IEM discussion thread (Part 1)

At least your tip collection looks way better organized than mine.

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Being big into this hobby seemsā€¦ Kinda scaryā€¦ iems seem a lot moreā€¦ utilitarian than bigger headphones (which are already utilitarian). You find one that works with you and then constantly use it because being that one person with a huge headphone on the go is illegal in at least 14 States and 2 countries

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I just get whatā€™s good for <200 CAD and wait a couple years til they break or Iā€™m fed up with them. I might ditch wired IEMs considering Iā€™m spending the equivalent amount to true wireless with better QC and warranty.

I try. It feels like itā€™s getting out of control. I thought one of those organizers would be more than enough. I gave the rest to my girlfriend. I had to take them back as I ran out of space.

Get out while you still can!

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I just need non douchey Iems that sounds great with a spotify playlist that is apparently pretty shaped and heavy (like legit i just need one open back, one closed back, and one iem and thats it)

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i think i will go with the final E3000ā€¦ if I donā€™t like them i will tell you and you can see what other sound signature I might like insteadā€¦ i hope its good

You referring to the vk4? They are pretty great for the price. Good imaging soundstage timbre in the treble can be metallic but barely noticable. Occasionally sibilant not enough to really bother me all the time but enough not to daily drive them , the mids are ok and the bass is present with pretty good extension. They are like a slightly less natural sounding more sibilant mh755

also i dont trust aliexpress mostly because I know some shady and low quality shit can be on there and would rather use something official like linsoul, Shenzhen audio, or an official store website to buy or if Iā€™m really desperate Iā€™ll go give bezos my money

linsoul = DD audio store, shenzhen audio and many other are there too.

As long as you buy it from a well known place it is no problem at all, and aliexpress keeps the money until you got the product and then deliver it to the seller.

Got yanked because of buyer feedback. Cash money. I donā€™t give a fuck what other reviewers think hence my hype of BLON 03 for months and months. I am not friends with any reviewers. I donā€™t do podcasts with others. They are strangers to me as much as you are.

I like Roland but it appeal was uniqueness and that is not a reason to hype something. A lesson learned and not repeated.

Stick to the Music. Describe the music. What sounds wrong? What sounds right?
Thatā€™s all i do now.
MEST has been out for 6 months. No hype. Itā€™s just a beast with my library and is a prime example of howā€¦sayā€¦
ODIN with itā€™s graph embargo and friends of Empire gets attention because of those ā€œfriendsā€ and MEST does a loaner tour and wellā€¦that ainā€™t gonna do it

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You guys have any recommendations for a KZ/CCA IEM. Looking to try something new (but really just itching to buy another IEM).

Already looking at a few choices:

CCA: C10 PRO, CA16

Currently rocking BLON 03 and absolutely in love with them.

Hey guys, is it absolutely necessary to get an upgrade cable and eartips for the blon 03? Would I be missing out on anything if I use the stock cable and tips?

The biggest and most important reason why people suggest you change the tips/cable is that the stock ones are very bad with fit. So if you can get a good fit/seal no need to buy anything else (as getting more tips/cables will just make the value of the 03 drop). But for me and for many others changing them are a must to get a seal/fit.

I recommend you change the tips to the Azla sedna tips (you can also put a ā€œO-ringā€ on it to extend the nozzle a bit) and see how it goes if the cable still bothers you then feel free to change it.

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So it would mostly be to do with the tips and the cable would just be an aesthetic change?

Both the cable and tip change is to help with the fit.

Oh ok I see, which relatively low cost cable would you recommend?

Since the 03 is so cheap, I would normally advice against getting a cable that is close to it in price.

But this one is the best cable I would recommend, extremely low measurements and very good build quality:

or this:

Lastly this:

Those 3 cables are my top 3 recs for cables, for all iems.

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Awesome thanks man! Will give them a look

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I have posted some info on them here:

cant find my post on the Faaeal cable, but that is my nr 1 recā€¦

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Anyone try the KZ ZAX yet? Iā€™ve been hearing some good stuff about it lately