IEM discussion thread (Part 1)

Reading through some comics earlier tonight and listening to the Resin Kinda Lava. Suddenly the light of day began fading and I swapped to the OG DM with some X-Bass.

The darkness settled and with that The Dark Knights of the Round Table assembled. Not being sure if the Kinda Lavas had a place at the Table of Darkness they granted it mercy. As they felt it walked the line of darkness and light. Bridging the gab to corrupt the light and welcome it to eternal darkness. Dark chocolate cookies were served as they discussed the future of the two seats still available whose names have yet to be granted.



Just kidding I love it :smile:


No offense taken.



Someone else in this forum (I canā€™t remember the name - apologies) previously suggested using the wide bore tips included in the packaging to help with the weight and fit. Personally it didnā€™t help in my case but YMMV and I suppose it is a better option than intrusive flange tips if it works for you.


I think I found my end game, an upgrade to the Serial and in this rare case, at basically the same price. The Serial would still be my rec for up to $500 or so for anyone with similar taste.

Iā€™m thinking I should wait until Friday or some other arbitrary time to make sure, at which point I can go into detail about the model thatā€™s checking all the boxes. Itā€™s not a 2022 release. Or 2021, or 2020.


Iā€™m probably wrong, but which ISN model is it?

But seriously, if this is that kind of set for you congrats! Youā€™ve been grinding like a maniac to find the right sound and you deserve it.

now you got me hooked to find out what it is!

Oh you tease! My guess is Sony or Sennheiser

My assumption is that the set is ā€œbasically the same priceā€ new. Otherwise it would have made sense to distinguish that he bought it used. If it used then Sennheiser or Sony are in play. If itā€™s the price on a new set, then I donā€™t know of a Sony or Sennheiser set that fits that price bracket.

Which one is the leader? :eyes:

Better question: Which one do you like the most?

Sorry for not making sense - bought used is the reason itā€™s a comparable price. Thatā€™s why itā€™s a rare case, and why this is an easier decision for me than it would be if I had diminishing returns to weigh all over again. Iā€™ve owned this before, but it was a bit beyond my budget before.

I might be making more drama by just teasing it rather than going ahead declaring it and retracting it later if need be ā€“ itā€™s the Thieaudio Clairvoyance.

The fit also feels custom for my ears.

EDIT: Brothers


You were making more drama, or at least building up the suspense. And I was here for it!!!

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lol same. You definitely had me coming back to check

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Really good guess there. Iā€™m still at least a little curious what the EST50 is like. But Iā€™m more interested in selling things off and just listening now.

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The stock tips have such a wide bore, I didnā€™t even bother. Iā€™m currently using some KZ tips with a seriously narrow bore to help with that bass response issue I mentioned. I tried some foams this morning but the diameter of all the foams I have are too large, so they slip right off the nozzle.

The search continues! Might pickup some final E tips - Iā€™ve never had them before due to the price but I might pull the trigger. Iā€™ve heard great things.

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Oh you tease!

Iā€™m happy youā€™ve finally found another set you enjoy as much as your serials. Iā€™ve been following your journey with the serials for months now, it seemed they fit you like a glove - that was me with the timeless for a while.
Itā€™s a fantastic feeling finding another set that scratches that itch the same as a beloved one youā€™ve had for months.


I had a feeling itā€™d be the Oracle or Clair :smirk:

Congrats!! :partying_face: :tada: :tada:


This is so epic :face_holding_back_tears:

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Iā€™m going to give the lead to the Mahina in itā€™s natural state. Doesnā€™t need any EQ to hit my bass sweet spot. And itā€™s bass glide works better as an all arounder for my library and pleasure. I would give it to the EJ07 as the imaging and seperation are phenomenal and a real pleasure but, the mid bass isnā€™t present enough. On EDM though and tracks that benefit from more subbass itā€™s something else. Iā€™d call the EJ07 the most euphoric of the bunch. My idea IEM would be the mids and treble of the EJ07 with the bass of the Mahina. If youā€™re into crisp cymbals and hihats though the Mahina will give you more while still not being metallic or sharp.

UP falls into an interesting spot. I love the response and texture of the bass driver. Itā€™s biggest short fall for many will be its the least of the bunch for imaging and seperation. I donā€™t hold it against the UP though because the overall warmth and lack of high energy is what makes it so intimate and relaxing. Itā€™s also the set with the least detail. Still enough to bring it out but, takes more a back seat to the others. UP is the set I like to grab for smooth listening and to completely shut my brain off from over processing.

The Kinda Lava oddly is probably my least favorite. Mainly because itā€™s the one that doesnā€™t work for me at higher volumes. Brings to much energy, more so than Mahina, to electric guitars. Itā€™s about my upper threshold to what is acceptable. Mahina and all others get my stamp of approval for high volume listening. Kinda Lava ends up being the set I either have to keep my listening sessions shorter or keep the volume lower.

OG DM is hard for me to put into more detailed thought. Itā€™s the set with the most special sauce. Itā€™s an absolute joy for acoustic music and vocals. Also, if you donā€™t mind elevated midbass or are craving it then youā€™d be thrilled. Itā€™s got perfect authoritive but, not overwhelming punch. Being a single DD it also has beautiful coherency. I wish thereā€™d be more I could say but, it almost falls into UP territory where you just need to hear it. The FR charts donā€™t to either justice. Itā€™s unfortunate that the OG tuning is no longer used.

Volt is a weird oddity. It has a wonky tuning that for me personally does not work at all for lower volumes. Man though when you crank the volume it opens up. Its like thereā€™s a whole other IEM in it begging to be released. It punches firm and hits the deepest to my ears. Treble remains tolerable and imaging and seperation open up. I think the only reason it doesnā€™t hold the top spot is what I can only guess is the Penon house sound. Itā€™s not bad but, it doesnā€™t shine for me. Overall though I think cranking it up really gives some insight into its name. Almost as if Penon knew it wanted power to shine and still remain tolerable for a majority of the market. My main gripe is the asking price new. Itā€™s just not worth it. If they lowered price it would be more reasonable and possibly open it up to more people buying. Volt is the only IEM on this list Iā€™d absolutely never recommend buying new. Seconded maybe by the UP but, Iā€™m extremely biased to it as it was my first true love and entry into the dark world.

Tea remains on the list because its price to performance ratio. If you want a euphoric listen and are into darker treble itā€™s a no brainer if you canā€™t shell out more money. It definitely has baby EJ07 vibes going for it . Which is amazing because it holds its own right up against the others too. Sometimes the only reason I can distuinsh it from the others is simply because I know whatā€™s in my ears. It hits nearly every technical replay aspect of the others at half the price. Shame it has been discontinued in favor of the Tea 2. Having owned a Tea 2 it was just to similar to many other releases and doesnā€™t have anything to call its own.

Overall though everyone of these choices have one thing in common. Theyā€™re the Dark Knights in a world of IEMs shining with brightness. If youā€™re treble sensitive or just like the appeal of more laid back treble I think theres a perfect set at the round table that will satisfy you. If anyone has questions let me know. Itā€™s really challenging for me to compare them all to eachother but, Iā€™d love to try and assist if the questions are more direct.


Amazing write-up :+1: Thereā€™s so many options these days so thanks for taking the time to compare them, and yeah, Iā€™m very sad to see the OG Tea and DM discontinued :pensive: