IEM discussion thread (Part 1)

Awesome to hear. It just doesn’t appear possible. They look huge. lol!

I have the P1 and they are the smallest IEM I own. But the Sony looks huge next to it :grimacing:
Would love to try them out though!

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I thought we could rely on Fiio, but now you make me rethink that. This is the primary reason for me NOT to but chifi IEM’s. No matter the cost, you should be able to trust what you buy, but if their QC is as random as thowing a dice, then I’m out.

I have not heard about QC problems like this from non-chifi IEM brands, so they may be cheap, but so is their attitude!!

Thats what we usually call bloated or a bleeding bass lol. But yeah the mesh mod upgraded the 03 a few levels for me.

If you dont have any spare filters yet, you could just try it out filterless and see if you like it like that. It is pretty much what you hear with the mesh mod too and if you remove the stock mesh very careful it is fully reversible. So if you dont like it like that you can just put it back.

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Well, bad QC isnt exclusive to chi-fi just look at the Campfire Audio Solaris lol.

4 different units, 4 different sounds.

Drastic difference.

And they charged like 1500 usd for that.

I did as well. My FH7 was flawless. I thought my first FH3 failing was possibly my fault. The next two I’ve received have been fine. The first FH5 sounded pretty bad. It almost sounded as if there was a channel imbalance (which is very possible). The bass was very soft and I remember saying to myself, some reviewers have said the FH7 has a strange tonality (Crin and BGGAR) but the FH5 sounded tonally much stranger than either the FH7 or FH3. I realize now that not only was that unit not the color I ordered but was defective.

This FH5 sounds very, Very good to my ears.

I’m not going to accept a product if it sounds bad, so I guess I’ll keep trying until it’s right. I know Fiio can make great stuff I love.

Question for you guys on this FH5 I just received. I’ve never experienced anything like this EVER. Get this… I popped the FH5 into my Monolith THX. and turned on my music, and it blasted my ears. I stopped the music immediately shaking thinking there was something wrong with this amp. I went into my other room with my Fiio Q5s. Fired it up and again the music was blasting but I was ready for it this time. I reduced the volume in my computer to almost nothing and turned the music on again. I raised the volume in the computer to a reasonable amount, then changed the volume knob on the amp from almost off to all the way up and there was NO CHANGE in volume!!! WTF??? So it was as if the amp was on full blast on both amps and the only way to change the volume was the source no matter if I changed the amp volume. I unplugged the FH5, changed tips and plugged it back in, making sure the plug was well seated and everything was back to normal with the source being able to be at max and the amp controlling volume again.

Ever hear of anything like this? It has to be an issue with the cable right? But it worked itself out???

Problem with that strategy is that you dont know if the bad sound is actually how it sounds like lol. :joy:


This actually happened with my “dark” Legacy 3. It wasn’t bad and I prefer a slightly dark set, but my Legacy 3 had very little treble at all. I guess not representative of what a lot of people got.

The L3 is pretty known to have a lot of unit variation so not a surprise there. :smirk:

I just ripped the mesh out of one of my Blon’s and listening to it now. It’s freaking amazing what a 26 dollar IEM is capable of.


This is a photo of how I use Spinfits on the Blon. The AZLA SednaEarfit XELASTEC also work extremely well on the Blon for sound and fit. Anyway… The Blon has a nozzle that allows the tip to not need to be pressed all the way down the nozzle. If you’re using a CP100 or CP145 Spinfit, they fit tight enough to grip the nozzle properly. I recommend anyone to try this if they have fit issues with the Blon.

It looks like Ohmboy is doing the exact same thing.


Yeah. I’m listening to Animals as Leaders, Jason Richard, David Maxim Micic, Rolo Tomassi etc… and it’s sad how less musical it sounds on FH3 compared to a simple Blon BL-03 for instrumentals.

I was impressed with the FH3 listening to the new Lamb of God album, Pantera, Slayer… but it’s cheating. These albums sound amazing with everything.

That is exactly what a simple O-ring does lol. Except you can push it down all the way until it touches the O-ring.

Oh a pantera fan. I only listen to this single track by them but its great:

(You can probably guess why, based on the comments lol.)


The Blon has groove so you don’t need the O-ring. The Urbanfun does not. I have to use an O-ring with the Urbanfun.

The O-ring makes it possible for me to use the spiral dots ++. Otherwise it doesnt stay on the nozzle as azla sedna tips does.

I’ve been singing the praises of the Blon for a while now. Everyone should hear it with the XELASTEC tips. It’s too bad many have fit issues with it. It is a very impressive little IEM and at its price? DUH!

yeah I love it, but with all the other purchases you most likely need for it (tips, cables) it really isnt as cheap as it looks.

Makes me really wonder why Blon decided to discontinue the Cardinal/bluejay when they are the improved 03 everyone is asking…


I wonder if there can be a way to gauge what the QC of an iem might be like depending on the materials and drivers it’s comprised of.

Not likely. Although I do think that having more drivers should mean a higher risk of failure.

@PapaEmeritus how do you like the no-filter blon 03 vs stock?