IEM discussion thread (Part 1)

BGGAR just did a compare to the CCA C16, which I guess is very similar and says he prefers the C16 because of some treble sharpness on the ZAX. Haven’t heard them for myself, but have been interested to see what people think of them as more get delivered since my ZS10-PRO set is starting to crumble around the connector.

i think i might just not be ready for chifi

Thats too bad. I have purchased around 70 iems and probably half as many cables from aliexpress and hifigo without any problems.

Only iem I had any QC problems with was the Ibasso IT00 and ironically I ordered that with a store in europe (advancedmp3players).

did i mention this is kinda scary

i just want one IEM

not a collection

I mean you are going to run into this problem (if it will fit, if you will like the signature or driver config, QC) in all iems, not just chi-fi.

If you just want one iem that can do it all, I would suggest the Fiio FH3 and it is available with amazon too.

I personally agree. You could also go with the Blon BL-03 if you don’t want to spend as much as the FH3.

The thing about the FH3 is… As I’m reading more and more users impressions, some people are disappointed in the FH3 because from the hype, they are expecting something “better” to their ears than anything they have ever heard before. People need to remember that the FH3 is a 130 dollar IEM that easily is competing and IMO is more enjoyable to listen to compared to many IEMs 2x, 3x, 4x+ its price bracket.

I’m also hearing complaints that the FH3 has too much bass for their personal preference. I wouldn’t consider the FH3 a basshead’s IEM, but maybe I should begin warning people that the bass is on the heavy side for some.

The FH3 doesn’t do much “better” than other IEMs. It doesn’t have the widest sound stage. It doesn’t have incredible detail in the mids or highs. But IMO, it does bass better than any IEM I’ve heard. And that’s it’s big selling point for me, in addition to its incredible value.

So if you do not prefer elevated bass, or do not care about the bass being extremely good bass… Extremely fast, textured, dynamic and tight. The FH3 may not appeal to you. As well as the mids and treble frequencies being relaxed and a more fun sound signature.

Personally, this is exactly my preferences and matches up with my music library extremely well. Getting this kind of control over metal bass is very impressive. But if you listen to stuff recorded without low bass or sub bass, (older recordings) you’re not even going to be able to understand what I’m talking about.

As BGGAR/Chris/Hawaii Bad Boy says in his video reviews. Listen to Big Boi, Kill Jill. This track should be in every audiophiles test tracks for sibilant vocals and sub bass. If the female vocalist in the beginning is sibilant on your set, there’s a problem with the treble on your set.

If your set cannot reproduce the 3 huge sub bass hits with authority. Your set has issue producing proper sub bass.

Playing the Kill Jill track, most of my headphones can’t even reproduce the the sub bass at all or it is hardly audible.

These are the things many of us are looking for when comparing these sets. Technical capabilities that are tangible that can or can’t be heard. And when they can be heard, how well are they depicted? Are they clear? Do they lack detail? Are they authoritative if they’re supposed to be? Do things sound as if they’re pushed into the background or are they forward?

There’s a WHOLE LOT MORE to what some of us are doing when we are critically listening & recommending a set other than if you like what you hear when you sit back and casually listen to your tune that was recorded back in the 1960s.


The reason I didnt mention the 03 is because the fit can be a nightmare for some. And they seem to just want a working iem OOTB, so that is not a good rec in my opinion.

Funny, the Blon and Urbanfun fit me really well… Better than a lot of IEMs like the Thieaudio stuff.

I think the Blon is incredible value and sounds better than a lot of IEMs in general.

The Blon works out of the box. For most, people, it’s probably more than enough. We’re the crazy ones.

I agree that the blon sounds great, but that is after I mesh modded it and tip-rolled to hell and back.

And based on what I have seen on head-fi, there are a lot of people that have a hard time with the fit of the blon.

But for cheaper iems that should work OOTB, you have the JadeAudio EA1 (same as the Fiio FD1 but cheaper with less accessories, Jadeaudio = Fiio), Tin Hifi T2 plus for example.

(I havent tried them, but heard good things about them.)

Then we have the dirt cheap new KZ EDX (8 usd, single DD) lol.


Unpopular opinion here I know, but buying a couple of good iems is likely a much better investment than a load of mediocre ones…


That is why I posted this lol:IEM discussion thread

Of course I learned that the hard way. :joy:

Little and large :heart: them both…


Well guys, the IEMs I ordered for my little brothers would probably be arriving soon as I expected. They are QKZ CK5s or something, since they are cheap and heard some good things about it regarding the sounds, I have decided to give it to my little brothers since I really am pissed they are still using their shitty earbuds and my other little brother right now is borrowing my MH751s for online classes. So yeah, a gift for them would help them a lot and yes I would rather get my CM MH751 right now than having my ATR2500 Mic for voice use.

Even though I don’t own those, I love the P1s man.

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What is this “mesh mod”. I’d like to hear more about it. What it does, how to do it, etc… Never heard of it.


Those are the same tips I use on the Blon. That IER-Z1R size scares the hell out of me!

It makes the bass much cleaner and tighter, while adding some clarity in the treble (also a bit higher in quantity, but fine for me). I love it with that mesh mod and it can compete against much other expensive stuff. Stock is great for the price but doesnt punch much above it due to bloated bass.

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For those of you keeping track (if anyone even cares)…

I was sent the wrong color FH5 and I was very unimpressed with their sound. Well… I received the proper set today.

I’m getting pretty tired of this. They sound nothing like the previous set I received. These sound great. The mids are about perfect and the treble sits right bout in between the FH3 and FH7. I’m reserving judgement on the bass for more listening/critical listening.

Why… Why… Why can’t these sets sound the same? I feel like I have to take back my impressions of the products constantly. It’s really upsetting never knowing what you’re going to get, let alone trying to help others understand what they sound like or what they might get if they purchase a pair. UGH.

The timbre of the Blon is fantastic. The only issue with it I have is that the bass is quite soft and messy. I’ll look into this. Sounds like it will be perfect for me.

As always, thank you for your vast knowledge base Rikudou_Goku.

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Funny but they fit better than the P1’s lol…considering their ‘size and weight’ they’re as comfy to wear as the FH7 or Andro’s for long listening sessions…I too was a bit worried about fit etc, but :raised_back_of_hand::raised_back_of_hand: up absolutely no issues what so ever even after 4hrs+ listening :+1: