IEM discussion thread (Part 1)

I only got to listen to it briefly yesterday but did not think it sounded offensive. The bass sounded more defined than usual.

I’ll do some listening right now and get back with more impressions.

REACTIONS: Going back and forth, they are actually really close. At first I thought it sounded brighter than I remembered, but after listening critically, the treble sounds about the same. I think the only difference I can hear is that the bass might be a bit tighter.

I don’t think it matters much. If you’re concerned about something getting into the IEM or earwax, leave the filter on, but if those aren’t an issue/you keep your ears clean, you might benefit from the mesh being removed if tightening up the bass sounds like an improvement. But we’re not talking about major differences here for sure.

Either way, after doing a lot of listening on other sets and coming back to the Blon… This is an unbelievable set. IT’s amazing how good it sounds. If you try to put out of your mind that the Blon only costs 26 dollars and just listen to the sound, it sounds incredible at any price.

I think I prefer it to the FH5 for a great all-rounder. I prefer that added treble. The FH5 sounds a little dull in comparison. The Blon is a little more lively and has a tad more contrast.

Definetly prefer it to the IBasso IT00

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If you like it like that, you can add a 3rd party mesh filter from aliexpress. no need to worry about earwax and it is the same as filterless.

They are found under the name “dust network”:

EDIT: here are the graphs for different mods for the 03:

I’m not worried about it. I store all my IEMs in cases when they’re not being used and never take them outside. I clean my ears all the time and don’t have an issue with wax. I use Apple ear pods for on the go/outside.

well, thats fine I guess. Although I would be worried about dust or other shit getting inside so I would get some filters for it. :joy:

I’ve got a bunch of them. Not worried.

lol, I try to not get duplicates. The only iron rule I have managed to keep under these 2 years lol. :joy:

While I keep breaking promises of not buying anything for a while. :joy:

I broke that promise today by buying 4 pairs of earbuds, although I technically said I wont buy any iems for a while and NOT earbuds :joy:

(…you know you are addicted when you need to find loop holes and excuses for your own promises :sweat_smile:)



A decent cable this time, 3 different tips (whirlwind and Sony hybrids plus one other), 5 filters + 2 switch modes = 10 configs.

Add in the A6 filters and we get 28 configs lol. :joy:

oh and a wooden packaging box, thats rare.


i just bought the blon bl05 (also have the shp9500), and I’m planning on using it on my ps4, can the BTR5 make them sound better and also work on my ps4 ?? it doesn’t have to be connected via Bluetooth.

sorry for my horrible English

I would take something like the or the larger XD05 . But the BTR line up would do the trick if the PS4 recognize the USB-Dac mode of the BTR…

@Rikudou_Goku been enjoying the lz a6 , trying to find the best filter though, pretty neat changing them out and hearing the differences. The lz a6 seems very non offensive all around, with certain filters. Bass isn’t crazy deep at all, and doesnt bleed in. Highs are pretty special and mids are pretty good. Thanks for the suggestion. The Mangird Teas are comparable i think, but the lz a6 seems to be more smoother. Teas had more air in the highs. But haven’t listened to the lz a6 too much yet. If you could give me advice on which filters to use, for a solid detailed, but not too deep bass response, lush somewhat forward mids, and not to harsh highs, that would be much appreciated. Thanks again

Well, to me the pink is the only useable one for me since the others had too much treble for me. So best that you try them out yourself.

That is a big advantage of the A6, being able to fine tune it more to your personal taste. :smiley:

Yea, pink seems the way to go so far, but maybe too much sub bass for my tastes.

The red should be the next step with some more treble. As you increase the treble, you percieve less of the bass.

The question is if you can handle it though. So just experiment on your own. :+1:t2:

Red seems to be fine, bass is good, maybe not detailed enough, mids are nice,lush, and forward. Highs aren’t bad at all really.

I am treble sensitive so I cant handle more treble. But the A6 shines more the more treble you can use.

Yea treble is nice on these, but i tend to shy away from too much treble as well. Im also using azla tips, what do you reccomend?

I use the Final Audio Type E tips. But if the azla fits you better then use them instead, getting a full seal is always better than using a “better” tip.

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To the very few people who care, these IEMs are my endgame for the forseeable future. Maybe in the future I’ll go get an ear mold for custom IEMs. I went from Blon BL-03 and Tin T2s to Moondrop Starfields (which I returned because I think I got a bad pair) to these. I’m also avoiding most Chi-fi IEMs now due to QC concerns. They come with both Spinfit and Dekoni tips. I did my research and apparently although these are made in China, they are individually checked in South Korea to properly ensure every sold pair was properly tuned. AME is also a custom IEM company (take a look at the crazy prices of their other IEMs) so when they made a non-custom IEM for cheap I decided to give it a try. I am thoroughly impressed.


What were your first impressions?

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