Weā€™ll call that the second sitting, and Iā€™ll see if they get revisited in a day or few.


Thanks for that warning. The CRN was painful for me, so I am happy to skip on anything shaped like it. That is too bad, since the graph looks promising.

Yes, weird anatomy, for me they both fit just like I can imagine CIEM would fit. Purrfect seal and comfort.

I love them, their smoothness really reminds me of tea OG. Earphones like that make you wonder why would you need to spend anything more.

In regards to comparison with Kai I think those are much better - they do not roll off so sharply in treble - I had a feeling with Kai that I have partial hearing loss + they have more textured and pleasant bass making it more universal for wide range of genres.
Donā€™t get me wrong, Kai are great for relaxed listening of fun music (especially for the price), but for my taste those are even better in that category + on top of that would work with almost anything you throw at them.

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Oracle mk1 at a reduced price of 450 euros vs Oracle mk2 at a price of 600 euros. What do you think?

Take the deal

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So I received my pair of OH10s and Iā€™m having an issue with fit. The stem and nozzle is so short compared to my other sets, I have to dig the set far more into my ear than Iā€™m used too. Does anyone have a suggestion for tips for a shorter stem IEM? I went through basically all my tips last night and I couldnā€™t find a proper seal I felt. Any recs are appreciated!

What tips did you go through?

Sedna Xlastecs, Sedna crystals, BVGP W01, some generic KZ tips, ePro E00. None of them gave me a proper seal/bass response Iā€™m looking for unfortunately.

Is it possible to fit the ā€œneckā€ of the nozzle (closest to the shell) with a spacer, like a small o-ring or cut-off neck of a pair of throwaway tips? Otherwise, bi- or tri-flange tips may give you the extension that you need.

I did, thanks :slight_smile:

You know, I looked at my flange tips and literally told my self ā€œnahā€ but you honestly make a great point. I may give those a shot once I get home. Thanks man!

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Can also try Spinfit CP145? They are longer than standard CP100. Otherwise, like @Sonofholhorse recommended, you can add an O-ring extension

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