IEM discussion thread (Part 1)

A slight downer on the endgame-and-sell-everything… I made up a spreadsheet and even with F&F (and an average shipping cost of $6.50) putting everything I have up for sale at a great price (assuming I even sell off all the eartips and cables I won’t be using) doesn’t quite cover the debt I’ve racked up trying so many things. It’ll be worth a shot. I’ll hit up the sale thread with a price list soon, some photos may have to be “on demand” because of time commitments.


Yeah I don’t think there is anyway to end up positive in this hobby…


Can confirm, but I knew that from the start :wink:

I’ll be keeping my eye out for this for sure. There’s always room for more cables and tips in the stable. But I definitely don’t think this hobby is for the faint of heart. Especially if you live in the US - trying sets out is next to impossible unless you have some good friends and colleagues on these forums that are willing to send out their sets. You end up losing a lot of money on sets you hope are great, hear awesome things about, then you end up buying it and oh no, it doesn’t fit, or, it’s sibilant etc. The thrill of the chase if you will!


can list things for 50% off msrp and people still won’t bite lol… how I got my Moondrop Illuminations for like 70% off… but am also stuck with like 10 things that won’t sell

yeah love it when people say “why don’t you just try them out before buying” I don’t have any “hifi” audio stores anywhere near me… and amazon tax sucks for things I might want to keep so china orders it usually is


Correct - I bet if a company opened up a store in say, NY, it would do really well. I’m not sure where you’re from exactly, but a drive to NY is about 4 hours for me. That’d be worth a drive, especially to test out a TOTL set for example. Plus, I love NY lol

Edit: I just looked up audio stores in NY and to my surprise there is actually a dedicated Headphone store in NY …… definitely going to check it out next time I visit.


Don’t you even start with that! LOL

Yeah isn’t audio46 there?

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That’s the exact store I found - and to think I visited last year and didn’t know about this place :upside_down_face:

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Audio46 is very good. There’s also the Headphone Annex but their selection is smaller.

Audio46 seems to have a ridiculous inventory - just checked out their site, they have fantastic selection. I must visit, I’ve always wanted to try a high end open back planar on a nice rig.


Well it happened today. My first IEM has suffered a malfunction. The left IEM of the resin Kinda Lava has lost bass. No idea how it happened. KL has been babied and either on my desk our in my ears. Hasn’t even ever left the house. Was jamming out today and lost bass in the left ear. Close inspection shows that the sound tube became disconnected from the DD. Shell is clear so I’m able to see internally. Looks like maybe the glue that held the DD to the shell didn’t stay connected as the DD is moving around and rattles on the shell. Not sure how warranty will work as I’m not the original owner. Hopefully smooth and some type of warranty. Talk seems to point to not having much luck shipping back to Letshouer due to the mail career. @shuoer can you offer any insight? These are the pair originally belonging to @nymz.


Damn, thats a bummer. Could u share some pics?

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Not sure if you can make it out. My guess is the glue bonding the DD to the shell was not secure enough and therefore it was only a matter of time before it came off the tube. It is what it is. Unfortunate but no one’s fault. Hopefully warranty will cover it.


That’s so sad - I hope it works out for you, brother.

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MN/ND has nothing besides speakers within 8 hours that I’ve found

I feel for you - Boston is the same way. Not a single headphone store to be found - there is one place in Cambridge that specializes in home audio, our dealership has done a few events with them as a sponsor. The rep said they have some Focal units to test in house but that’s about it - damn.

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Gonna have to start saving up CANJAM money…

Already planning on it :smirk: